Can we compare revolutions?

A lecture by Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES director) as part of the Franco-czech historical seminar organized by Institute for Czech History of the Faculty of arts, Charles University (FFUK), in collaboration with CEFRES.

Venue: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1, room 201
Date & Time: 21 November 2019, 9:10-12:10
Language: French


As a canonical object of social sciences, the revolutionary phenomenon provoked numerous comparative approaches in sociology, history and political sciences. Which statement can we draw from the international comparison of revolutions? On the strength of the scientific literature and of his own searches about the fall of communism in Poland and about the Tunisian revolution, Jérôme Heurtaux will point out the advantages and the limits of the comparative exercise, and will make the case for a controlled and an erratic comparison.

JÉRÔME HEURTAUX is director of the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES) in Prague. He is a specialist in regime change and in democratic transitions. Among his several publications belong La démocratie par le droit. Pologne 1989-2016 (Presses de Sciences po, 2017), Introduction à l’Europe postcommuniste (avec Frédéric Zalewski, De Boeck, 2012) and 1989 à l’Est de l’Europe. Une mémoire controversée (in co-direction with Cédric Pellen, L’Aube, 2009). He publishes in 2019 Pologne, 1989. Comment le communisme s’est effondré (Éditions Codex).

Complete Civil Disobedience. On Gandhi’s Critique of the State

A lecture by Eraldo Souza Dos Santos (PhD candidate at Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, associated at CEFRES) as part of the Franco-Czech historical seminar organized by Institute for Czech History of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (FFUK), in collaboration with CEFRES.

Venue: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1, room 201
Time: 14 November 2019, 9:10-12:10
Language: French

Continue reading Complete Civil Disobedience. On Gandhi’s Critique of the State

Velvet Revolution and Intellectual Dissidence: Charter 77 and Jan Hus Association

A lecture by Thomas C. Mercier (post-doc. CEFRES / Charles University) in the frame of the Franco-czech historical seminar organized by Institute for Czech History of the Faculty of arts, Charles University (FFUK), in collaboration with CEFRES.

Venue: Faculty of Arts of Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1, room 201
Time: 9:10-10:30
Language: French

Continue reading Velvet Revolution and Intellectual Dissidence: Charter 77 and Jan Hus Association