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Research Area 1 – Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies: People, Knowledge and Practices

Research in this area aims at further developing understandings of displacements that impact people, knowledge and practices by exploring the ways they are transformed as they pass through space and time. The term ‘displacement’ covers the whole scope of mobilities, flows and circulations related to people, material and cultural goods and ideas. Displacement entails renegotiating and reshaping the content it affects. Indeed, it involves crossing borders, whether symbolic or concrete, where interactions, exchanges, contacts and frictions can occur. Continue reading Research Area 1 – Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies: People, Knowledge and Practices

Research area 2 – Norms & Transgressions

Contemporary discourses on freedom of expression, multiculturality, emigration or sexuality persistently toy with the notion of transgression. Transgression can be viewed as a strategy adopted by various actors–religious, cultural, social–to claim and legitimate such norms they deem alternative to the established hierarchies, conventions, traditions, canons and laws. As a discourse, transgression contests the absolute authority of the existing norms, and questions their performative power with its own. As a practice though, it leans on a repertoire of actions (violence, humour, silence, and so forth), which do not necessarily imply any assertion nor self-awareness, for social practices of transgression cannot be reduced to their moral comment. Continue reading Research area 2 – Norms & Transgressions

Research Area 3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces

This research focus is based on both an empirical and a symbolic definition of space (social, geographical, historiographical), considered as a construction prompted by practices and experiences.

Experiencing space is framed by the layout imposed by objects– architectural, instrumental, or common–as demonstrated by current research on the social life of objects, which grasps them in their interactions with individuals and groups. Such an everyday experience of objects is intertwined with a range of symbolical structures: mental mapping, through which space is both surveyed and imagined; traces of a presence/absence, which are open to the archaeology of events both gone and surviving; palimpsests, with their time layers; and boundaries, both concrete and symbolical, through which space is defined, classified, organized and made one’s own. Continue reading Research Area 3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces

L’Europe médiane au XXe siècle. Fractures, décompositions – recompositions – surcompositions (2011)

europe-mediane-cefresL’Europe médiane au XXe siècle. Fractures, décompositions – recompositions – surcompositions, sous la direction de Paul GRADVOHL, Prague, CEFRES, 2011, 285 p.

ISBN 978-80-86311-23-4

Pour surmonter quelques a priori et approximations contradictoires, les auteurs réunis dans ce recueil proposent diverses approches de l’ Europe centrale considérée dans un cadre élargi à ce que l’on appelle l’Europe médiane, sans exclure donc les mondes allemand, balte, russe, turc, balkanique ou italien.
En l’absence de territoires unifiés et uniformes nationalement, ce sont les analyses à grande échelle (quartier, petite ville, exploitation agricole…) qui dégagent des formes de pluralité parfaitement compréhensibles. Continue reading L’Europe médiane au XXe siècle. Fractures, décompositions – recompositions – surcompositions (2011)

Communists and Uprisings = Komunisti a povstania (2012)

Communists and Uprisings. Ritualisation of Remembrance of the Anti-Nazi Uprisings in Central Europe (1945–1960) = Komunisti a povstania. Ritualizácia pripomínania si protifašistických povstaní v strednej Európe (1945–1960)
Michal Kšiňan (a kol.)
Kraków, Towarzystwo Słowaków w Polsce 2012, 283 p.
ISBN : 978-83-7490-508-4

The aim of this book is to analyse the celebrations and commemorations of anti-fascist uprisings in the Central Europe in the years 1945–1960. Specifically, we dealt with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943), the Warsaw Uprising (1944), the Slovak National Uprising (1944) and the Prague Uprising (1945). The research of commemoration and forgetting individual uprisings can also serve as an instrument for investigation of the communist regimes as such in Czechoslovakia and Poland. In this book we focused on three types of problems : 1. the attitude of official historiography or journalism of that time to the uprisings ; 2. analysis of official or unofficial memory places of uprisings ; 3. celebrations of the uprisings. Continue reading Communists and Uprisings = Komunisti a povstania (2012)

Hosting High-Level Researchers. ANR Call 2015

The French National Research Agency has just published the second edition of the “Hosting High-Level Researchers” call. This funding instrument dedicated to individuals and open to all scientific fields enables “junior” or “senior” researchers from any country to carry out an ambitious research project in a reputed institution in France. The ANR funding is designed to help French laboratories fulfil their role as host and researchers to conduct their research.

See the description of the program on the site of the French National Research Agency.

See the 2015 call.

The call closing date is scheduled for 29th May 2015.