All posts by Claire Madl

Summer Seminar – Nationalism, Religion & Violence in Europe

The Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence organized by Charles University in Prague and International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki, supported by the LSEE, PRIO and CEFRES, is preparing for its fourth year. A key goal of the Summer Seminar, taking place in Prague from June 20 to July 1, 2016, is to contribute in a substantial way to the study of violence and to catalyze the growth of the study of violence as a field.

  • led by the best international researchers in the field
  • bringing together lecturers from the most prestigious institutions such as USHMM, Sciences Po, University of Montreal or George Washington University
  • targeting students and graduates of Political Science, History, Anthropology, International Relations, International Law, Journalism & other related disciplines
  • course for both undergraduates, (post)graduate students and activists
  • taking place at the oldest university in Central Europe

See the complete program, the list of lecturers and how to register on the website of the summer school:


Deadline for abstracts: 30 June 2016
Decision notification due: 30 September 2016
Deadline for papers (for moderators only): 20 January 2017
Date & Place: 7-8-9 February 2017 – CEFRES Prague
Language: English, possibly French
Organizers: Dr. Chiara Mengozzi (CEFRES & University of Hradec Králové) in cooperation with Dr. Anna Barcz (University of Bielsko-Biala in Poland)

This conference will bring together in Prague researchers from different European countries. One of its main purposes is to create a Central European network of scholars dealing with the topic of the human-animal relations across disciplines.


Visegrad Guest 4: Roger Chartier, between Warsaw & Prague

In the frame of the Visegrad Forum program, CEFRES is pleased to host in cooperation with the Institute of Polish Culture (coordinator: Paweł Rodak) and the Center of French Civilization and Francophone Studies (coordinator: Paul Gradvohl) of the University of Warsaw, the Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences (coordinator: Michael Wögerbauer) and the Department of history of the Pedagogical Faculty at Charles University (coordinator: Jiří Hnilica) French historian Roger Chartier from 16 to 19 May 2016!

See the program on our calendar.

chartier. PhotographProf. Roger Chartier has been teaching the history of “Written and Cultures in Modern Europe” since 2007 at Collège de France. A scholar from EHESS from 1984, he has also been an Annenberg Visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia since 2001. Alongside his outstanding research on the history of books, publishing and reading in early modern history, Prof. Chartier has also dedicated part of his work to epistemological questions in history.

Continue reading Visegrad Guest 4: Roger Chartier, between Warsaw & Prague