The Emergence of Professional Education in Central Europe: Social, Economic and Scientific Contexts (1818-1939)

Young Researcher Workshop

Time & Venue: 2-6 pm at CEFRES, Národní 18, 7th floor, conference room
Organizer: Mátyás Erdélyi (CEFRES & CEU)
Language: English


14:00 – Mátyás Erdélyi (CEFRES & CEU): The Commercial School in the Habsburg Monarchy: A Mittelschule or Alternative to the Mittelschule (1856-1918)

14:50 – Jitka Bílková (PedF UK): The Emergence of Vocational Education in the East Bohemian town of Jičín in the Second Half of 19th Century

15:40 – Coffee break

16:00 – Martin Pospíšil (FA ČVUT): Graphic Statics and its Transfer to the Czech Lands in the Last Third of the 19th Century

16:50 – Kamila Mádrová (ČVUT): Student Educational Excursions, Foundations and Supports as the Form of Practical Learning at the Business School of the Czech Technical University in Prague (1919-1939)


Haunted Anthropology: Ghosts in Inner Asia and Academic Writing

A workshop organized by the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with CEFRES

Time & Venue: 3-6 pm at CEFRES, Národní 18, 7th floor, conference room
Language: English

  • Grégory Delaplace (Département d’Anthropologie, Paris Nanterre University): The Thickness of Things Invisible
  • Luděk Brož (Institute of Ethnology – AV ČR):Ghost and the Other


  • Martin Paleček (Language, Mind, Society Center at the University of Hradec Králové)
  • Jonathan Mair (School of Anthropology & Conservation, University of Kent)

Aesthetical Spaciality: On Ludwig Binswanger

A workshop on Ludwig Binswanger organized by Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

Time & Venue: 9 am-5 pm at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 17, rue de la Sorbonne, UFR de philosophie, Halbwachs room
Organizers: Lara Bonneau (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne / associate PhD student at CEFRES), Danièle Cohn (professor at Université Panthéon-Sorbonne), Raphaëlle Cazal (PhD student at Université Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Language: French

See the poster and program of the workshop here.

Populism in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century

When and where: 11 – 12 May 2017, EHESS – Room M. et D. Lombard, 96 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
Languages: English & French
Organizer:  Roman Krakovsky, LabEx Tepsis, EHESS, IHTP, CNRS, in partnership with CEFRES

Since the 1990s, several political movements qualified as “populist” have emerged in Central and Eastern Europe, drawing the attention of political scientists. If we want to understand why these movements exercise such attraction and why they are so relentless in this space, it is necessary to cross the study of current politics with the analysis of long term developments. Indeed, since the 19th century, Central and Eastern Europe has known several movements and political parties that have called themselves or have been labelled as “populist”. In this sense, the long-term approach allows considering the similarities and the differences, according to different contexts and periods, and identifying the reasons and the mechanisms of action of these movements. At last, this historical approach helps to consider the specificity – if there is any specificity – of these movements in Central and Eastern Europe and to evaluate their impact on political cultures of the region.

See the program of the workshop here.

Border Cases

A workshop organized by CEFRES PhD Students Filip Herza, Magdalena Cabaj and Katalin Pataki

Time & Venue: from 2 to 5 pm at CEFRES library, Na Florenci 3
Language: English

Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
A barber shaving a man who looks extremely fearful. Lithograph by L. Boilly after himself.
By: Louis-Léopold Boilly
Session I

Discussant: Sabine ARNAUD (Centre Alexandre Koyré, EHESS)

2.00: Filip Herza (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University – CEFRES): Faces of Normative Masculinity: Shaving Practices and the Popular Exhibitions of “Hairy Wonders” in the early 20th Century Prague

2:25: Magdalena Cabaj (Warsaw University / ENS Ulm – CEFRES): Dear Herculine, Dear Aaron: From the Angel to the Beast. On Two Cases of Hermaphroditic Writing

2:50: Discussion

— Coffee Break —

Session II


  • Veronika ČAPSKÁ (Department of Historical Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University)
  • Karel ČERNÝ (Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University)

3.30: Katalin Pataki (Central European University – CEFRES): Medical Expertise in Service of Joseph II’s Monastic Reforms’

3:55: Adam Mézes (Central European University): ‘Seen and Discovered’ – the Diagnosis of Vampirism in 1730-1750’s Habsburg Empire

4.20: Discussion

Visegrad Forum: Laure Teulières, between Warsaw & Prague


Tuesday 25 April – Warsaw

Immigration in order to repopulated: measures, narratives and migrant social paths in France post-WW1. A workshop around Laure Teulières organized by the Center of French Civilization and Francophone Studies.
Language: English

Wednesday 26 April – Prague

6:30-8:00 PM
“Étrangers d’ici”: migrants et migrations en France à travers des films de la Cinémathèque de Toulouse
. A lecture by Laure Teulières organized by CEFRES.
Where: French Institute (5th floor), Štěpánská 35, Prague 1
Language: French

Thursday 27 April – Prague

2:00-7:00 PM
Around the migrations in the middle of the 20th century – prospects from the two sides of the Channel. A workshop around Laure Teulières and Simon Gunn.
Organizer: World History Department, FF UK
Where: Hybernská 3, Prague 1 (room 303)
Language: English