Nataliia Zachosova: Research & CV

The Role of Education in the Security Oriented Economic Behavior of Individuals Under the Risk of Displacement in BANI World

Research Area 1. Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies: People, Knowledge and Practices

Nataliia Zachosova is a scientist, researcher, professor at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Ukraine). She graduated in finance (MA), received a PhD Diploma at «KROK» University in Kyiv and held a position of senior lecturer, then associate professor and professor in different higher educational establishments in Cherkasy between 2008 and 2023. In 2017 she got the title of the Doctor of Science in Economics.

She is one of the well-known Ukrainian young scientist, and in 2019 she got the Personal Scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists, in 2018, in 2020, in 2022 she was awarded with the Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and in 2021 she was the Laureate of the Regional Prize of Young Scientists of Cherkasy Region. Her research, since its beginnings, has crossed a few fields: economic and financial security, human resource management, educational management and economic behavior. Now her main research topic is the role of education in the model of individual economic behavior and her aim in scientific field is to find out how effective self-management can make a positive impact on an economic security level of a young person. She is an author and co-author of more than 250 scientific papers.

The project planned to be done with CEFRES will be connected with determination of the possibilities and specific directions of using education and educational services to correct the patterns of economic and social behavior of persons who were at risk of internal and external displacement, or were forced to change their place of residence under the influence of military operations or due to other life circumstances.



  • 2008: MA (Finance), Diploma with Honors East European University of Economics and Management, Ukraine.
  • 2007: BA (Finance), Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Diploma with Honors, Ukraine.

Research ranks

  • 2019: Academic rank of Professor of Management and Economic Security Department.
  • 2017: Scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences in Economics.
  • 2014: Academic rank of Associate Professor of Finance and Credit Department.
  • 2011: Scientific degree of PhD in Economics.


  • 2022–2023: U4U Fellowship (initiated by Economists for Ukraine), Research Project: “Motives and imperatives of economic behavior of youth in economic security self-management in wartime”

Selected publications

  • Articles
    • Zachosova N., Herasymenko O., Shevchenko A. (2018). Risks and Possibilities of the Effect of Financial Inclusion on Managing the Financial Security at the Macrolevel. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. Volume 15, Issue №4, 304-319.
    • Zachosova N., Bilyk V., Kutsenko D. (2019). The quality of financial education as the basis of proper human resources for economic security strategic management. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. Volume 18, Issue 6, URL: 1939-6104-18-6-479.
    • Zachosova N. (2019). Innovative approach in the estimatology of financial institutions economic security: possibilities of use in management and regulatory activity within the means of provision of the state financial security. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. Volume 5, Number 2, 45-56.
    • Zachosova N., Zanora V., Zyvko Z. (2020). Human risks of project management involving remote teams in the context of the enterprise economic and financial security. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, Vol 4. (35), 514-521.
    • Zachosova N., Melnychuk D., Kobets A. (2020). Principles of personnel security management and counterfeiting of social risks for achieving economic security of the enterprise. Bulletin of the Cherkasy National University. Economic Sciences, Issue 4, 26-34.
    • Zachosova N., Koval O. (2022). Strategic management in ensuring economic security in the digital economy and the VUCA World. MEST Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, 217-224.
    • Zachosova N., Kutsenko D., Koval O. (2022). Strategy and mechanism of enterprises financial and economic security management in the conditions of war, Industry 4.0 and BANI world. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, Vol 4(45), 223-233.
    • Zachosova N.V. (2023). Economic behavior and economic security of an individual in the conditions of war risks. Economics, Finance and Management Review, №1, 13–27.
  • Book
    • Zachosova N. Financial Security: Problems of Operational and Strategic Management, Risks and Peculiarities of Public Administration. Przeworsk: WSSG, 2019. 114 p.

Scientific profiles online

French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague