Actors between Dispositions and Context of Action: how to think the Unity of Social Sciences and Humanities

Prof. Bernard LAHIRE’s public inaugural lecture for CEFRES Platform

Place: Carolinum’s Patriotic Hall

Prof. Bernard Lahire teaches sociology at École Normale Supérieure in Lyon and is the vice-director of the Max Weber Center. He wrote on school failure and success in the working classes, popular appropriation modes of written culture, on the history of illiteracy, on French cultural practices, on life and creation conditions of writers, on Franz Kafka’s work, and on the historical relations between art and domination in the West. He conceptualized a theory of action, both “dispositional” and “contextual”, aiming at specifying and qualifying Bourdieu’s field theory and the related notion of habitus, thanks to his concept of “social game”. Bernard Lahire thus engages in an epistemological reflection on social sciences and their social functions. He also strove to show that social sciences should be taught from primary school upward (L’Esprit sociologique, 2005).

Bernard Lahire published about twenty books, among which:

L’Homme pluriel (Nathan, 1998)

La Culture des individus (La Découverte, 2004)

Franz Kafka. Éléments pour une théorie de la création littéraire (La Découverte, 2010)

Monde pluriel : penser l’unité des sciences sociales (Le Seuil, 2012).

The conference will be held in French, with simultaneous translation in Czech.

Local contexts / International Networks. Avant-Garde Magazines in Central Europe (1910–1935)

International conference organized by the Kassák Museum in Budapest, with the support of Visegrad Fund (Small Grant) and CEFRES.

Sans-titre1Partners : Charles University in Prague, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Adam Mickiewicz University, University of Warsaw, Masaryk University in Brno, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Polish Academy of Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences, National Museum in Warsaw, Slovak Design Museum and

See the complete program here.

Check on Kassák Museum webpage here.

The subject of the conference is the ‘Central European avant-garde magazine’, arguably the most important medium of communication for progressive literature and visual arts in the region during and after the First World War. Given the multifaceted nature of the phenomenon, the analysis will take an interdisciplinary perspective and employ several different approaches. The avant-garde magazine will be examined as a discursive space of avant-garde communication, as a Gesamtkunstwerk, and as a historical document. As the recent conjuncture in scholarship positions the art of the region in the international context, our aim is to draw more attention to the – sometimes ambivalent – interrelationships between the local contexts and international networks of Central European avant-gardes.

How did the different cultural and historical characteristics affect the ‘local’ avant-gardes of Central Europe? How are the avant-garde magazines of Central Europe related to each other? Accordingly, how could ‘Central European avant-gardes’ be described from the perspectives of Cracow, Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava or Budapest? Through detailed case studies, the conference will emphasize the complex and problematic nature of Central European avant-garde magazines regarding the questions of national/local and international/cosmopolitan. The conference will include monographic, thematic and problem-oriented lectures on current research on local avant-garde magazines published during the First World War and in the interwar period.

The conference is accompanied by a temporary exhibition in the Kassák Museum dedicated to the first avant-garde magazine of Lajos Kassák, A Tett [The Act] published between 1915 and 1916. The exhibition marks the centenary of Kassák’s ‘debut’. The Kassák Museum is the only thematic showroom of the historical avant-garde in Hungary. Its objectives in this regard are to reach a broader audience and to establish the museum as a regional focus point for research into the avant-garde and modernism.

National Identities in Central Europe in the Light of Changing European Geopolitics 1918–1948

From June the 29th to July the 1st 2015, in the Faculty for Social Sciences at the Masaryk University in Brno.

International conference, organized by the Institute for European Policy Europeum, in collaboration with the CEFRES and the help of the Visegrad fund and the “Europe for citizens Programme” of the European Union.

Objectives of the conference:

The conference aims at conceiving the historical context of the first half of 20th century from the perspective of its influence on current political discourses. National mythologies built on the events of 1918-1948 don’t lose their significance both in the individual Visegrad countries and in the context of the region as a whole. Our attempt to conceive the conference from the perspective of the entire CEE region enables us to focus on selected case studies within broader context.

Questions of national identity and citizenship are key topics for civic education throughout Europe, and the Visegrad region makes no exception. The conference provides a forum for discussion about these topics from an historical perspective. The insights into the historical events of 1918-1948 gained from the conference contributions and reflections of their role in contemporary political discourses are crucial for cultivating public discussion. The outputs of the conference may also be used as materials for civic education with an aim to support the consolidation and strengthening of democracy in the region.

The proposed conference builds on the tradition and results of the conference “My Hero, Your Enemy : Listening to Understand” which took place in Prague in 2011. In a similar way to its predecessor the conference will focus on national histories. Moreover, it will also try to build a bridge and to identify links between historical events and the contemporary identity politics in the Visegrad countries.

Voir le programme.

Body as a Medium

Body as a Medium

KOA-12-version1-bam_outlines_pink_page_001Action two : Cercles
a Charles University international interdisciplinary program.

in collaboration with :
the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences

and under the responsibility of
Benedetta ZaACCARELLO (Charles University Prague, EKS Departement / CNRS, Lyon, France)

See and download the program.

Local History and Uyghur Identity in Xinjiang

Tuesday, June 9th at 14:00 in Pécs (HU)

Conference by Ildikó BELLÉR-HANN
(Senior lecturer, Institute for transcultural and regional studies, Copenhagen University).

Within the frame of the PhD program for Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the interdisciplinary doctoral school of Pécs University’s Faculty of Humanities (PTE BTK),
of the Ethnology work committee within the regional committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA PAB),
in collaboration with the Foundation « Maison des Sciences de l’Homme » (FMSH) in Paris and CEFRES in Prague.

French Tradition of Philosophy of Body and Life

Organized by the Institute of Philosophy (Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy) of the Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic, an international conference will deal with  the French Tradition of Philosophy of Body and Life. The conference seeks to shed light on its history: from its birth in Descartes’s and Maine de Biran’s works, to its many variations in the philosophy of Bergson, Canguilhem, Ruyer, and Merleau-Ponty, and to its revival within phenomenology and its main critics, such as Deleuze, Ricoeur and Foucauld, who helped shifting the core question from body to life. Gathering several–mostly French and Czech–specialists, the conference thus aims at revealing through what path philosophy of body turned into a “tradition”, if not an obsession of French philosophy, leading to a specific questioning of sciences, ethics, power, and gender studies.