All posts by Claire Madl

Critical Theory of Media. 1.

Lecturer: Benedetta Zaccarello (CNRS / CEFRES)
Institution: EKS Department, FHS UK
Time and address: Tuesday 11-12h20, 3rd floor, José Martího 31, Prague 6 – Veleslavín
Language: English

Throughout a close reading of some texts of Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, the course aims to understand the contemporary use of mass media as the result of an historical process of evolution in our approaches to creativity and communication. Constantly reshaped by the forms of our social living and influenced by different kinds of power and authority, the idea of technique is understood through this course in its relation to knowledge, art, freedom and power. Students will be guided through an understanding of how technology influences our representation of the world, the ways in which we perceive our own experience, and the set of forms and signs we use to communicate.

Themes of the sessions
1. W. Benjamin, introduction to his life and work.
2. The essay on work of art, historical situation and theoretical novelty.
3. The concept of aura and its decay.
4. New forms of art, cinema as the non-auratic mode of art.
5. Adorno and Horkeimer: historical introduction to the Frankfurt School.
6. History, dialectics, culture.
7. Dialectic of enlightenment: the concept of enlightenment.
8. Enlightenment and technique.
9. Myth versus science: roots of our aim to domination.
10. From dictatorships to mass persuasion.
11. The cultural industry as our reflection.
12. Strategies of persuasion in cultural industry.

Committee’s Composition 2017-2018

Statutory Members

  • Pavel Baran, Vice President in charge of Research Area III. Humanities and Social Sciences of AV ČR
  • Lenka Rovná, Vice-Rector for European Affairs of UK
  • Clara Royer, director of CEFRES

UK Representatives

AV ČR Representatives

CFP – Porcine Futures 1: Re-negotiating “Wilderness” in More-than-human Worlds

Organized by
the team of Bewildering Boar project at CEFRES – Aníbal Arregui, Luděk Brož, Marianna Szczygielska, Virginie Vaté and Erica von Essen (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
: 16-17 October 2018
Where: Prague, ÚDU AV ČR, Husova 4, Prague 1
Language: English

Popular media reports reveal that in many places of our planet animals considered “wild” attract significant public attention as they (re)enter into what we used to think were almost exclusively human habitats. Continue reading CFP – Porcine Futures 1: Re-negotiating “Wilderness” in More-than-human Worlds

CFP – Disability, Health and Handicap in Social Sciences and Humanities

Interdisciplinary Workshop

Organizers: Kateřina Kolářová (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague – FHS UK), Martina Winkler (Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel), Filip Herza (FHS UK / CEFRES), Kamila Šimandlová (FHS UK)
: 17/2/2018
Where: Akademické Centrum, Husova 4a, Prague 1
Language: Czech
Deadline for submission: 20/12/2017

Concepts of disability, health, sickness, debility, biological precarity and stigmatization come to the foreground in recent debates in social sciences and humanities. This workshop wants to open floor for interdisciplinary exchanges between disability studies and other fields of social sciences and humanities. Calling for explorations of different methodological approaches, perspectives and theoretical conceptualizations of disability and difference, debility and biological precarity, body and corporeality, the workshop aims to deepen discussions of already established themes, as well as to strike new theoretical paths. We specifically encourage presentations working with intersectional approaches that link disability to other categories of difference and power, such as gender, sexuality, ethnicity and race, class, age, and other relevant categories.

Presentations may address:

  • Cultural representations, cultural practices and symbolical regimes of body, embodiment, health, sickness and disability
  • Symbolical regimes of disability (such as e.g. “compulsory able-bodiedness and abledmindedness”), their reproduction and disturbances past and present
  • Moral economies of disability and the concept of welfare state in the state socialism and the post-socialist period
  • Post-/colonial politics of disability
  • Transnational circulations and translations of disability theory and disability politics
  • Transformations of expert discourses in relation to health and dis/ability, alternative knowledges and forms of expertise between the 19th and the 21th centuries
  • Health as a moral imperative and platforms for emancipatory discourses and strategies
  • Politics of inclusion and (social) exclusion
  • Histories, politics and praxis of institutionalization and “deinstitutionalization”
  • Biopolitics of dis/ability
  • Intersectional methodologies

We kindly ask potential contributors to submit their proposals until 20 December 2017 at

Workshop is organized within the project “(Post)Socialist Modernity and social and cultural politics of disability” jointly funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), held by the Faculty of Humanities Charles University. The event is co-hosted by CEFRES and the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences.