Mateusz Chmurski

Mateusz Chmurski is since September 2022 the director of the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences in Prague. Associate Professor of Polish and Central-European Literatures at Faculté des Lettres, Sorbonne Université and Codirector of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Central Europe (CIRCE, UMR 8224 EUR’ORBEM, with Clara Royer, 2018-2022)

He graduated in Polish Literature, Art History and Slavonic studies at the Universities of Warsaw and Paris-Sorbonne. Humboldt Research Fellow at the Humboldt Universtät zu Berlin (2017-2018), International Postdoctoral Fellow at the Université libre de Bruxelles (2016-2017), twice awarded by the START Stipend by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP, 2015, 2016).

Recent publications include the monograph Journal, fiction et identité(s). Modernités littéraires d’Europe centrale (1880-1920) à travers les œuvres de Géza Csáth, Karol Irzykowski et Ladislav Klíma (Paris 2018, Polish ed. Warsaw 2023), coeditor of ten collective volumes incl. La Voïvodine, une région centre-européenne et ses littératures (Paris, 2022), Dominik Tatarka, Le Démon du consentement et autres textes (Paris 2019) Problemy literatury i kultury modernizmu w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej (1867-1918) (vol. 1-3, Warsaw 2017).

See Mateusz Chmurski’s complete CV here.

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