Special Book Review – June 2022

CEFRES Book Review

For this special edition of the CEFRES Book Review, we will meet Luba Jurgenson, professor of Russian literature at Sorbonne University, director of Eur’ORBEM, translator, author of fiction, essayist and editor-in-chief of various book series, and we will discuss her latest book.

When: Tuesday, June 28th, at 3:30 p.m.
Where: CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 3, Prague (link to online meeting on request – cefres@cefres.cz)
Language: French

Continue reading Special Book Review – June 2022

Central Europe in French Humanities Publications

A roundtable discussion organized at „Book World Prague“ – „Svět knihy“ among events devoted to France, the guest of honour of the 2021 edition of the book fair

Where: Prague, Výstaviště, Ateliér Evropa
When: 24 September 2021, 11h-12h50
Language: French with a simultaneous translation into Czech

For many years now Central Europe has been the subject of interest on the part of French publishing houses focusing on humanities. This curiosity, however, is often marginal, and only intensifies in the light of major historical events. French publishers and social scientists debate Central Europe‘s publishing potential in France.

With the participation of:
Astrid Thorn-Hillig (Publishing house of Maison des sciences de l’homme),
Gwendal Piégais (Codex Publishing),
Miroslav Novák (author of Le Printemps de Prague, 1968. Une révolution interrompue ?, Codex, 2021)
Ronan Hervouet (author of Le goût des tyrans. Une ethnographie politique du quotidien en Biélorussie, Lormont, Le Bord de l’eau, 2020).

Moderation: Jérôme Heurtaux, director of CEFRES, author of Pologne 1989. Comment le communisme s’est effondré, Codex, 2019.

CEFRES Review of Books – June 2021

The new edition of CEFRES Review of Books will take place on Thursday, June 17th, at 4:30 pm, online,
The link will be provided soon.

This informal meeting gathers CEFRES team, the library readers, and professionals from libraries and publishing. The aim of our Review of Books is to make better known the publishing landscape in humanities and social sciences. Each book is presented in no more than 10 minutes, so to stress its originality and stakes.

So far, the following presentations are announced:

  • Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel, François Dedieu : Covid-19 : Une crise organisationnelle (Les Presses de Sciences Po 2020) by Hugo Plassais
  • Gertrud Bing : Fragments sur Aby Warburg (Institut national d’histoire de l’art, 2020) by Lara Bonneau
  • Noémie Etienne : Les autres et les ancêtres. Les dioramas de Franz Boas et d’Arthur C. Parker à New York, 1900 (Les presses du réel, 2020) by Fedora Parkmann
  • Jacques Rancière : Le temps du paysage : Aux origines de la révolution esthétique (La Fabrique 2020) by Marie Blanc
  • Anne-Marie Thiesse : La Fabrique de l’écrivain national. Entre littérature et politique (Gallimard, 2019) by Michael Wögerbauer
  • Enzo Traverso : Passés singuliers. Le “je” dans l’écriture de l’histoire (LUX 2020) by Arthur Pérodeau

”And so the Bulgarian Jews were saved…” Researching, retelling, and remembering the Holocaust in Bulgaria

Tandem Webinar
organized by Michèle Baussant (CEFRES, CNRS / ICM Fellow) with the collaboration of Maria Kokkinou (CEFRES / FSV UK) and Johana Wyss (CEFRES / Institute of Ethnology AV ČR)

Date: Wednesday, May 12th, 2021, 3:00–5:00 pm
Place: Online, streamed live on CEFRES Facebook page: www.facebook.com/cefres
Or on Zoom, to register please contact Claire Madl: claire(@)cefres.cz
Language: English

Presentation of the book: « Et les Juifs bulgares furent sauvés… ». Une histoire des savoirs sur la Shoah en Bulgarie (Presse de  Sciences Po, 2020) with the participation of:

The author, Nadège Ragaru, Research Professor, Center for International Studies of Sciences Po (CERI, CNRS),

And as discussants:
Henriette-Rika Benveniste (Professor of History, University of Thessaly, Greece)
Jan Grabowski (Professor of History, University of Ottawa, Canada)

Bulgaria was an exception, a state allied with the Reich that refused to deport its Jewish community. This image of Bulgaria during WWII has persisted until the present day, overlooking the fact that in the Yugoslavian and Greek territories occupied by this country between 1941 and 1945, almost all the Jews were rounded up, sent to Poland, and exterminated.

