Visegrad Guest 5: Laure Teulières, between Warsaw & Prague

In the frame of the Visegrad Forum program, CEFRES is pleased to host in cooperation with the Center of French Civilization and Francophone Studies (coordinator: Nicolas Maslowski) of the University of Warsaw and the World History Department of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University (coordinator: Luďa Klusáková) French historian Laure Teulières from 24 to 28 April 2017!

See the program in CEFRES agenda.

An assistant professor in modern history at Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, Laure Teulières is a specialist of Italian immigrants in France and has devoted her research to migration in terms of collective representations, commemorations, and the social construction of memory. Embedding her work in cultural history, her aim is to explore symbolical borders and the construction of the “foreigner”. She, therefore, analyses the perception of otherness in its social, spatial (urban/rural), national, ethnical dimensions, and along with various scales (national/regional/local).

A member of the Conseil d’orientation de l’Établissement public de la Porte Dorée – Musée de l’histoire de l’immigration since 2010, Laure Teulières has been the co-editor of the academic journal DIASPORAS – Circulations, migrations, histoire since 2013 and is a member of the peer-review committee of the journal Les Cahiers de Framespa.

Selected Bibliography:

  • (ed.), Italiens. 150 ans d’émigration en France et ailleurs 1861-2011, Toulouse, Éditalie, 2017.
  • (ed.), Mémoires des migrations, temps de l’histoire, Tours, Presses universitaires F. Rabelais, 2015 [avec M. Amar et H. Bertheleu]
  • Étrangers d’ici. Migrants et migrations au cinéma, Toulouse, Cinémathèque de Toulouse / Privat, 2012 [avec S. Delmas et N. Laurent]
  • Immigrés d’Italie et paysans de France (1920-1944), Toulouse, PUM, 2012 [2002]
  • Histoire des immigrations en Midi-Pyrénées, XIXe-XXe siècles, Toulouse, Loubatières, 2010
  • (ed.), Frontiers and Identities: Cities in Regions and Nations, Pisa, Pisa University Press, 2008 [with L. Klusáková]

See her research center’s website—FRAMESPA (France, Amériques, Espagne. Sociétés, Pouvoirs, Acteurs)