Can Elites Be Delinquent?

LascoumesA lecture by French sociologist and CNRS professor Pierre Lascoumes, in the frame of the lectures of the CEFRES Platform.  His presentation will be discussed by Pavol Frič (ISS FSV UK), who dedicates part of his research to the analysis of corruption in the relationships between elites and public sphere in the Czech republic.

Language: in French, with simultaneous Czech translation.

Where: Národní 18, Prague 1, conference room, 7th floor.

Trained as a jurist and a sociologist, Pierre Lascoumes (CNRS and Centre d’Etudes européennes of Sciences-Po Paris) has led major works on the perceptions of corruption and economic and financial crimes. He’s also a lead in the field of the history and the implementation of environmental policies and risk management.

His latest work, cowritten with Prof. Carla Nagels, a specialist in criminology, deals with recent cases (such as Bettencourt, or HSBC), which despite their strong médiatisation, have benefited from a form of social acceptation in France (Sociologie des élites délinquantes: de la criminalité en col blanc à la corruption politique).  A man of theater, Pierre Lascoumes has also created a play in 2015 around a text written by Mazarin, which gave some insight on the Cahuzac case.