Multiple Bodies in the Context of Vaccination as a Medical Practice
Research Area 2: Norms & Transgressions

The research focuses on understanding the nature and character of vaccination as a medical practice and controversies associated with it. Firstly, it asks How is vaccination done in medical practices?. The project focuses on mandatory vaccination of children in the Czech Republic and, by conducting ethnography, it aims to examine practices, activities and negotiations connected with vaccination in paediatricians’ clinics. Secondly, the research is concerned with bodies in the context of vaccination. It studies practices that enact (un-)vaccinated bodies, various conceptualisations of (un-)vaccinated bodies and their consequences for social debates related to the vaccination.
2018 – : Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology
PhD thesis: Multiple Bodies in the Context of Vaccination as a medical practice
2016–2018: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology
Specialization: Social Anthropology and Qualitative Research Master thesis: Lived Epilepsy: Management of Disease and Embodied Knowledge
2012–2017 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Media studies
Bachelor thesis: I eat, therefore I am: the construction of foodie bloggers identity
2012–2016 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology and Social Anthropology
Bachelor thesis: Workcamp Liminality, or There and Back Again (and the extraordinary experiences that happen between)
Working Experience
- 2019-2020: Teaching Assistant, leading seminars – Introduction to Social Anthropology, Thinking sociologically – an introduction
Charles University in Prague - 2018-2019: Teaching – Seminar in Anthropology II
Charles University in Prague - 2017–2019: Research assistant
Civic Engagement and the Politics of Health Care
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Science - 2017-2019: Teaching Assistant
Leading seminars – History of Sociology
Charles University in Prague - 2017-2018: Public Space Research in Humpolec Town
- 2016–2018: Moral Economies of Contemporary Monasteries in the Czech Republic and in Austria, member of international research team under guidance of Barbora Spalová, Ph.D. and Isabele Jonveux, Ph.D.
Conference Papers
- 2019 SEDLÁČKOVÁ, T. “Body, memory and vaccination in different political regimes”. Accepted for The 2nd International Workshop in Medical Anthropology. Jerusalem.
- 2019 SEDLÁČKOVÁ, T. “Objectified subjectivity: Multiple modes of knowledge production among epileptic patients”. Social Sciences & Health Innovations: Multiplicities. Tomsk.
- 2018 NUMERATO, D., HONOVÁ P. A., SEDLÁČKOVÁ T. “Politicisation, de-politicisation and re-politicisation of health care”. Midterm Conference ESA RN 32. Prague.
- 2018 SEDLÁČKOVÁ, T. “To vax, or not to vax, is that even the question?” Workshop Re-politicising Public Health. King’s College London.
- 2018 SEDLÁČKOVÁ, T., SPALOVÁ, B. “Reinvention of monastic life in the Czech Republic: The agency of material archives of monastic buildings” Biennial Conference of European Association of Social Anthropologists. Stockholm.
- 2018 SEDLÁČKOVÁ, T., SPALOVÁ, et al. ”Moral Economy of Monasteries in the Czech Republic; in the Process of Separating the State and the Church” Annual Conference of Biograf Journal. Mochov.
- Sedláčková, Tereza, and Barbora Spalová. 2019. “The Lived Spirituality Of Czech Monasteries Through Architectural Materiality”. In A Visual Approach To The Study Of Religious Orders: Zooming In On Monasteries, Marcin Jewdokimow and Thomas Quartier, 121-147. New York, NY: Routledge.
- In press: Sedláčková, Tereza. Becoming authentic: Sartrian sadomasochism of fieldwork. Biograf.
- Under review: Vochocová L. / Numerato D. / Sedláčková T. 2020. The Other Side of the Pendulum: Pro-vaccine Online Participation and Trench-warfare Dynamics in a Public Health Controversy. Social Science and Medicine.