CFA 2017-2018: IMéRA, Institut d’Études Avancées, Univerzita Aix Marseille

IMéRA calls for application for residence schemes in 2017-2018.  9 individual calls (1 general call, 8 specific calls with partner institutions) and 1 team call are available.

Application deadline: 18/11/2016.
Starting: September 11th 2017.
More information for individual application and for team application.
To apply:
Individual application
Team application

Eligibility conditions vary according to each call and are specified in the above link.
The general call is open to scientists with university or researcher position in a foreign institution, and artists residing outside France. It is not targeted.
Specific calls are open only to scientists with university or researcher position in a foreign institution, and cover research disciplines or themes.

Candidates must submit their applications exclusively on IMéRA’s website. Applications must include:  CV with a list of publications (and/or creations/exhibitions for artists), presentation of research project (maximum 5 pages) with selective bibliography, one to three letters of recommendation for junior researchers, and additional documents specific to each call.