Category Archives: Non classé

Thomas Chopard – Research & CV

Visual Representations, Memorials and Commemorations of the Second World War in Central Europe

Research Area 3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces

Contact: thomas.chopard[@]

Thomas Chopard is a historian and assistant professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, at the Centre of Historical Research (EHESS/CRH). His research focuses on the history of anti-Jewish persecution and Jewish migration in Central and Eastern Europe. His early work focused on the pogroms and anti-Jewish violence in Ukraine during the revolutionary period, before contributing to the ERC project Lubartworld retracing the trajectories of the Jews of the Polish town of Lubartów. His current research is at the intersection of the study of forced displacement suffered by Jews during the Second World War and the history of Stalinist repression.

Gábor Egry – Research & CV

Contact :

An invisible empire? Austro-Hungarian economic space in Central and Southeastern Europe 1890-1930: actors, structures, embeddedness, factors of resilience

Historian, Phd, DSc, chief director. He has published four books and two edited volumes, most recently Etnicitás, identitás, politika. Magyar kisebbségek nacionalizmus és regionalizmus között Romániában és Csehszlovákiában 1918-1944 [Ethnicity, identity, politics. Hungarian minoirties between nationalism and regionalism in Romania and Czechoslovakia 1918-1944] (Napvilág, Budapest, 2015), and numerous articles in specialist journals (incl. SlavicReview and EastCentral Europe), volumes and media outlets on topics of history and politics of identity. He was visiting lecturer at the University of Miskolc, at Stradins University, Riga and at ELTE Budapest, „Europa” Fellow of the New Europe College – Institue for Advanced Studies, Bucharest, visiting fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena and at IOS Regnesburg, Fulbright visiting reserach scholar at Stanford University, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies. Continue reading Gábor Egry – Research & CV

Études du CEFRES

Les Études du CEFRES (CEFRES Studies) help spreading the work of the French Research Centre in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES). Above all, they enable CEFRES’s Fellows and Young Researchers to publish their work in progress or to address current events.

— Miklos Székely :
Contemporary Art Museums in Central Europe. Between International Discourse and National (Re)building Strategies, Étude du CEFRES n° 17, 2014, 34 p.

— Viera Knutelská :
The Czech Coordination System of European Affairs and Its Inclusiveness, Étude du CEFRES n° 16, 2013, 25 p.

A partir de l’Europe centrale, analyser un monde qui change. Textes issus du colloque organisé à l’occasion du 20e anniversaire du Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales, Étude du CEFRES n° 15, 2012, 58 p.

— Éloïse Adde (dir.) :
Aux sources de l’idée d’union européenne. Étude du CEFRES n° 14, 2009, 54 p.

— EU 27 : How to cope with the new challenges of agriculture and rural development ?, Étude du CEFRES n° 13e, 2008.

— Comment affronter à vingt-sept les nouveaux défis de l’agriculture et du développement rural ?, Étude du CEFRES n° 13, 2008, 25 p.

— Gérard Lenclud :
Claude Lévi-Strauss aujourd’hui, Étude du CEFRES n° 12, 2008, 26 p.

— Igor Tchoukarine (dir.) :
Entre mythe et réalité : les relations culturelles et politiques entre les Tchèques et les Slaves du sud de l’ex-Yougoslavie aux 19e et 20e siècles, Étude du CEFRES n° 11, 2008, 82 p.

— Jana Kopřivová, Vincent Moreau, Philippe Rusin :
Les collectivités territoriales en République tchèque : compétences, fonctionnement et finances locales. Éléments de comparaison avec la France, Étude du CEFRES n° 10, 2007, 38 p.

— Philippe Rusin :
Pologne ’libérale’ versus Pologne ’solidaire’ – Les deux facettes de la transition vers l’économie de marché, Étude du CEFRES n° 9, 2007, 27 p.

— Gérard Lenclud :
Pour comprendre une culture, faudrait-il adopter son point de vue ?, n° 8, 2006, 18 p.

— Annabelle Coustaury :
L´ODS et l’Europe, Étude du CEFRES n° 7, 35 p.

— Tereza Hyánková,
L’immigration des Kabyles d’Algérie en République tchèque, Étude du CEFRES n° 6, 2005.

— Bertrand Badie,
Raymond Aron, penseur des relations internationales. Un penseur « à la française » ?, Étude du CEFRES n° 5, 2005.

— Olivier Plumandon,
Organisations patronales et tripartisme en République tchèque, Étude du CEFRES n° 4, 2005,

— Proměny „sladké Francie“. Otázky francouzských dějin 30. a 40. let 20. století, Étude du CEFRES n° 3, 2004.

— Carole Pommois :
La consommation à Prague : impacts sur l’espace urbain, Étude du CEFRES n° 2, 2004.

— Cyrille Billaud et François Richard :
Les élections européennes de juin 2004 en Pologne, République tchèque et Slovaquie, Étude du CEFRES n° 1, 2004.

Attack at FF UK | CEFRES Declaration

Dear colleagues and friends of CEFRES,

Yesterday, a horrific attack took place at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts. At least 14 people were killed and dozens injured. The entire university community is deeply traumatized.

We wish to express our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims.

Our closest partners, historians, literary scholars, musicologists, philosophers and other representatives of the humanities and social sciences have been targeted. We have always worked together within the CEFRES platform, the 4EU+ university alliance and the Prague research community. We have always been a family.

Our hearts go out to you and to your loved ones, dear colleagues, dear partners, dear friends.

On behalf of the entire CEFRES team, our deepest thoughts, our unwavering solidarity, and our heartfelt and unconditional support.
Mateusz Chmurski


All the successive directors of CEFRES, deeply shocked by the shooting at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts, associate themselves with the letter from the current director.

