Giuseppe Bianco: Research & CV

The Construction of a Philosophical International Through World Congresses of Philosophy between 1900 and 1940

Research Area 1: Displacements, Dépaysements and Discrepancies.


My current research aims at appraising the history of world congresses of philosophy between 1900 and 1940, and the way European philosophers strove to translate and exchange their concepts. I am taking into consideration these fifty years through which European philosophers attempted to create a transnational community, and a common vocabulary and language. This case study is not limited to the texts and their content, but also encompasses the social, technical and economical aspects of this endeavour to spread concepts. This phenomenon implies a complex dynamic not undevoided of struggles engaging several actors (such as the authors, the societies, magazines, governments and so forth), which unfold both in the national and the international space.

While at CEFRES I will focus on the study of the archives of a world congress which took place in Prague between 2 and 7 September 1934.



2009: PhD in Philosophy, Lille 3 University. Supervisor: Frédéric Worms.

2003: MA in Philosophy, Paris 8 University. Supervisor: Alain Badiou.

2002: BA in Philosophy, University of Trieste, Italy.

Professional Experience

2015—: Post-doctoral researcher, IRPHIL, Lyon III University.

2015: Fellow, New York University (USA).

2014-2015: Fellow, Institute of Advances Studies, Paris.

2014:  Invited Lecturer, UFSCAR, University of Sao Carlos (Brazil).

2011-2014: Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Warwick (UK).

2010-2011: Post-doctoral researcher, École normale supérieure, Paris.

2009-2010: Researcher at the Theory Department, Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht (Netherlands).

2006-2008: Invited Researcher, French National Library François Mitterrand.

Selection of publications

See more here

  • Après Bergson. Portrait de groupe avec philosophe, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2014.
Edited books
  • La signification du concret. Philosophie et psychologie chez Georges Politzer (éd.). Paris, Hermann, 2015.
  • The Care of Life (with M. De Beistegui, M. Gracieuse), London, Rowman International, 2014.
  • Interrogating 1960 French Philosophy. Interviews with Alain Badiou (éd. avec T. Tho). Londres, Bloomsbury, 2013.
Articles and book chapters
  • « Le long et monotone chapelet de l’Esprit universel. Disciplinarisation et internationalisation dans les congrès de philosophie », Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, no. 4, 2014, pp. 483-97.
  • « Un texte de Bergson sur Kant », Annales bergsoniennes, t. VII, 2014, pp. 12-18.
  • “The Origins of Canguilhem’s “Vitalism”. Against the Anthropology of Irritation”, in Charles T. Wolve, S. Normandin (eds.), Vitalism and the Scientific Image in post-Englightement Life Science, 1800- 2010, London, Springer, 2012, pp. 243-67.
  • « Intuition Vs Concept? Bergson in XX Century French philosophy », European Legacy, n. 45, 2012, pp. 855-872.
  • « Pacifisme et théorie des passions. Alain et Canguilhem », in Michel Murat, Frédéric Worms (éd.), Alain entre philosophie et littérature, Paris, Rue d’Ulm Éditions, 2012, pp. 129-150.