In the frame of the Visegrad Forum program, CEFRES is pleased to host in cooperation with the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University (coordinator: Nicolas Maslowski), the Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, and the Center of French Civilization and Francophone Studies of the University of Warsaw (coordinator: Paul Gradvohl) French sociologist Michel Wieviorka from 24 to 26 February 2016!
See the program on our calendar.
Since 2009, the head of Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, Michel Wieviorka was the chairman of the International Association of Sociologie AIS/ISA from 2006 to 2010 and led between 2003 and 2009 the Centre of sociological analysis and intervention (CADIS) at EHESS. With Georges Balandier, he co-directed the periodical Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie from 1991 to 2011. He is today in charge of the editorial collection “Le monde comme il va” (The World as It Goes) within Robert Laffont publishing house.
Advocating the necessity of taking into account globalization and actors’ subjectivity in sociological research, Michel Wieviorka has developed a sociology of action since his first works on consumers’ movements in the 1970s (for instance, L’État le patronat et les consommateurs. Étude des mouvements de consommateurs, PUF, 1977) and on such phenomena as racism, violence and anti-Semitism (for instance, Les Juifs, la Pologne et Solidarność, Denoël, 1984; L’Antisémitisme, Balland, 2005). His works on terrorrism (his book Sociétés et terrorisme, published by Fayard in 1988, won the special award from the Amalfi European jury in 1989), multiculturalism and globalization granted him international recognition.
See his blog.
Last Publications:
- Retour au sens. Pour en finir avec le déclinisme, Paris, Robert Lafont, 2015.
- avec Maëlezig BIGI, Olivier COUSIN, Dominique MÉDA et Laetitia SIBAUD, Travailler au XXIe siècle. Des salariés en quête de reconnaissance, Paris, Robert Laffont, 2015.
- L’Antisémitisme expliqué aux jeunes, Paris, Le Seuil, 2014.
- L’impératif numérique ou La nouvelle ère des sciences humaines et sociales ?, Paris, CNRS Editions, Débats, 2013.
- Le Front national, entre extrémisme, populisme et démocratie, Paris, éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2013.