They express their support for the Rector, the Rectorate of Charles University, all its members, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and the entire university community.

They stand in solidarity with the university’s teaching staff in their profound trauma. They wish to express their condolences to all the families affected by this tragedy.

Marie-Elizabeth Ducreux
Françoise Mayer
Antoine Marès
Georges Mink
Christian Lequesne
Marie-Claude Maurel
Clara Royer
Jérôme Heurtaux

Aysha Farhana Chakkampully – Research & CV

“Doctoral project: Embodiment in Islam: the everyday menstrual experiences of Hyderabadi Muslim Women in India.”
Research area: 1 & 2
Contact :

My doctoral dissertation project explores the intricate relationship between menstruation, religion, societal norms, and the consequences of religious adherence and transgressions in menstrual management among married Muslim women in Hyderabad City, South India. It focuses on menstruation as a practice-oriented phenomenon to understand the gendered behavioral attributes within communities.

This research aligns with Area 2 of CEFRES, which examines norms and transgressions, as it delves into the role of menstruation as a normative functional system regulated by religion. Menstruation is viewed as a complex societal system with imaginary boundaries that shape individual actions and carry profound consequences. The study aims to shed light on the multifaceted aspects of menstruation and its regulation by studying actions and outcomes, including techniques adopted to conform to or resist societal expectations.


This innovative approach challenges traditional perspectives on menstruation, moving away from viewing it as a mere individual management issue or an object of exotic fascination. Instead, it focuses on the subjective experience of menstruators and how menstruation shapes their emotional and spatial identities, tracing the intergenerational transfer of menstrual knowledge. By intertwining the research area’s emphasis on transgressions and the societal functions they embody (Area 2) with the exploration of displacements and imagined boundaries (Area 1), the study aims to uncover the profound influence of menstruation on both individuals and the societies they inhabit. This contributes to a broader understanding of menstruation beyond Western frameworks and Orientalist stereotypes, shifting the discourse from shame and taboo to viewing menstruation as a phenomenon involving actors, actions, and consequences.



2020-present: Ph.D. in Sociology, supervised by PhDr. Mgr. Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková, Ph.D. (ISS, FSV, UK).

2017-2019: Master in Sociology, University of Hyderabad, India.

2014-2017: Bachelor in Sociology, Farook College, University of Calicut, India.

Research Projects & Grants

2022-2024 (Principal Investigator): “Changing social meanings of menstruatio

n – the role of taboos, rituals, and agency and the experience of Indian women,” Grants Agency of Charles University (GAUK), Czech Republic.


2019-2021: Teaching intern at Blossom Public School, Tamil Nadu, India.

Recent Publications

Book review: “A Reflection on the Interventionist Approach to Menstrual Manag

ement in the Global South,” Gender and Research Journal, 22(2), 185-190.

  • 2020: “Menstrual hygiene and the flood apocalypse: gender and disaster management,” Amal College, India.
  • 2019: “Feminization of agriculture; plausible implications in sustainable farming,” Kerala Sociological Society, Kottayam, India.
  • 2019: “Digitalization, modernity, and inclusiveness: the case of special needs students in smart classrooms, a study at the University of Hyderabad,” New Government Degree College, Telangana, India.
  • 2015: “Challenges of people’s participation in local governance; experiences from Feroke Panchayath,” Kerala Sociological Society, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.


Jakub Zítko – Research & CV

“The relation of festivity and literature in Georges Bataille and Julia Kristeva”

Contact :
Research area : 2

I am a Ph.D. student of Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University. The primary focus of my research is the philosophy of Georges Bataille, along with Alexandre Kojève and Pierre Klossowski. In my project, I attempt to interpret the notion of community from a Bataillean perspective. The concept of community was revitalized in 1983 through the debate between Maurice Blanchot and Jean-Luc Nancy. While both authors frequently refer to Bataille, it is their philosophical systems that emerge from the debate rather than Bataille’s own work. Consequently, his position remains somewhat uncertain. Drawing from various aspects and fragments of his work, I reconstruct Bataille’s stance by exploring different types of community, such as political community, community of lovers, community of writers, and even community of those who lack community. I examine the limitations of such communities, their relationship to transgression, and the norms beyond which they are experienced.

2015-2018: University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Arts. Bachelor degree from Sociology.2018-2020: Charles University, Faculty of Humanities. Magister degree in Semiotics.2020-since now: Charles University, Faculty of Humanities. Doctoral degree in Semiotics and philosophy of communication.
Research Projects:
2022-since now: The relation of festivity and literature in Georges Bataille and Julia Kristeva. GAČR, Charles University.

Sémiotika a ideologie [Semiotics and Ideology], Lenka Vojtíšková, Jakub Zítko (eds.), Togga, 2022.

Bataillova dvojí četba Hegela [Bataille’s Double Read of Hegel] (in:) Mladá Filozofia 2022, Alžběta Kuchtová, Marcel Šedo and Katarina Podušelová (eds.), FÚ SAV, 2022.

Conference papers:

V nadbytku není krása [There is no beauty in abundance], Ergot, FF UJEP, 2019.

Svrchovanost fašismu [Sovereignty of fascism], Sémiotika a ideologie, FHS UK, 2020.

Georges Bataille a nezavršený systém nevědění [Georges Bataille and the non-finished system of non-knowledge], Conference Think, ÚFAR UP, 2020.

Heterology and the sacrifice of knowledge, Arts, Ontology and Politics, University of Antwerp, 2021.

Bataillova četba Hegela: oběť, smrt a slavnost [Bataille reads Hegel: sacrifice, death and festivity], Mladá Filozofia, FÚ SAV, 2022.

Portrét, v jehož očích zříme hrůzu a utrpení [Portrait in whose eyes we see horror and suffering], Summer school of semiotics, FHS UK, 2022.