Pierre Aymard
Third year student at Sciences Po Bordeaux (France). Professional interests: European affairs, relations between France and Central Europe, institutional system of the European Union, modern history of Central Europe Internship period: May 2021 – June 2021 Administrative internship
Lena Mihranian
Third year Communication student at the Catholic University of Paris (France). Professional interests: Communication, international relations, languages, philosophy, economy. Internship period: March 2021 – June 2021 Research and administrative internship
Paul Batcabe-Lacoste
Graduate student in social sciences, specializing in history (master 2: political history of contemporary worlds), also currently enrolled at the INALCO in Czech language. Editor in the online newspaper Les Yeux du Monde, writing in particular about the Czech Republic and about European history. Dissertation topic: The Peace Race ? A Tour de France in the East (1952-1956), mainly based on Czechoslovak and East German archives. Under the direction of Olivier Wieviorka (ENS Paris-Scalay) and Etienne Boisserie (INALCO). Professional interests: European affairs, history of sports, history of communism, history of Median and Balkan Europe, history of western European social-democracy, sociological and economic approaches to happiness, economic sociology, languages, quantitative approaches to social sciences. Internship period: March 2021- July 2021 Administrative and research internship
Hugo Plassais
Holding a Master degree in International Relations from Sciences Po Paris (France). I am Volunteer of International Civic Service at CEFRES in partnership with the French NGO Eurasia Net. My areas of interest are Asian Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis and International Cooperation. Volunteering period: March – June 2021
Fanny Garel 
Master degree student in European and international projects engineering from the University of Nantes, in Erasmus exchange at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Professionnal interests : European projects, modern history, political sciences, international and european law, sociology, languages, European questions, in particular central Europe. Internship period:February – May 2021 Research and administrative internship
Marie Blanc
Last year at Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon (France). I currently work on a PhD project about czech photography in the 60’s, its circulation and reception in Europe and its relationship with the urban landscape. Studies fields : art history, photography, history of 20th century, history of collections, the arts and politics, the arts and memory. Internship period: February – June 2021 Research and administrative internship
Jeanne Besse-Corfa
Final year of a Master’s degree in Management at ESSEC (France), specialising in Negotiation and International Relations. Professional interests: economic and social sciences, research, philosophy, mediation, philanthropy, development aid, sustainable development Internship period: January – March 2021 Research and administrative internship
Charlotte Barbier

Third year of Bachelor at Sciences Po Toulouse. In parallel in second year of Bachelor at Paris Nanterre University. Currently at the CEFRES to discover the profession of a researcher. Personal interest: 19th century history in Europe Studies fields : political sciences, history of 19th century and 20th century, public and international law, economic and sociology Internship period: September – December 2020 Research and administrative internship
Julie Stodolová

First year of Master studies at Charles University, specialization in High School Teaching of History and French Language and Literature. Personal interests: Contemporary history, Languages, Didactics Study field: 20th century history, relations between France and Czechoslovakia in the 80s, postcolonialism Internship period: October – December 2020 Administrative internship
Jieni Wu

Master in China Studies with concentration area in International Relations and Politics at the Yenching Academy of Peking University, 2019-2021. Research interests and study fields: Political Science, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Relations, Economic diplomacy, Cultural diplomacy, EU-China relations, Institutional system of the EU, Sino-foreign relations. Internship duration: October 2020 – January 2021 Administrative internship
Gabrielle Franck

Master student in “International Relations and Politics and Public Administration“. Joint Master between the two universities: Charles (Prague) and Konstanz (Germany) Thesis topic: “Collective trauma and Identity struggle: underground factors of the 2019 South American demonstration waves. The cases of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia.“ Professional interests: Collective memory, International Relations and Geopolitics, particularly in Africa and South America. Internship period: July-September 2020 Research and administrative internship
Zoé Neboit

Master 1 of French, General and Comparative Literature at University of Strasbourg. Currently doing an Erasmus exchange at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts Research and study fields : History and sociology of European literature, Literary History of women and feminism, Poetry of the XIXth and XXth centuries, Travelling of ideas and writings Master thesis topic: The first Parisian Bohème: a literary and social confrontation between the models of the mansard and of the Salon Internship period: February–April 2020 Research and administratif internship
Timothé Freddo

Bachelor student in History and Geography at the University of Orléans – Department of Languages and Human Sciences. Currently in Prague on exchange at Charles University, within the Faculty of Arts Research and Study fields: History of Non-violent Resistance, International relations during the 19th and 20th centuries, History teacher Internship duration: January-February 2020 Administrative internship
Etienne Coudrais

Bachelor student in Political Science at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. Currently in Prague on exchange at Charles University, within the Faculty of Social Sciences Research and Study fields: Political science, Analysis of public policies, particularly in relation to the territory, Public law, Institutional system of the European Union Internship duration:January-April 2020 Administrative internship
Cécile Poulot

PhD student in German studies – University of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle Research fields: German and European cultural history, history of art and architecture Thesis topic: Adolf Loos: a Viennese architect with a Connected Career Interwar Europe Internship period: November-December 2019 Research internship
Armelle Bilembo

Joint Master TEMA+ ELTE / FF UK. Preparatory classes and BA in history – Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne Research and Study Fields: History, urban and cultural anthropology, migrations and minorities studies, the role of space in the formation of ethnic identities Master thesis topic: Blackness and europeanness: the role of the locality in the formation of identity and self-perception Internship period: October-December 2019 Research and administrative internship