Clément Steuer: Research and CV

Party systems in the Midle East and North Africa in a comparative perspective

Research Area 1: Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies: People Knowledge and Practices

Contact: steuer(@)

Clément Steuer is a  Political sociologist, senior researcher at the Institute of International Relations, Prague. He is conducting research on political party systems in the Middle East and North Africa.

His project aims to study the circulation of partisan models in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. The aim is both to contribute to improving knowledge of these parties, which are real gateways to the societies of the region, and to question the theoretical models constructed on the narrow basis of the study of Western parties alone. The countries of the region present a certain number of particularities concerning social cleavages and their formation. Moreover, the ideas, symbols, forms of organization and activists of the various political parties circulate from one country to another, within the area under study of course, but also sometimes from (or towards) countries outside it, and the most powerful parties often seek to export their models beyond their borders.

This work will be based not only on field surveys and interviews with leaders, elected officials and activists of various political parties, but also on more quantitative studies (lexicometry; presence/absence of various themes) based on the political programs of the parties represented in the parliaments of several countries.



2010:  PhD in Political Science, Lumière University, Lyon

2007: Bachelor in Arabic language, University of Provence, Aix-Marseille

2004: Master of Arts in Political Science, Lyon Institute of Political Sciences

2002: Diploma of Toulouse Institute of Political Sciences

Teaching assignments

2020 and 2017: Interventions in Master courses, Institute for the Study of Economic and Social Development, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (12h)

2018: Lecturer, Charles University (20h)

2018, 2016 and 2015: Lecturer, Prague University of Economics and Business (60h)

2017, 2016, 2015 and 2013: Lecturer, Cairo University (108h)

2015 and 2013: Lecturer, French University of Egypt (72h)

2008-2010: Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER) in Political Science, Lyon Institute of Political Science (192h)

2004-2005:  Lecturer, Lyon Institute of Political Science (192h)

Selected publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles
  • 2021. “Representing the people in the street or in the ballot box? The revolutionary coalition campaign during the 2011 Egyptian elections”, Mediterranean Politics, vol. 26, iss. 1, p. 97-116 :
  • 2020. “‘Like Sugar in Tea’: Competing Imaginaries and the Reinforcement of the Idea of a Nation-State in Egypt”, Archiv Orientální, supp. XI, p. 59-77 :
  • 2020. Avec Adrien Doron, « Quelle contre-révolution en Tunisie et en Égypte ? L’héritage du RCD et du PND dans les systèmes partisans et le secteur de l’économie informelle », Confluences Méditerranée, n° 115, p. 129-144 :
  • 2020. « Les élections, principal théâtre de la crise de l’État égyptien », Maghreb-Machrek, n° 243, p. 41-55 :
  • 2020. « Les Frères musulmans égyptiens face à la pluralisation de l’offre militante islamiste », L’Année du Maghreb, vol. 22, p. 169-184 :
  • 2019. Avec Dilek Yankaya et Hassan Zouaoui, « Nommer l’islam politique. Répertoire lexical d’un réformisme et ses réappropriations locales dans les noms de partis islamistes », Mots. Les langages du politique, n° 120, p. 145-163 :
  • 2019. « Qu’est-ce qu’un parti fondé sur une base religieuse ? Interprétations concurrentes d’une catégorie juridique dans le contexte politique égyptien », Social Compass, vol. 66, iss. 3, p. 318-332.
Scientific communications
  • 31 March 2021. « La fragmentation du système partisan tunisien (2014-2019) », L’état de la démocratie en Afrique francophone, Chaire Senghor pour la Francophonie de l’Université de Bucarest, En ligne
  • 25 January 2021, « Qu’est-ce qu’un parti séculier en Égypte ? », L’Égypte dix ans après : confrontation et hybridation des modèles, ERC TARICA, Paris, En ligne
  • 5-17 October 2020, “The Intra-secular Cleavages in North Africa”, 54th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Washington, Online
  • 6-7 December 2019, “Discrediting the Revolution in Political Discourse: the Role of Counter-Revolutionary Parties in Egypt”, Beyond 1989. Hopes and Disillusions after Revolutions (A Global Approach), CEFRES, Prague

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