Volodymyr Momot – Research & CV

A challenging  Mercy Gesture.
Ukranian Refugees in the EU Countries

Research Area 1. Displacements, “dépaysements”, discrepancies

Contact: vmomot{@}duan.edu.ua

Volodymyr Momot is Professor at the Management department at the Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, ScD (Dr. Habilis) in Economics, PhD (Candidate of Science) in Physics & Mathematics.

Graduated from the Dnipro National University with a degree in Engineering, he worked further in field of Fluid & Gas Dynamics. He defended his candidate’s theses 3D Viscous Flow in the Axial-Flow Pumps in 1994 getting the PhD (Candidate of Science) in Physics & Mathematics. Answering the challenges which arise at mid-nineties he switched the scientific and educational activity field to the Economics & Business initially getting a master’s degree in Management & Economics then defending the doctoral theses Enterprise Strategy under the Conditions of Uncertain Business Environment (Methodological aspect) in 2004 getting the ScD (Dr Habilis) in Economics.

The main areas of research interests: strategy and strategic management, organizational (corporate) culture, economic and cultural behavior aspects of Ukrainian refugees in Europe at the time of russian full-scale invasion 2022-2023.

In 1987-1995 he has started his scientific carrier at Technical Mechanics Institute, National Academy of Science, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine developing some new technologies for the industry & agriculture and improving the designs on the rocket and aircraft engines including ones for the widely known Mriya aircraft.

Experienced in higher education from 1995, he has been working in the business consultancy sphere since 2003. From 2005 till 2010 and from 2016 till 2019 was a first vice-rector and vice-rector on science and international activity of the Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro. In 2009-2010 he was an expert team member to design a Strategy of Innovational Development of Ukraine in 2010-2025.  In 2010, he was a co-head of the workgroup developing the strategy of Dnipropetrovs’k city (former name of Dnipro city). In 2020 he had joined a team for the Economical Strategy of Dnipropetrovs’k region (oblast’) formation.

He was one of the inspirers of the first double diploma programme between British and Ukrainian uinversities back in 2009 and the first double diploma programme between Polish and Ukrainian universities back in 2013.

During his four cadences as vice-rector at the Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro had organized several university-based scientific events including Nobel Congress and Unification Day for the People of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

From 2007 till 2014 was very active in expertise of educational programs membering a National Expert council in Management and Trade. In 2004-2014 was a member of the Scientific-Methodological Committee in Management. He is co-developer of the professional standards for higher education in the field of Management.

From 2009 he is deeply involved with English-language immersion in teaching professional disciplines, students’ psychology, and motivation. In 2017 pioneered an implementation of facilitation and gamification-based teaching strategies in Ukrainian HES. In 2018 he had initiated the student satisfaction rating for Ukrainian Universities. In 2020-2022 he had organized extensive research and practical studies aimed on leveling the quality of distant learning induced by COVID-quarantine with classical one. In April 2022 he initiated research on the perceived social support for higher education students during the hybrid educational process under martial law and a research devoted to the process economic independence gaining by Ukrainian refugees.


Education and degrees

  • Doctor Habilis (Doctor of Science, ScD), Economics, organization and management of enterprises, Odessa National Economic University, Odesa, Ukraine. Title: Enterprise Strategy under the Conditions of Uncertain Business Environment (Methodological aspect)
  • PhD (Candidate of Science), Fluid, Gas, and Plasma Mechanics, Hydro-Mechanics Institute, National Academy of Science, Kyiv, Ukraine. Title: 3D Viscous Flow in the Axial-Flow Pumps
  • 2002- Master of Science, Economy & Management, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
  • 1981-1987. Diploma of Higher Education, Flying machine engines, Dnipropetrovsk State University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


  • 2019-present Professor of Management department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
  • 2016-2019      Vice-Rector on International Educational and Scientific Activity, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
  • 2010-now        Professor of International Management, University of Wales (now University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UW/UWTSD), Cardiff (Swansea), UK
  • 2017-2018      Professor zwyczajny Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu (WSB-NLU)
  • 2010-2018      Professor zwyczajny Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy w Katowicach (WSZOP)
  • 2009-2010      Professor nadzwyczajny Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Warszawie (WSE)
  • 2008-2009      Professor nadzwyczajny Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu
  • 2006-2010      Vice-Rector on science, Alfred Nobel University, Dnepropetrovsk
  • 2005-2006      First Vice-Rector, Alfred Nobel University, Dnepropetrovsk
  • 2002-2016      Head of the Department of Innovations Management and International Logistics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnepropetrovsk
  • 1995-2002      Associate Professor of Department of Control, Dnipropetrovsk National University
  • 1986-1995      Scientific Worker, Technical Mechanics Institute, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

 Courses Taught

  • Strategic Management, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro/ International Business School at Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
  • Introduction to Business Management, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro/ International Business School at Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
  • Logistics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
  • Econometrics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
  • Organizational Culture, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro/ International Business School at Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
  • Human Resource Management, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
  • Business Analytics, International Business School at Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro

 The most important projects and scholarships

  • 2020-now Virtual Mobility Project of Alfred Nobel University
  • 2018-2019 British Council Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development                   Programme Project “Creating a Gamification Hub at Alfred Nobel                     University”
  • 2014               staging at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Holland
  • 2013               Erasmus lecturer at EuroAkadeemia, Tallinn, Estonia
  • 2008-2010 TEMPUS Project “Towards increasing the competitiveness of                                Ukrainian Agriculture – developing a new MBA – degree program in                          Agriculture”
  • 1998-1999 TACIS Project “Monitoring Information System Creation for                              Agricultural Market in Ukraine”
  • 1995-1998 TEMPUS Project “Modern curricula in Economics development”

Selected Publications


  1. Momot,Е. (2002). Tendentsii rozvytku vyrobnycho-ekonomichnykh system. Dnipropetrovsk: Nauka i osvita, – 2002, – 224 с. [Momot, V. (2002). Trends in Industrial and Economic Systems Development. Science and education, 224 pp.], Ukr.
  2. Momot,Е. (2002). Chynnyky rynkovoi nevyznachenosti u povedintsi pidpryiemstv. Dnipropetrovsk: Nauka i osvita, – 2002, – 228 с. [Momot, V. (2002). Factors of Uncertainty in the Market Behaviour of the Enterprises. Science and education, 228 pp.], Ukr.
  3. Momot,Е., Tarnopolskyi, O.B., Kozhushko, S.P., Vyselko, A.D., Zhevaha V.A. (2008) Metodyka anhloiazychnoho pohruzhenyia v obuchenyy anhlyiskomu yazyku y spetsyalnym dystsyplynam v ekonomycheskykh VUZakh. Dnipropetrovsk: DUEP, 236 с. [Momot, V. et al (2008). Methods of English-language Immersion in Teaching English and Special Disciplines in Economic Universities. Dipropertorvsk, DUEP, 236 pp.], Ukr.


