Maryna Litvinova – Research & CV

Mosaic thinking as an evolution of cognitive abilities in a digital society

Research Area 2. Norms & transgressions

Contact: lmb965[@]

Maryna Litvinova is Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Physics and Mathematics at the Kherson Educational and Scientific Institute of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine. She is the author of more than a hundred scientific and educational publications. She devoted her main psychological and pedagogical research to the adapted teaching of students with a special style of thinking that has emerged in the digital society (mosaic thinking). As invited lecturer in the Municipal higher educational institution “Kherson Academy of Continuing Education” of the Kherson Regional Council, she has been teaching teachers in the Kherson region for five years about methods of interaction with students who have peculiarities of such thinking. Her publications are devoted to innovative author’s pedagogical methods that use the positive aspects of Mosaic thinking. 

The project conducted at CEFRES new results are planned to be obtained and to analyze it from the point of view of the social environment’s perception of mosaic thinking either as a norm of cognitive development or as a regressive process of human thinking and a decrease in the intelligence of young people. A presentation will be created to explain the features of mosaic thinking traits as those that correspond to the evolutionary development of society. New information also will be explored and provided on pedagogical and psychological methods of interaction with those who have mosaic thinking. 



  • 2019: Dr. Sc., Pedagogical Sciences, specialization “Theory and Methods of Teaching”, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. 
  • 2017: M.S. in System software, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Kherson branch, Ukraine.  
  • 2017: M.A. in Psychology, Kherson State University, Ukraine), Professional Qualification – Psychologist. Degree thesis: “Stylistic properties of thinking as a factor in the success of students learning”.  
  • 1997: Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kiev, Ukraine.    
  • 1988: M.S. in Physics, Shevchenko State University, Kiev, Ukraine, specialty – Physicist, Teacher. 


  • 2004 – 2023: Department of Software Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Kherson branch (Kherson Educational-Scientific Institute), Kherson, Ukraine (professor). 
  • 2001 – 2004: Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Kiev, Ukraine (Post-Doc). 
  • 1998 – 2001: Kherson branch, Admiral Makarov Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute, Kherson, Ukraine (Associate professor). 
  • 1996 – 1998: Kherson Polytechnic College, Kherson, Ukraine (Teacher of Physics). 
  • 1988 – 1996: Department of Physics, Kherson Industrial Institute, Kherson, Ukraine 

 Research projects 

  • 2016-2018: State Research Project “A new approach to the teaching of information technology and natural science in accordance with the concept of the reorganization of Universities in Ukraine” (Ukraine State Registration Number 0116U003824).  
  • 2017-2018: State Research Project “New technologies of teaching of physics in school and university didactics” (Ukraine State Registration Number 0115U004402).  
  • 2020-2023: State Research Project “The information technology in STEM concept for Technical Universities of shipbuilding profile” (Ukraine State Registration Number 0119U103952).  

Other pedagogical activities 

  • 2016–2023: Member and Chairman (2019, 2023) of the jury of  the Ukrainian school competition “Small Academy of Sciences” in Kherson oblast. 
  • 2019–2021: Member of the State Specialized Scientific Council (“Д 23.053.04”) for the assign of Dr. Sc. in Pedagogical Sciences in Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University (Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine).            
  • 2019-2023: Invited lecturer ih the Municipal higher educational institution “Kherson Academy of Continuing Education” of the Kherson Regional Council. 

 Selected publications 


Methodical system of adaptive teaching of physics in Institutions of   Higher Technical Education: dissertation abstract. Kherson: Publ. House of Kherson State Technical University, 2018.   

  Articles and Tutorials  

  • Application of logistic concept for the organization of small academic groups training in Higher Education Institutions. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2022, no 2, pp. 174-179.  
  • Using the experiment in the computer simulation training for prospecting software engineers. International Journal of Computing, 2020, 19(2), pp. 216-223.  
  • Profile tasks for practical classes in physics: Tutorial for students of engineering specialties, Kherson: Publ. House of Kherson State Technical University, 2018.   
  • The adaptive approach to conducting of the practical classes in Technical universities. Sciences of Europe, 2018. 3, no 25 (25), pp. 28-32.  
  • Analysis of the factors affecting conditions of learning of physics in Ukraine’s Higher Engineering School. Sciences of Europe, 4, no 26 (26), pp. 46-50. 
  • The development and approbation of the test for diagnosing the presence of mosaic thinking”, KELM: Knowledge, Education, Law, Management. 2018, 1 (21), pp. 139-150.  
  • The Game Method for module control of physics knowledge in technical universities. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University: Pedagogical science, 2018, LXXХІ, 2, pp. 52-57. 
  • Creating a manual for adaptive physics training in Technical universities. Physical and mathematical education: Scientific journal. Sumy State Pedagogical University. 2018, 1 (15), pp. 78-84. 
  • The influence of motivation of the educational activity of the students belonging different thinking styles on the successful learning of physics.  KELM: Knowledge, Education, Law, Management, 2017, 4 (20), pp. 203-228.  
  • The experience in diagnosis of mosaic thinking. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. “Pedagogical science, 2017, LXXVI, pp. 112-119. 
  • The system approach to profile teaching of a natural sciences in technical universities. Scientific Bulletin of Sukhomlynskyi Mykolayiv Nationaly University: Pedagogical sciences. 2017, 4 (59), pp. 317-322.  
  • Influence of the form of teaching material on physics on the success of its mastery by students with different styles of thinking. Naukovyi Chasopys of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University: Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realia and perspectives, 59, pp. 85-91.  
  • Adaptation teaching of physics with using of the central image. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University: Pedagogical science. 2017, LXXX, pp. 247-252.  
  • The cooperation with mosaic thinking of students in educational field of Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson state University: Pedagogical science. 2016, LXXIV, pp. 136-140.