The result of a vast documentary and archival investigation, Nadège Ragaru has pieced together the origins of what was long assumed to be factual because it was widely believed. It explains why a single aspect of a complex and contradictory history was emphasized in the transmission of history. She shows how the deportations, although not expunged, were considered secondary in public discourses, museums, history books, and the arts. She looks at how writings on the persecutions of Bulgarian Jews became caught up in the Cold War and then the political and memorial struggles of the post-communist period in the Balkans and the rest of the world.

Deeply original in its approach and in its style, this historical investigation is an exemplary reflection on the silences of the past.

For more information about the Tandem 2021 research project De-imperial Europe: A Resentful Confederation of Vanquished Peoples? Raw and Lapsed Memories of Post-imperial Minorities, please see here.

For more information about the Tandem programme, see here.

CEFRES Review of Books – June 2020

The new edition of CEFRES Review of Books will take place on Tuesday 23 June at 3 pm at CEFRES library.
Join us for a discussion around the latest publications in humanities and social sciences from France.

This informal meeting gathers CEFRES team, the library readers, and professionals from libraries and publishing. The aim of our Review of Books is to make better known the publishing landscape in humanities and social sciences. Each book is presented in no more than 10 minutes, so to stress its originality and stakes.

So far, the following presentations are announced:

  • Audrey KICHELEWSKI: Les Polonais et la Shoah (CNRS éditions 2019), by Florence Vychytil
  • Samuel HAYAT: 1848. Quand la République était révolutionnaire (Seuil 2014), by Hana Fořtová
  • Frédéric KECK : Les Sentinelles des pandémies. Chasseurs de virus et observateurs d’oiseaux aux frontières de la Chine. (Zones sensibles 2020), by Virginie Vaté
  • Anne MADELAIN: L’expérience française des Balkans (Presses universitaires François Rabelais 2019), by Maria Kokkinou
  • Romain BERTRAND: Le détail du monde (Seuil 2019), byJulien Wacquez
  • Federico TARRAGONI: L’esprit démocratique du populisme (La Découverte 2019), by Felipe K. Fernandes


Book Presentation: Pre-textual Ethnographies

Pre-textual Ethnographies. Challenging the phenomenological level of anthropological knowledge-making by Tomasz Rakowski & Helena Patzer

When & Where: 30 November 2018, 4 pm, CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1 (Upper Hall)
Organizers: Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, CEFRES
Language: English


Tomasz Rakowski (Assistant Professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw)
Helena Patzer (Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)


Ewa Klekot (University of Warsaw/Poznan School of Form)
Daniel Sosna (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen)

Moderated by Luděk Brož (Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, in Prague)


Anthropologists often have fieldwork experiences that are not explicitly analysed in their writings, though they nevertheless contribute to and shape their ethnographic understandings, and can resonate throughout their work for many years . The task of this volume is precisely to uncover these layers of anthropological knowledge-making. Contributors take on the challenge of reconstructing the ways in which they originally entered the worlds of research subjects – their anthropological Others – by focusing on pretextual and deeply phenomenological processes of perceiving, noting, listening and sensing. Drawing on a wide range of research experiences – with the Dogon in Mali, immigrant football players in Spain, the Inuit of the Far North, Filipino transnational families, miners in Poland and students in Scotland – this book goes beyond an exploration of the development of increased ethnographic sensitivity towards words or actions. It also commences the foundational project of developing a new language for building anthropological works, one stemming from recurring acts of participation, and rooted primarily in the pre-textual worlds of the tacit, often non-visible, and intense experiences that exceed the limitations of conventional textual accounts.

“These edifying essays lay the groundwork for an
anthropology that not only overcomes old antinomies
of body-mind, text-context, representation-reality, but
encourages us to see how participatory method, social
attentiveness, and new forms of ethnographic writing can
enhance our understanding of the affective, intersubjective,
and conceptual complexities of life as lived,” Michael Jackson, Distinguished Professor of World Religions, Harvard University.