  1. Momot, V., & Lytvynenko, O. (2023). The Importance of Perceived Social Support for Higher Education Students During the Hybrid Educational Process under Martial Law. Formuvannia kompetentnostei obdarovanoi osobystosti v systemi pozashkilnoi ta vyshchoi osvity [Formation of Competencies of Gifted Individuals in the System of Extracurricular and Higher Education], 2(2), 75-84.
  2. Momot, V., & Lytvynenko, O. (2023). Modeliuvannia zmin aktyvnosti vitchyznianoho biznesu za umov viiny [Modeling Changes in the Activity of Ukrainian Domestic Business in the Context of War]. Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review], 59(2), 173-189. (Web of Science)
  3. Momot, V., & Lytvynenko, O. (2023). Specifics of Gaining Economic Independence by Refugees from Ukraine. Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review], 58(1), 205-219. (Web of Science)
  4. Momot, V., & Lytvynenko, O. (2022). Zmina priorytetiv u motyvaciyi personalu v kryzovyj ta pislyakryzovyj periody [Changing priorities in staff motivation during the crisis and post-crisis period]. Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review], 57(2), 171-186 (Web of Science)
  5. Momot V.E., Lytvynenko O.M. (2021) Business hybridization in the financial sphere in the conditions of post-quarantine economic recovery. Financial Internet Quarterly „e-Finanse”, 17(4), 70-90 (Web of Science)
  6. Momot, V.E., & Lytvynenko O.M. (2020) Psychological Capital and Leadership Role under the Turbulent Conditions in Banking Sector. Financial Internet Quarterly „e-Finanse”, 16(4), 82-90 (Web of Science)
  7. Momot V.E., & Lytvynenko O.M. (2019) Adjusting Bank Recruitment to the Specifics of the Millennial Generation as Conditions of Attractiveness Decline for Employment in the Banking Sector. Financial Internet Quarterly „e-Finanse”, 15(4), 73-82 (Scopus Radar)
  8. Momot, V., & Lytvynenko, O. (2023) Dynamichni efekty kontsentratsii uvahy studentiv za umov dystantsiinoi formy navchannia pid chas voiennoho stanu [Dynamics of Students’ Attention Concentration During Distance Learning in Wartime Conditions]. Dystantsiina osvita v Ukraini: innovatsiini, normatyvno-pravovi, pedahohichni aspekty [Distance education in Ukraine: innovative, regulatory and pedagogical aspects], 3(1), 249-270
  9. Momot, V.E. (2022). Main Needs in The Support of Ukrainian Domestic Business at the Conditions of War. Visnyk sotsialno-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen [Bulletin of socio-economic research] 82(4) Accepted and to be published in November 2023
  10. Momot, V.E. (2022). Pandemiia COVID-19 yak sotsialno-ekonomichnyi fenomen [The COVID-19 pandemic as a socio-economic phenomenon]. Visnyk sotsialno-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen [Bulletin of socio-economic research] 82-83(3-4), 65-81
  11. Momot, V.E. (2019). Vykorystannia vyrobnychykh CES-funktsii u rozrobtsi zakhodiv tekhnolohichnoi polityky vitchyznianykh pidpryiemstv [The use of production CES-functions in the development of technological policy measures of domestic enterprises]. Visnyk sotsialno-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen [Bulletin of socio-economic research], 70-71(2-3), 92–104.
  12. Momot, V., & Lytvynenko, O. (2020). CES-Functions Application for Ensuring the Efficient Scenario of Industrial Enterprise Development. Journal of Modern Economic Research, 2(2), 9-19.
  13. Momot, V.E. (2020). Providing the Leadership in Education by Online Gamification-based Teaching Methods Utilization (COVID-19 Quarantine Brief Lessons Based on Phenomenological Analysis). Universities and Leadership, 9(1), 56-70.
  14. Momot, V.E. (2017). Methodology of Simultaneous Utilization of Case Study and Immersion during Teaching of Managerial Disciplines. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy w Katowicach, 1(13), 111-123.
  15. Momot, V.E., & Lytvynenko, O.M. (2013). Relationship Between Corporate Culture and Effectiveness of the Organization. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy w Katowicach, 1(8), 5-20
  16. Momot, V.E., & Makedon, V.V. (2015). Effective Schemes of Financing of Mergers and Acquisitions of the International Corporations. The Quarterly “e-Finanse”, on-line publication
  17. Momot, V.E., & Lytvynenko, O.M. (2022). Spryiniattia problem onlain navchannia studentamy z riznym dosvidom robyty v dystantsiinomu formati. [Perception of the problems of online learning by students with different experience of doing it in a distance format] Dystantsiina osvita v Ukraini: innovatsiini, normatyvno-pravovi, pedahohichni aspekty [Distance education in Ukraine: innovative, regulatory and pedagogical aspects], 1(1), 147-157
  18. Momot, V., & Lytvynenko, O. (2021). Sotsialno-psykholohichni problemy pid chas vprovadzhennia novitnikh pidkhodiv do orhanizatsii navchalnoho protsesu [Socio-psychological problems during the implementation of the latest approaches to the organization of the educational process]. Nobelivskyi visnyk [Nobel Herald], 14(1), 55-69.
  19. Momot, V.E., & Lytvynenko, O.M. (2016) Modifіkacіya modelі strategіchnogo rozvitku pіdpriєmstva z urahuvannyam ekzogennih faktorіv [Modification of the model of strategic development of the enterprise taking into account exogenous factors], Economic Journal of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. – №1. – 63-70
