Visegrad Forum: Lydia Coudroy de Lille, between Budapest & Prague


Monday 14 March – Budapest

3-5 PM
Lecture within the frame of the French-Hungarian Workshop of the Faculty of Arts of Lorand Eötvös University.
Topic: Thinking Dwelling and Housing Beyond National Categories.

Wednesday 16 March – Prague

10 AM-4 PM
A young researcher workshop on “Neighbourhoods”, organized by the Institut of World History of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, program Erasmus+ TEMA – European Territories: Identity and Development;
Discussant: Lydia Coudroy de Lille.
Convener: Luďa Klusáková.
Language: English.
Where: at CEFRES, Na Florenci 3.
A complete program is available here.

Thursday 17 March – Prague

5:30-7 PM
Lecture by Lydia Coudroy de Lille – in the frame of the European Habitat United Nations regional conference (see the program here).
Topic: How do we call the urban change? The case of Central and Eastern Europe.
Discussant: Pr. Ludĕk Sykora.
Language: English.
Where: Prague Congress Center, room Club D. 5. Kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4.
Registration is compulsory on the conference’s website The entrance is free.

Visegrad Forum: Michel Wieviorka, between Prague and Warsaw


Thursday 25 February – Prague

11:00-12:30 AM
Lecture by Michel Wieviorka within the frame of the cycle “Socio-Historical Confrontations” of the Department of Historical Sociology (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University).
Topic: Violence and Democracy.
Language: English.
Where: U Kříže 8, Praha 5 – Jinonice, auditorium 1034.

MW_Retour au sens

5-7 PM
Lecture and debate organized by CEFRES in partnership with the French Institute in Prague.
Topic: Are European Intellectuals Afraid of the Decline of the West? Around Michel Wieviorka’s book Retour au sens. Pour en finir avec le déclinisme [Back to Meaning. Getting over with declinism].
Discussant: Pavel Barša (FF UK).
Language: French with Czech translation.
Where: at Kino in the French Institute, Štěpánská 35.

Friday 26 February – Warsaw

2 PM
Lecture and debate organized by the French Center of Warsaw University (CCFEF).
Topic: Terrorrism and Migration in Europe.
Language: French with Polish translation.
Moderator: Gregorz Dobiecki.