Archiv autora: Claire Madl

Tým doktorandů | 2023-2024

Tým doktorandek 2023–2024
Jelena Božović

Kontakt : jelena.bozovic(@)

je doktorandkou lingvistiky na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy (FF UK). Její výzkumná práce se zaměřuje na vzájemné působení oficiální a neoficiální jazykové politiky v poválečné Bosně a Hercegovině a přispívá k  CEFRES výzkumným osám I a II. Bylo jí uděleno doktorandské stipendium Platformy CEFRES na rok 2024–2025. Pokračování textu Tým doktorandů | 2023-2024

CFA – Post-doctoral Position. 2024 Complementary Call

Call opens 15 June 2024
Deadline for submission
: 15 July 2024
Publication of the results: 28 July 2024
Period: 1st October 2024—31st  December 2025
Application Language: English
Address for submission: (send a copy to:

One post-doctoral researcher will be recruited from 1 October 2024 for 15 months at CEFRES. It will be both affiliated to CEFRES and to a relevant department for their research at Charles University (UK). The selection of the post-doctoral researcher will be based on the quality of his or her research project and its adequation to the research area it intends to contribute to.

Charles University & CEFRES joint postdoctoral positions. Presentation of the program

Charles University (UK) and CEFRES jointly finance two high-quality post-doctoral research fellows who reside elsewhere than the Czech Republic when applying  and have also defended their PhD dissertation in a university outside the Czech Republic. Both post-doctoral researchers will be assigned to CEFRES as a hosting institution of the Post-Doc research program of Charles University: “Junior Fund.

The present position is a 15-months contract starting on 1 October 2024 at CEFRES.

The gross monthly salary is 47 258 CZK (1887 € according to the diplomatic exchange rate).

Eligibility criteria
  • Be a high-level young researcher from abroad (resident of a country out of the Czech Republic), who defended a PhD dissertation no more than 5 years prior to the application deadline in a university outside the Czech Republic (exceptions to this rule apply for parental or medical leave; for other reasons please contact us directly).
  • Conducting a research befitting one of the CEFRES Research areas
  • Good command of English is mandatory, French is a plus.

UK-CEFRES post-doc research fellow is expected to:

  • contribute through its own research to the research area/project, within which she or he applies;
  • take part in the scientific life of the CEFRES;
  • submit a yearly report on its research to the director of CEFRES;
  • come to live in Prague from 1 October 2024

The applications will be evaluated by a commission chaired by CEFRES Director and composed of researchers from and outside of the CEFRES, to represent the applicants’ various disciplines.

This post-doctoral position is intended for researchers whose research project can be part of one of CEFRES’s three research areas:

1 – Displacements, “Dépaysements” and Discrepancies: People, Knowledge & Practices
2 – Norms & Transgressions
3 – Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces

Research projects whose object is located in Central Europe, connected to this area and other areas or in comparison with other “cultural areas”, will be prioritized.

Application Package

Applicants must submit the complete application package consisting of the following elements:

  1. The application form duly filled in (to be downloaded here).
    The application form includes the description of the personal research project and must:

    1. specify the CEFRES research area you want to apply to and how the personal project will benefit it
    2. include:
      1. an explanation on the methodology and inputs of your own research, as well as a selected bibliography (max. 1 page-long)
      2.  expected outcomes (publications, conferences, and so forth).
  2. One letter of reference from the former PhD supervisor of the candidate. Please use the following model form to be downloaded here. The letter must mention the title of the PhD, the date of defense etc.
  3. A detailed CV
  4. A list of publications
  5. A copy of the PhD diploma

Application packages must be submitted by 15 July 2024 at 23:59 CET electronically in an email entitled “YOUR LAST NAME_CEFRES-UK” at: (send a copy to: Please send the application form in both PDF and as a Word-document.

Krzysztof Tarkowski – Výzkum a CV

Ontologie peněz a antropocén

Výzkumná osa II: Normy a transgrese

kontact: krzysztof.tarkowski[@]

Krzystof Tarkowski (*1989) je držitelem titulu Ph.D. v oboru filosofie z Univerzity Mikuláše Koperníka v Toruni. Jeho doktorské studium se zabývalo tím, jaké panuje napětí mezi mainstreamovou filosofií vědy a způsobem, jakým sociální vědy přistupují k vědě a technologii. Při svém studiu se zabýval filosofii a historii, jeho výzkum se věnoval vědeckýcm a technologickým studiím a historické epistemologii.
Pokračování textu Krzysztof Tarkowski – Výzkum a CV

Ivanna Tsar – Výzkum & CV

Jazykové chování ukrajinské mládeže v době válka na Ukrajině

Osa výzkumu I – přemístění, vykořenění, odchýlení: lidé, vědění, praktiky


Ivana Tsar pracuje od listopadu 2017 jako výzkumnice na Oddělení stylistiky, jazykové kultury a sociolingvistiky Institutu ukrajinského jazyka Národní akademie věd Ukrajiny (skupina sociolingvistiky). Je držitelkou PhD ve filologii a je předsedkyní Rady mladých vědců na Institutu ukrajinského jazyka. Ivana Tsar studovala na Lvovské národní univerzitě Ivana Franka a pokračovala doktorandským studiem na Institutu ukrajinského jazyka. Pokračování textu Ivanna Tsar – Výzkum & CV

Bohdan Shumylovych – Výzkum & CV

Late (post)Soviet Ukrainian art:
Urban creative groups and their involvement with the place/space of the 1980s–1990s

Research Area 3. Everyday experience of spaces


Bohdan Shumylovych obtained a master’s degree in modern history from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary, 2004-2005) and a diploma in art history from the L’viv Academy of Arts (Ukraine, 1993-1999). In 2020, he received a Ph.D. from the European University Institute in Florence. He was a fellow of several grant programs and worked with the archive of the Faculty of Visual Arts at George Washington University, Washington (USA), and the archive of Open Society Institute ( in Budapest. Pokračování textu Bohdan Shumylovych – Výzkum & CV

Sergiy Shevtsov – Výzkum & CV

Borders of Transgression:
Violence of Norms and Violence of Violations

Research Area 2. Norms et transgressions

Contact : sergiishevtsov{@}

Sergiy Shevtsov is Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Odesa, Ukraine). I received a PhD in philosophy from ONU as a result of studying the formation of legal consciousness for more than ten years. My doctoral dissertation “Social mechanisms of the formation of legal consciousness” (scientific consultant: PhD, Professor Vernikov M. M.) was defended in 2013. The area of research includes the history of philosophy, philosophy of law, and ethics. In addition to publishing almost a hundred articles, I am the author of Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (2009), Metamorphoses of Law (2014), and editor of Processes of Integration and Differentiation in Modern Scientific and Philosophical Knowledge (2023). Pokračování textu Sergiy Shevtsov – Výzkum & CV