  20. Momot, V.E., & Lytvynenko, O.M. (2016) Model’ strategіch-nogo rozvitku pіdpryiemstva z urahuvannyam endogennih faktorіv [Model of strategic development of the enterprise taking into account endogenous factors], Evropeysʹkyy vektor ekonomichnoho rozvytku [European vector of economic development]. – No. 1 (20). – 36-44
  21. Momot, V.E., & Lytvynenko, O.M. (2016) Ocіnka organіza-cіjnoї kul’turi vіtchiznyanih pіdpriemstv z tochki zoru teorії іntegral’noї spektral’noї dinamіki [Assessment of organizational culture of domestic enterprises from the point of view of integral spectral dynamics theory] Managerial Innovation. Proceedings of Ternopil National Economic University, 2(9), 12-27.
  22. Momot, V.E., & Lytvynenko, O.M. (2018) Zastosuvannya rol’ovogo pіdhodu ta hmarnih tekhnologіj̆ do virіshennya aktual’nih zavdan’ suchasnogo naukovogo menedzhmentu [Application of role-based approach and cloud technologies to solving topical problems of modern scientific management]. Nobelivskyi visnyk [Nobel Herald], 11(1), 45-55
  23. Momot V., Lytvynenko O., & Ilienko O. (2018) Pokrash-channya іmіdzhu banku yak robotodavcya na osnovі rozvitku korporativnoї kul’turi [Improving the image of the bank as an employer based on the development of corporate culture], Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review], 50(1), 23-34.
  24. Momot, V.E., & Lytvynenko, O.M. (2019) Osoblivostі adaptacії spіvrobіtnikіvdo korporativnoї kul’turi v organіzacіyah zі znachnoyu pitomoyu vagoyu distancіjnoї zajnyatostі [Peculiarities of adaptation of employees to corporate culture in organizations with significant proportion of remote employment]. Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review], 51(2), 48-60.
  25. Momot, V., & Kovalyov, А. (2019) Model innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva na osnovi formuvannia neformalnoi kreatyvnoi substruktury [Model of Innovative Development of Enterprise Based on the Formation of Informal Creative Substructure] Evropeysʹkyy vektor ekonomichnoho rozvytku [European vector of economic development], 27(22), 78-89.
  26. Momot V., Lytvynenko O. (2019) Audyt znan yak zasib pidvyshchennia konkurentospromozhnosti pidpryiemstva za umov nevyznachenosti ta pryskorennia intehratsiinykh protsesiv [Knowledge audit as a means of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise under conditions of uncertainty and acceleration of integration processes], Nobelivskyi visnyk [Nobel Herald], 12(1), 40-47
  27. Момот В.Є. Исследование взаимосвязи основных макроэкономических и социальных показателей с учетом влияния волн Н.Д.Кондратьева / Калінін О.В.. Європейський вектор економічного розвитку. – Вип. 2 (7). Дніпропетровськ: ДУЕП. – 2009. – с. 118-126, [Momot V. (2009). Study of the interrelationship of key macroeconomic and social indicators, taking into account the impact of N.D.Kondratev’s waves. European vector of economic development, 2009, Vol. 2 (7), 118-126], Ukr.
  28. Момот В.Є. Урахування динаміки системи цінностей під час розробки стратегії міста / Валіков В.П., Литвиненко О.М.. Європейський вектор економічного розвитку. – № 2. – 2010. – С. 124-132, [Momot V. (2010). Taking into account the dynamics of the value system in the development strategy of the city. European vector of economic development, 2010, Vol. 2 (10), 124-132], Ukr.
  29. Момот В.Є. Врахування системи цінностей на рівні створення стратегії підприємства у галузі людських ресурсів / Валіков В.П., Коваленко В.М. Європейський вектор економічного розвитку. – № 1. – 2011. – С. 125-133, [Momot V. (2011). Considering the system of values at creating business strategy in the field of human resources. European vector of economic development, 2011, Vol. 1 (11), 125-133], Ukr.
  30. Момот В.Є. Стратегія управління корпоративною культурою підприємства. «Управлінські інновації». Збірник наукових праць Тернопільського національного економічного університету. – Випуск 1. – 2012. – с. 56-67, [Momot V. (2012). Management strategy of enterprise corporate culture. Innovations in management. Proceedings of Ternopil National Economics University, 2012, Vol. 1(1), 56-67], Ukr.
  31. Момот В.Є. Стратегічне управління корпоративним псіхологичним капіталом / Валіков В.П., Литвиненко О.М. «Управлінські інновації». Збірник наукових праць Тернопільського національного економічного університету – Випуск 2. – 2012. – с. 56-67. [Momot V. (2012). Strategic management of corporate psychological capital. Innovations in management. Proceedings of Ternopil National Economics University, 2012, Vol. 2(2), 56-67], Ukr.
  32. Момот В.Є. Метод класифікації типів покупців за мотивами і можливостями споживання харчових продуктів / Кокодей Т.О.// “Університетські наукові записки. Право – Економіка – Управління”. Часопис Хмельницького університету управління та права. – Випуск 2. – 2012. – с. 267-272, [Momot V. (2012). The method of classification based on types of customers and opportunities food consumption. University Proceedings. Law, Economics and Management. Journal of Khmel’nitski University of Management and Law, 2012, Vol. 2(2), 56-67], Ukr.