CEFRES Review of Books – June 2021

The new edition of CEFRES Review of Books will take place on Thursday, June 17th, at 4:30 pm, online,
The link will be provided soon.

This informal meeting gathers CEFRES team, the library readers, and professionals from libraries and publishing. The aim of our Review of Books is to make better known the publishing landscape in humanities and social sciences. Each book is presented in no more than 10 minutes, so to stress its originality and stakes.

So far, the following presentations are announced:

  • Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel, François Dedieu : Covid-19 : Une crise organisationnelle (Les Presses de Sciences Po 2020) by Hugo Plassais
  • Gertrud Bing : Fragments sur Aby Warburg (Institut national d’histoire de l’art, 2020) by Lara Bonneau
  • Noémie Etienne : Les autres et les ancêtres. Les dioramas de Franz Boas et d’Arthur C. Parker à New York, 1900 (Les presses du réel, 2020) by Fedora Parkmann
  • Jacques Rancière : Le temps du paysage : Aux origines de la révolution esthétique (La Fabrique 2020) by Marie Blanc
  • Anne-Marie Thiesse : La Fabrique de l’écrivain national. Entre littérature et politique (Gallimard, 2019) by Michael Wögerbauer
  • Enzo Traverso : Passés singuliers. Le “je” dans l’écriture de l’histoire (LUX 2020) by Arthur Pérodeau