Jakub Zítko – Research & CV

“The relation of festivity and literature in Georges Bataille and Julia Kristeva”

Contact : jakub.zitko1789@gmail.com
Research area : 2

I am a Ph.D. student of Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University. The primary focus of my research is the philosophy of Georges Bataille, along with Alexandre Kojève and Pierre Klossowski. In my project, I attempt to interpret the notion of community from a Bataillean perspective. The concept of community was revitalized in 1983 through the debate between Maurice Blanchot and Jean-Luc Nancy. While both authors frequently refer to Bataille, it is their philosophical systems that emerge from the debate rather than Bataille’s own work. Consequently, his position remains somewhat uncertain. Drawing from various aspects and fragments of his work, I reconstruct Bataille’s stance by exploring different types of community, such as political community, community of lovers, community of writers, and even community of those who lack community. I examine the limitations of such communities, their relationship to transgression, and the norms beyond which they are experienced.

2015-2018: University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Arts. Bachelor degree from Sociology.2018-2020: Charles University, Faculty of Humanities. Magister degree in Semiotics.2020-since now: Charles University, Faculty of Humanities. Doctoral degree in Semiotics and philosophy of communication.
Research Projects:
2022-since now: The relation of festivity and literature in Georges Bataille and Julia Kristeva. GAČR, Charles University.

Sémiotika a ideologie [Semiotics and Ideology], Lenka Vojtíšková, Jakub Zítko (eds.), Togga, 2022.

Bataillova dvojí četba Hegela [Bataille’s Double Read of Hegel] (in:) Mladá Filozofia 2022, Alžběta Kuchtová, Marcel Šedo and Katarina Podušelová (eds.), FÚ SAV, 2022.

Conference papers:

V nadbytku není krása [There is no beauty in abundance], Ergot, FF UJEP, 2019.

Svrchovanost fašismu [Sovereignty of fascism], Sémiotika a ideologie, FHS UK, 2020.

Georges Bataille a nezavršený systém nevědění [Georges Bataille and the non-finished system of non-knowledge], Conference Think, ÚFAR UP, 2020.

Heterology and the sacrifice of knowledge, Arts, Ontology and Politics, University of Antwerp, 2021.

Bataillova četba Hegela: oběť, smrt a slavnost [Bataille reads Hegel: sacrifice, death and festivity], Mladá Filozofia, FÚ SAV, 2022.

Portrét, v jehož očích zříme hrůzu a utrpení [Portrait in whose eyes we see horror and suffering], Summer school of semiotics, FHS UK, 2022.