Sergiy Shevtsov – Výzkum & CV

Borders of Transgression:
Violence of Norms and Violence of Violations

Research Area 2. Norms et transgressions

Contact : sergiishevtsov{@}

Sergiy Shevtsov is Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Odesa, Ukraine). I received a PhD in philosophy from ONU as a result of studying the formation of legal consciousness for more than ten years. My doctoral dissertation “Social mechanisms of the formation of legal consciousness” (scientific consultant: PhD, Professor Vernikov M. M.) was defended in 2013. The area of research includes the history of philosophy, philosophy of law, and ethics. In addition to publishing almost a hundred articles, I am the author of Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (2009), Metamorphoses of Law (2014), and editor of Processes of Integration and Differentiation in Modern Scientific and Philosophical Knowledge (2023).

In my dissertation research, I focused on the mechanisms and conditions for the formation of the tradition of negative legal consciousness in our society. I began by considering the initial mechanisms of legal development, such as property, the hierarchy of community members, and the system of exchange and interaction. I have proposed a logical model according to which the legal development of society is determined by the degree of integration of individuals.