Selected projects | CEFRES Non-residential Fellowships for Ukrainian Researchers

CEFRES fellowships for Ukrainian researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023.
Selected projects

CEFRES received 220 applications representing all regions of Ukraine and almost all disciplines of humanities and social sciences.

On behalf of CEFRES as well as the institutions gathered in the CEFRES Platform, the CNRS, the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague, we are pleased to announce that 16 grants have been awarded so far. The evaluation process was as follows:

The 220 projects were first evaluated by 40 experts affiliated with CEFRES, the Czech Academy of Sciences, Charles University, the University of Bordeaux, the University of Warsaw and the University of Economics in Prague.
On the basis of these evaluations, taking into account the candidates’ career development and the prospects for collaboration with CEFRES and its partners offered by each project, the Management Committee of the CEFRES Platform then selected 16 fellows.

The two lists below are of two types:

  • the list of successful applicants in alphabetical order
  • a waiting list where the candidates are classified in order of call in case of withdrawal of the selected grant holders
  1. Oksana DOVGOPOLOVA, I.I.Mechnikov National University,
    Transforming the Regional Identity in Odesa in Context of Russia-Ukraine War
  2. Viacheslav GREKOV, Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology,
    “National,” “Imperial” “Loyal”: Ukrainian Studies of the History of Rus in the Russian Empire (1805–1860)
  3. Anton HAUK, independent scholar and artist,
    Gaming Practices in A Geopolitical Context, particularly in the Context of Wars
  4. Yevhen Serhiiovych HORB, independent scholar, formerly Mariupol University,
    Human Dimension of War: interactive Map
  5. Hanna CHEMERYS, Zaporizhia National University,
    Development of Methodology of Critical Thinking and Pedagogical Support to Counteract Disinformation and Manipulation of Artificially Reproduced Media Content
  6. Igor LYMAN, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University,
    Mapping and Connecting Ukrainian Science Diaspora in France, Czech Republic, and Visegrád Countries
  7. Maria MAIOROSHI, Uzhhorod National University,
    The Role of the Church in Society during the War (On the Example of the Activities of the Catholic Church of Western and Eastern Rites in Transcarpathia)
  8. Vadym OSIN, Dnipro University of Technology,
    Ukrainian Academy Under Fire: Politics of Knowledge in Russian-Ukrainian War
  9. Elina PALIICHUK, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University,
    Changing Young Minds: Student Awareness of Human Trafficking Under War Conditions
  10. Kyryl POLISHCHUK, independent poet, translator and scholar, Kropyvnytskyi,
    Eclectic of Memory 
  11. Nataliia ROMANYSHYN, Lviv Polytechnic National University,
    Discursive (De)construction of Ukrainian National Identity: From Totalitarianism to Democracy
  12. Igor SERDIUK, Poltava Pedagogical University,
    Between Stigma and Legitimation: Illegitimate Birth in Ukraine in the Eighteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
  13. Yevhenii TKACHENKO, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,
    Protection of Minority Rights in the Field of Education: A Comparative Study (Cases of Ukraine, Czech Republic, and France)
  14. Natalia TSYBULIAK, Berdyansk State Pedagogical
    Internal Isolation of Displaced Persons
  15. Dmytro YANOV, Odesa archaeological museum,
    Export of Cultural Property from Ukraine before and during the Full-scale Russian Invasion: Analysis of the Legislative Framework, Practices of Expertise of Cultural Property, and Issues Regarding Evacuation Abroad
  16. Nataliia ZACHOSOVA, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
    The Role of Education in the Security Oriented Economic Behavior of Individuals Under the Risk of Displacement in BANI World

Waiting list as of May 2, 2023

  1. MATVEIEVA Natalia, Volodymyr Hnaituk National Pedagogical University, Language Biographies of Temporarily Internally Displaced Ukrainians in the Context of the Full-Scale Russian-Ukrainian War
  2. ANKHIM Oleksi, Ivan Franko State University, Transnational Literature: Conceptualization, Research Methodology, Poetics (Based on Modern German Language Literature by Authors of Ukrainian Origin)
  3. LITVINOVA Maryna, Kherson Educational-Scientific Institute of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mosaic Thinking as An Evolution of Cognitive Abilities in a Digital Society
  4. DUMANSKA Ilona, Khmelnytskyi National University, Digital Transformation of the Economy and Development of IT Entrepreneurship in Today’s Challenges and Priorities of the Post-War Reconstruction of Ukraine
  5. ZAZULIAK Iurii, Ukrainian Catholic University, Abducted Women and Anxious Patriarchs. Abduction of Women and Ambiguities of Noble Honor in Galicia (Red Ruthenia) during the 15th-16th Centuries
  6. KOZAK Nazar, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Displaced Performers: Artmaking at the EU/Ukraine’s State Border
  7. ADADUROV Vadym, Ukrainian Catholic University, Cultural integration strategies and the intellectual network of a Ukrainian emigrant: the non-statistical case of Elie Borschak
  8. KHUDISH Pavlo, Uzhhorod National University, Jewish Property Redistribution and Antisemitism in Postwar Transcarpathia, 1944-1946
  9. SHEVTSOV Sergii, I.I.Mechnikov National University, Borders of Transgression: Violence of Norms and Violence of Violations
  10. DEREVINSKYI Vasyl , Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, The Voice of the Unconquered: an Alternative opinion of Publications of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union in Soviet Ukraine (1988–1989)
  11. GNATIUK Mykola, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ukraine’s European Integration Path: Consequences of the Contemporary Russia-Ukraine War
  12. MOMOT Volodymyr, Alfred Nobel University, A Challenging Mercy Gesture – Ukrainian Refugees in the EU Countries
  13. TSAR Ivanna, National Academy of Sciences, Language Behavior of Ukrainian Youth during the Russian-Ukrainian War
  14. HRYNIUK Diana, National University of Kyiv, Cultural Heritage at Risk: Museums of Kyiv Region after De-Occupation and during the Russian War in Ukraine

More information on the programme here.