Covid-19: Teleworking and Management

CEFRES invites you to its international roundtable on this topic:

What does the sanitary crisis tell about the changes in corporations and work organization?

Date: Thursday, March 25th, 2021, at 5.30PM
Place: Online (Zoom, see the link below)
Language: English

Organized by:

Vincent Montenero, Ph.D. in Management, Associate Researcher CEFRES / MIAS-CVUT

With a participation of these experts:

Cristina Cazorzi, Ph.D. in Management, EMEA Dispute Manager, Whirlpool
Daniel Prokop, Ph.D. in Sociology, Head of PAQ Research
Julie Landour, Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor, Paris Dauphine
Jean-François Chanlat, PhD in Sociology, Emeritus Professor, Paris Dauphine

The emergence of the COVID-19 crisis has deeply affected corporations in terms of management and labour relations. After a period of adaptation, most companies have put up several measures that have enabled them to meet their customers’ expectations. According to many managers, this unprecedented situation has been an accelerator of different trends, such as a rapid and sudden teleworking increase. It has also been a challenge making several necessary improvements: be more agile, question the frequency of business trips, change management methods, improve newcomers’ integration, etc.

Many questions arise:

– What will remain of these changes in the functioning of the companies after the crisis is over?

– How do employees adapt to these evolutions?

– What does the crisis do in terms of team cohesion, psychosocial risks, division of the employed population, poor integration of newcomers?

To answer these questions, this roundtable will gather experts from France and the Czech Republic who will present and discuss original data and analysis on corporations and labour relations in the present and the future.

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