TANDEM Program

Since 2018, the TANDEM program endeavors excellency in social sciences and humanities by bringing together Czech and French colleagues to intensify scientific collaboration between our countries in the frame of European Research Area.  From 2023 on, it opens to Slovak researchers.
The program is a joint initiative of CEFRES, the French National Research Center (CNRS), the Czech Academy of Sciences (AV ČR) and Charles University (CU) in the frame of the CEFRES Platform of scientific collaborations.The Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) joined the program in 2023.

Its former members have obtained two ERC grants, including the BOAR project.

The aim of the TANDEM program is to associate two researchers around a joint research project leading to the submission of a project proposal to one of the European or international research programs (Horizon Europe, ERC, ANR or assimilated). It associates:

♦  One researcher from from the AV ČR and one from CNRS or affiliated to a CNRS research unit (UMR)
⇒ see TANDEM AV ČR–CNRS (call opens March 3, 2025)

♦  Or one researcher from Charles University and one from the CNRS or affiliated to a CNRS research unit (UMR) 
⇒ see TANDEM CU–CNRS (call opens March 3, 2025)

♦  Or one researcher from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) and one from the CNRS or affiliated to a CNRS research unit (UMR) 
⇒ see TANDEM SAV–CNRS (Next call: June 1, 2025)




French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague