Assessing 1968: Intertwining Experiences from Paris, Prague and Berlin

Venue: Maison de l’Europe, Jungmannova 24, 110 00 Prague 1
: 5-8:30 PM
Organizers: CEFRES and IFP
Partners: Centre Marc Bloch, Institut français de Berlin et Université Paris Nanterre, avec le soutien de l’Institut français de Paris
Language: Czech and French (with simultaneous interpretation)

This discussion on the memory of 1968 on the basis of the 2018 commemorations in Berlin, Prague and Nanterre (Paris) will benefit from the testimonies and discussions with film director Olga Sommerová and writer and journalist Eda  Kriseová.


5 PM – Ouverture par Jean-François Balaudé, président de l’Université Paris Nanterre

5:25 – The memory of 68 in the light of the 1968 commemorations in Nanterre, Berlin and Prague


  • Luc Lévy (Prague)
  • Pierre-Jérôme Adjedj (Berlin)
  • Sylvie Robic et Isabelle Rivoal (Paris)

6:25 – Interview with Eda Kriseová, as a witness of Prague 1968 by Marie Černá (ÚSD AV ČR)

19h10 Screening and discussion with director Olga Sommerová

Excerpts from:

  • Věra 68 (2012)
  • Magický hlas rebelky (2014)

Moderator: Luc Lévy, director of the French Institute in Prague