CEFRES Seminar

CEFRES’s monthly seminar aims at fulfilling CEFRES’s mission to train PhD students and young researchers. Since Autumn 2021, CEFRES gathers in a Research Seminar all its PhD fellows and researchers opened to young researchers and to MA and PhD students of its partners, within “CEFRES Platform” and in the four Visegrad countries.

Presentations focus on the conceptual and methodological framework of each research. Thus it seems that presenting at first an objective set for the project, then its concept & method, finally the corpus / sources / field enables to formulate an in-depth insight of each research work and collect fruitful feed-back.

Location: CEFRES Library and online
Dates: once a month, on Tuesday, 16:30–18:30
Language: English
Contact: cefres[@]cefres.cz

Schedule for 2024–2025 Winter semester

September 24
Vera Guseynova, CEFRES / EHESS
Following the Global Rules of Art?

October 8
Anastasia Mamaeva, CEFRES / Sorbonne University
The Ultimate 1970s Phenomenon in Czechoslovak Cinema

November 5
Seema Sridhar CEFRES / CEU
Agency and Emancipation in Exile

December 3
Josefína Formanová CEFRES / Charles University
Revision of the Experience of Failure in Growth Societies, and Its Hegelian Basis

Schedule for 2024–2025 Summer semester

January 28|
Kajetan Holeček (Faculty of Arts, Charles University)(Non-)Presence of Jews in Urban Space: Cheb (Eger) in the High Middle Ages

February 18 |
Dominik Kulcsár (Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Revisiting La pensée de midi – Albert Camus and the Legacy of Mikhail Bakunin.

March 18 |
Valentin Auger (CEFRES / Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
Blurring Boundaries: Literature as a Tool for Understanding History and Society

April 15 | Jan Musil (CEFRES / Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
May 27 | Florence Vychytil Baudoux (CEFRES/EHESS)
June 10 | Honorata Sroka (CEFRES/National Science Centre, Poland)

French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague