PhD Fellows | 2023-2024

Jelena Božović

Contact: jelena.bozovic(@)

is a PhD student in linguistics at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Her research, entitled The interplay between official and unofficial language policies in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina contributes to the CEFRES research areas 1 and 2.
She was granted a CEFRES Platform Fellowship.

Júlia Čížová

Contact: julia.cizova(@)

is a PhD student in history at the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Her research is devoted to the Slovak environmental movement in the period between 1969 and 1989 and contributes to the CEFRES research areas 1 .
She was granted a PhD Fellowship at CEFRES-SAV.

Kateřina Fuksová

Contact: katerina.fuksova(@)

is a PhD student in Cultural Anthropology and History at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague. Her research, entitled Chisinau : The Making of Neoliberal City. Identities, Memories and Aspirations after the post-Socialist Transformation contributes to CEFRES research area 3. She was granted a CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowships.

Olga Kalashnikova

Contact: Kalashnikova_Olga(@)

is a PhD candidate at the Central European University in Vienna. Her PhD dissertation, entitled Preaching the Passion in 14th-century Bohemia: The rhetoric of Good Friday sermons contributes to CEFRES research area 2. She was granted a France & Visegrád PhD Fellowship at CEFRES.

Lola Sinoimeri

Contact: lola.sinoimeri(@)

is a PhD student in comparative Literature at Université Paris 8 and Sorbonne University. Her research project, entitled Transnational Spokeswomen? Female Authors from the Balkan Diasporas, between the Intimate and the Collective, contributes to the CEFRES research areas 1 and 2.
She was granted a France & Visegrád PhD Fellowship at CEFRES.

Associated PhD students 2023–2024
Adrien Beauduin

is a PhD student at the Central European University in Vienna. His thesis focuses on the ideas and members of new right-wing political parties in Czechia and Poland and contributes to the CEFRES research areas  2 and 3. He was granted a Young Researcher Fellowships at the CEFRES in 2022–2023.

Adéla Bricínová

Contact: ad.bricinova(@)

is a PhD student in cotutelle between the Charles University (Prague) and the École pratique des hautes études (Paris), under the supervision of Richard Biegel and Sabine Frommel. Her dissertation, entitled: Modern French Architecture in the Context of Czech and East-Central European Nineteenth-Century Architecture, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Aysha Farhana Chakkampully

Contact: 30486391(@)

is Ph.D. student in Sociology, supervised by PhDr. Mgr. Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková, Ph.D. (ISS, FSV, UK). Her dissertation, entitled Embodiment in Islam: the everyday menstrual experiences of Hyderabadi Muslim women in India, contributes to CEFRES research areas 1 & 2. 

Alice Clabaut

Contact: alice.clabaut.billier(@)

is a PhD student in cotutelle between Charles University (Prague) and Sorbonne Université (Paris), under the supervision of Florence Naugrette, Elisabeth Angel-Perez, and Petr Christov. Her dissertation, entitled Staging and reception of Samuel Becketts theatre in France, Germany and the Czech Republic after the fall of the Berlin Wall, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Astrid Greve Kristensen

is a PhD student at Sorbonne University, Paris, under the supervision of Clara Royer. Her dissertation is entitled Strangers in a Strange Land. The Returns of Orphans in Czech Literature of the 2000s, and contributes to CEFRES research area 3.

Anna Kuszmiruk


is a PhD student in philosophy at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun under the supervision of Mark Sinclair (Queen’s University Belfast). Her dissertation entitled A Philosophical Critique of the Concept of Time in 20th-century Physics: Henri Bergson and the Relativity Theory contributes to the CEFRES research area 3.

Jan Kremer

is a Ph.D student at Charles University in Prague. His PhD dissertation, entitled The Digital Game as a Historical Representation – Medievalism and Czech Historical Culture, contributes to CEFRES research area 3. He was granted a CEFRES Platform Fellowship in 2022–2023.

Julia Miesenböck

Contact: juliamiesenboeck(@)

is a PhD student in translation studies at Charles University in Prague. Her PhD dissertation, entitled Translators of Czech poetry into German during the Cold War 1948–1989, contributes to the CEFRES research area 1.

Vít Pokorný

Contact: 23191103(@)

Is a PhD student in history at Charles University in Prague. His PhD dissertation, entitled Bernard Lesfargues and the Occitan Revival Movement after 1945, contributes to the CEFRES research area 1 .

Vojtěch Pojar

PhD Candidate in Comparative History at the Central European University, Vienna and associated with the CEFRES. His thesis, entitled Experts in Post-Imperial Transitions: Entanglements and Diverging Trajectories of Eugenicists between the Habsburg Empire and the Nation States, 1912–1939, contributes to the CEFRES research area 1. He was granted a Young Researcher Fellowships at the CEFRES in 2022–2023.

Florence Vychytil-Baudoux

Contact: florence.vychytil-baudoux(@)

is a PhD student at the EHESS (Paris) under the supervision of Nancy L. Green. Her dissertation in history, entitled Between Citizenship, Ethnicity and the Politics of Exile: The Logics of Polonias Political Integration in France, the United States and Canada, 19451980, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Jakub Zítko

Contact: jakub.zitko1789(@)

is a PhD student of Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University. His PhD dissertation, entitled The relation of festivity and literature in Georges Bataille and Julia Kristeva, contributes to the CEFRES research area 2.

Anabela Zigova


is PhD Candidate at L’école doctorale d’Histoire, Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, SIRICE – Unité mixte de recherches (CNRS UMR 8138). His PhDdissertation, entitled Invisible violence within dissidence au féminin,  contributes to the CEFRES research area 2 and 3.

Emina Zoletic

is a PhD candidate in Sociology at Warsaw University. Her PhD dissertation, entitled Intergenerational transmission of the memory of the war: The Cases of Families in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Bosnian diaspora in Europe contributes to CEFRES research area 1. She was granted a Young Researcher Fellowships at the CEFRES in 2022–2023.