Psychoanalýza v Československu (1918 – 1939)

Psychoanalýza v Československu (1918 – 1939) : Freudovy teorie mezi českým a slovenským uměním, literaturou, filozofií a politikou 

První blok semináře “Rethinking Psychoanalysis in Central Europe: Interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives“ 

Kdy: úterý 19. dubna 2022, od 16:00 do 18:00
Kde: knihovna CEFRESu nebo “online”
Jazyk: anglicky

Organizátor: Agnieszka Sobolewska (University of Warsaw/Sorbonne University/CEFRES)

Hostující řečník : Adam Bzoch (Slovak Academy of Sciences)

Diskutující :

  • Paweł Rodak (University of Warsaw)
  • Jean-François Laplénie (Sorbonne University)

Tandem Kick-off: Home beyond species

Home beyond species. More-than-human dwelling in the age of crises

Launch of the 2022–2024 Tandem project, supported by CEFRES, CNRS and the Czech Academy of Sciences

When: Tuesday 19 April 2022, 1–3 pm
Where: CEFRES and online (to register please contact claire(@)
Language: English
Convenors (2022–2024 Tandem team):
Petr Gibas (Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES),
Chloé Mondémé (Triangle CNRS / CEFRES)

With a key-note speech by Birgit Müller (EHESS):
Toxic Worlds and the Power of Denial

Abstract of the key-note
Bureaucrats and politicians have long turned a blind eye to the accumulation of small toxic doses in soils, groundwater, oceans and in bodies. Toxic waste from industrial processes have been tolerated as a price to pay for living “progress” and “growth. Anthropologists are interested in the capacity of humans to render invisible and deny the toxic evidence, and in the stubborn refusal to observe and understand the real material consequences of our economic and technical system. Denial makes the invisible traces and effects of the catastrophe disappear. A powerful weapon, it allows to normalize a situation in a way that reproduces rational logic while producing a deep abandonment to the evil of non-reflection. To speak of pollution is to recognize its immense power to render a hitherto familiar space uninhabitable. Pokračování textu Tandem Kick-off: Home beyond species