2 Calls for French Institutes of Advanced Studies: Toulouse and Lyon

Two calls are currently available for IAS in Toulouse and Lyon. You can look for new calls on the NEFIAS website.

  • Call for IAST in the fields of anthropology, biology, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology. Eligible applicants are active researchers who have completed their PhD after January 2013 and before September 2015.  The IAST offers candidates an opportunity to devote themselves full time to their research at the start of their careers. Fellows are provided with office space, computer facilities and a salary for two years, renewable for a third year. Deadline is 18 November 2015.

Check the call here.

  • Call for Collegium de Lyon for a residence starting 1 September 2016. Deadline is 1 January 2016

Chech the selection process here.