A cartographic perspective on Northern Africa and Middle East

A Cartographic Perspective on Northern Africa and Middle East after Arab Revolutions

Second session of the 2023-2024 CEFRES Francophone Interdisciplinary Seminar The map and the border
In 2023, we would like to start by beginning by questionning the very act of bordering and representing (a territory, a period, a trajectory), in short, thanks to the interdisciplinarity of our respective disciplines, to question the map and the border.

Location: CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Dates: Friday, November 3rd, 10 am
Language: French

Speaker : Maher BEN REBBAH, CNRS
Discussant : Clément Steuer, IIR, Prague; associate at CEFRES

“Plus de dix ans après les révoltes populaires dans les pays arabes, comment le printemps arabe a redessiné le “Monde Arabe” ? L’objectif de cet essai de cartographie est loin de faire un bilan des révolutions. Il s’agit tracer la nouvelle géopolitique multiscalaire de la région au prisme de ces révoltes.”

Maher Ben Rebbah is geographer, member of CNRS research institute Ladyss (UMR7533)