Theologies of Revolution: Medieval to Modern Europe


Date: 20 and 21 May 2019
Place: Academic Conference Center (AKC, Husova 4a,
Prague 1) et Faculté des Lettres de l’Université Charles, salle 104 (FF UK, náměstí Jana Palacha 2, Prague 1)
Organized by: Martin Pjecha (CEU / CEFRES)
Organized in partnership with: CEFRES, Centre for Medieval Studies (CMS), Central European University (CEU)
Language: English

Keynote speakers

  • Phillip Haberkern (Boston University) : When did Christians Become Revolutionary? A Reflection on Hannah Arendt
  • Matthias Riedl (Central European University, Budapest) Apocalyptic Platonism: The Thought of Thomas Müntzer

Report to the call for contributions.

20th May 2019


10:00 – Introductory comments

10:30-12:00  Panel 1: Urban and noble rebellion in the 17th century

  • Rik Sowden (University of Birmingham): Religion and rebellion in Nottingham during the British Civil wars – (discussant: Vladimír Urbánek)
  • Márton Zászkaliczky (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Literary Studies, Budapest): Calvinist Political Theology in the Bocskai Rebellion (1604-1606) – (discussant: Vladimír Urbánek)

12:00-13:00  Lunch

13:00-14:20 – Panel 2: 20th century interpretations

  • Behrang Pourhosseini (University Paris 8): From Christian Victimary Politics to Shi’ite Messianism : A Debate around the Iranian Revolution – (discussant: Thomas C. Mercier)
  • Giacomo Maria Arrigo (KU Leuwen/University of Calabria): Gnosticism and Revolution: Towards an Explanatory Pattern – (discussant: Matthias Riedl)

14:20-14:40  Coffee break

14:40-16:00  Panel 3: Imperial and Soviet Russia

  • Anastasia Papushina (CEU, Budapest): Martyrs and heroes: revisiting religious patterns in revolutionary times – (discussant: Hanuš Nykl)
  • Daniel García Augusto Porras (Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona)/Universidad Pontificia Comillas ):  Revolution as political religion in Russia: Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor and its interpreters in Russian religious thought – (discussant: Hanuš Nykl)

16:00-16:20  Coffee break

16:30-18:00 – Keynote 1

  • Matthias Riedl (CEU, Budapest): Apocalyptic Platonism: The Thought of Thomas Müntzer

21st May 2019 


10:00-11:20  Panel 4: The French Revolution

  • Mathias Sonnleithner (MLU, Halle-Wittenberg) : Robespierre’s Belief to Be God’s Chosen – A Key Element of the Political Theology of the Terror – (discussant: Jakub Štofaník)
  • Amirpash Tavakkoli (EHESS, Paris) : French revolution, a Christian reading – (discussant: Jakub Štofaník)

11:20-11:50 – coffee break

11:50-13:10  Panel 5: Violence and bliss in medieval Bohemia

  • Pavlína Cermanová (CMS, Prague): The Theology of Hussite Innocence – (discussant: Phillip Haberkern)
  • Martin Pjecha (CEU, Budapest/CEFRES, Prague): “Cosmic” revolution in radical Hussitism – (discussant: Phillip Haberkern)

13:10-14:30  Lunch

14:30-16:30 – Panel 6: Intellectual transfers and comparisons in early modernity

  • Sam Gilchrist Hall (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest): “But I do not doubt the people”: Thomas Müntzer and King Lear – (discussant: Matthias Riedl)
  • Luke Collison (Kingston University London): Hobbes and ‘Religion’ on the Threshold of Modernity – (discussant: Matthias Riedl)
  • Benjamin Heidenreich (University of Würzburg): Huldrich Zwingli´s influence on the “Peasants´ War” of 1525 – (discussant: Phillip Haberkern)

16:30-16:50 – Coffee break

17:30-19:00 – Keynote 2

  • Phillip Haberkern (Boston University): When did Christians Become Revolutionary? A Reflection on Hannah Arendt
    FF UK, salle 104 (náměstí Jana Palacha 2, Prague 1)

19:00  Closing remarks