Art. 1 – Overview of the “Plateform”‘s Definition
1. According to article 1 of the Convention of 21 November 2014, a Czech-French interdisciplinary platform in the social sciences and humanities is founded. It supports internationalisation of research in the Czech Republic in social sciences and humanities.
2. The Plateform is placed under the scientific responsibility of four Parties:
- for Charles University in Prague (UK): of the vice-rector responsible for European Affairs;
- for Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic (AV ČR): of the vice-president in charge of Research Area III. Humanities and Social Sciences;
- for the French Embassy in the Czech Republic: of the Ambassador;
- for CNRS: of the head of the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (InSHS) – and for CEFRES: of its director.
3. As laid out in article 2 of the Convention of 21 November 2014, the Plateform’s aims are:
- setting up joint scientific programmes between the Parties and common scientific training;
- supporting young researcher’s training;
- spreading and publishing scientific works originated from the hereby scientific cooperation.
4. The Steering Committee make the operational decisions related to the Platform.
Art. 2 – Composition, Rate and Operating Rules of the Steering Committee
1. Statutory members of the Steering Committee are:
- the vice-rector responsible for European Affairs at UK;
- the vice-president in charge of Research Area III at AV ČR;
- CEFRES’s director, representing both CNRS and the French Embassy in Prague.
Furthermore, the Steering Committee gathers representatives of both Czech partners, whose number is fixed as follows: 6 representatives for UK and 6 for AV ČR. These deputies are appointed for two years. They are respectively designated by UK’s rector and AV ČR’s president.
2. The Steering Committee is convened three times a year: in October, February and June.
According to the Convention of 21 November 2014,the Steering Committee cannot validly convene without one of its three statutory members, who represent each of the four Parties involved in the Platform.
Decisions are made by a majority vote of three quarters of its members.
Votes are distributed as follows:
- CEFRES’s director as sole representative of the two French partners shall have two votes: he votes on behalf of CEFRES and CNRS one the one hand, of the French Embassy in the Czech Republic on the other hand.
- AV ČR’s representatives shall have one vote as a whole.
- UK’s representatives shall have one vote as a whole.
3. The Steering Committee runs the meeting according to a written agenda, which is agreed upon by consensus between its three statutory members.
Meetings of the Steering Committee can be held equally in the premises of one of the three partner institutions.
A full report will be drawn within the week following each meeting in both Czech and French. It will be approved of by each statutory member by an exchange of emails.
Art. 3 –Steering Committee’s Scope
Steering Committee is to vote on the following elements:
- questions pertaining to CEFRES Plateform, such as design if a common logo, communication strategies (Internet, advertisement, media) and publication strategies.
- the holding and content of joint scientific activities between the three partner institutions: seminars, workshops, conferences, summer schools.
- publication policy of joint research projects.
- pre-selection of PhD students within the frame of the CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowship.
- pre-selection of post-doctoral researchers at CEFRES funded by UK or AV ČR, whose research projects can fit into CEFRES’s scientific policy. CEFRES’s director is entitled to make the final call, as laid out in article 4 of the Convention according to which CEFRES’s director can suggest researchers from UK and AV ČR could be working at CEFRES.