Selected Projects | CEFRES 2024 Non-residential Fellowships for Ukrainian Researchers

CEFRES fellowships for Ukrainian researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2024.
Selected projects

On behalf of CEFRES as well as the institutions gathered in the CEFRES Platform, the CNRS, the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague, thanks to the financial support of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, CNRS and Charles University, we are pleased to announce that 16 grants have been awarded in  2024.

List of non-residential fellows in 2024

  1. ADADUROV Vadym, Ukrainian Catholic University, Cultural integration strategies and the intellectual network of a Ukrainian emigrant: the non-statistical case of Elie Borschak
  2. ANKHIM Oleksi, Ivan Franko State University, Transnational Literature: Conceptualization, Research Methodology, Poetics (Based on Modern German Language Literature by Authors of Ukrainian Origin)
  3. DEREVINSKYI Vasyl , Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, The Voice of the Unconquered: an Alternative opinion of Publications of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union in Soviet Ukraine (1988–1989)
  4. DUMANSKA Ilona, Khmelnytskyi National University, Digital Transformation of the Economy and Development of IT Entrepreneurship in Today’s Challenges and Priorities of the Post-War Reconstruction of Ukraine
  5. GERBUT, Victoria, Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Law, Gender Identity and Expression. Theoretical and Legal Perspective
  6. GNATIUK Mykola, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ukraine’s European Integration Path: Consequences of the Contemporary Russia-Ukraine War
  7. HRYNIUK Diana, National University of Kyiv, Cultural Heritage at Risk: Museums of Kyiv Region after De-Occupation and during the Russian War in Ukraine
  8. KHUDISH Pavlo, Uzhhorod National University, Jewish Property Redistribution and Antisemitism in Postwar Transcarpathia, 1944-1946
  9. KOZAK Nazar, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Displaced Performers: Artmaking at the EU/Ukraine’s State Border
  10. LITVINOVA Maryna, Kherson Educational-Scientific Institute of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mosaic Thinking as An Evolution of Cognitive Abilities in a Digital Society
  11. MATVEIEVA Natalia, Volodymyr Hnaituk National Pedagogical University, Language Biographies of Temporarily Internally Displaced Ukrainians in the Context of the Full-Scale Russian-Ukrainian War
  12. MOMOT Volodymyr, Alfred Nobel University, A Challenging Mercy Gesture – Ukrainian Refugees in the EU Countries
  13. MYRONENKO, Viktoriia, Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Visual Propaganda During the War:  Methods of Nazi Germany and  Contemporary Russia
  14. SHEVTSOV Sergii, I.I.Mechnikov National University, Borders of Transgression: Violence of Norms and Violence of Violations
  15. SHUMYLOVYCH, Bohdan, Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe, L’viv & Ukrainian Catholic University, L’viv, Late(post)Soviet Ukrainian art: urban creative groups and their involvement with the place/space of the 1980s-1990s
  16. TSAR Ivanna, National Academy of Sciences, Language Behavior of Ukrainian Youth during the Russian-Ukrainian War

More information on the programme here.