Category Archives: Non classé

Committee’s Composition 2015-2016

Statutory Members

  • Pavel Baran, Vice President in charge of Research Area III. Humanities and Social Sciences of AV ČR
  • Lenka Rovná, Vice-Rector for European Affairs of UK
  • Clara Royer, director of CEFRES

UK Representatives

AV ČR Representatives

Summer Seminar – Nationalism, Religion & Violence in Europe

The Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence organized by Charles University in Prague and International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki, supported by the LSEE, PRIO and CEFRES, is preparing for its fourth year. A key goal of the Summer Seminar, taking place in Prague from June 20 to July 1, 2016, is to contribute in a substantial way to the study of violence and to catalyze the growth of the study of violence as a field.

  • led by the best international researchers in the field
  • bringing together lecturers from the most prestigious institutions such as USHMM, Sciences Po, University of Montreal or George Washington University
  • targeting students and graduates of Political Science, History, Anthropology, International Relations, International Law, Journalism & other related disciplines
  • course for both undergraduates, (post)graduate students and activists
  • taking place at the oldest university in Central Europe

See the complete program, the list of lecturers and how to register on the website of the summer school:

The First Night of Philosophy in Prague

Join us on the night of 16-17 June to discuss about “Images, Sciences and Politics” with the guests of the very first Night of Philosophy in Prague and in Central Europe. Between 7 pm and 3 am, at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University and inside the Fair Trade Palace of the National Gallery in Prague, you can pick and choose between screenings, exhibitions and guided tours, readings, lectures, concerts, debates and encounters—within a dozen of rooms.
Our aim: to create a dialogue between a large public and above 55 leading international philosophers around very contemporary ethical and political questions. Find out the complete program of the Night of Philosophy on the blog:

Free Entry!

Where: The National Gallery in Prague – Trade Fair Palace & the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague

Languages: English / Czech / French (with simultaneous translation in Czech)

Main organizers: FF UK, CEFRES, FLÚ AV ČR, IFP and the National Gallery in Prague.

A program prepared by Anne Gléonec (Paris VII University) & Ondřej Švec (FF UK).

Check our partners and supports here.

Exchange and Circulations: Cultural Contacts and Processes of Transfer

Date and place: 27 November 2015, from 1:30pm – 6pm, conference room of the Institute of Czech Literature, Na Florenci 3.

Partners: IGK 56 (Freiburg University) – CEFRES – Charles University in Prague.

Language: English.


1:30: Charlotte Krauss and Clara Royer – Welcome and Introduction.

Panel 1. Moderator: Veronika Čapská (FHS UK)

1:45: Tomáš Masař (FF UK) – Czech and Finnish Mutual Interactions During  the Long 19th Century.

2:15: Nataliya Kopcha (RSUH Moscow) – Fedor Dostoevskij as a Cultural Good in Germany of the Early 20th Century: Selection, Distribution and Reception.

Panel 2. Moderator: Charlotte Krauss (Freiburg University)

2:45: Natalja Salnikova (Freiburg University) – The social and cultural life of things: Migrating household objects (Hausrat) as an identity resource.

3:15: Monika Brenišínová (CEFRES – FF UK) – Sixteenth Century Mexican Architecture: the Circulation of Forms and Ideas Between Europe and America.

3:45: Break.

Panel 3. Moderator: Ľuda Klusaková (FF UK)

4:15: Katja Plachov (Freiburg University) – Bridges or Bulwarks? The Presentation of Soviet Russia in The Mind and Face of Bolshevsim (1926). The Author René Fülöp-Miller as an Intermediate in Soviet–Western European Relations During the Interwar Period.

4:45: Daniela Hannová (FF UK) – Arab Communism Across Europe. Arab Communists in France and Czechoslovakia and the Limits of Cultural Transfers.

Panel 4. Moderator: Christian Jacques (Strasbourg University)

5:15: Cécile Guillaume-Pey (CEFRES & FMSH) – Writing from the Margins. Appropriation of Literacy and Emergence of Indigenous Movements in India and Beyond.

5:45: Linda Kovářová (FF UK) – Cultural Transfers Between City and Countryside (so called neorurals/cultural creative individuals).