Critical Suicide Studies International Network Meeting

International Network Meeting

Místo: Etnologický ústav AV ČR (5. patro), Na Florenci 3, Praha 1
Datum: 26.-27. června 2019
Organizátoři: Etnologický ústav AV ČR a CEFRES
Jazyk: angličtina

Popis (EN)

As part of its ongoing commitment to growing the emerging field of critical suicide studies, an international network of scholars will come together for two days in Prague to address the following goals:

1.      Identify ongoing opportunities for collaborative grant-writing, research and writing projects.

2.      Develop a regular conference schedule to build on the success of three international conferences to date (Prague, Canterbury, Perth). The next conference is planned for Vancouver in June 2020.

3.      Articulate a set of guiding ethics to serve as a touchstone for our scholarly, practice and pedagogical engagements.

4.      Continue to mobilize critique for productive ends by identifying opportunities to re-think what it means to do suicide prevention.

5.      Expand the field to include scholars, practitioners and those with lived experience from around the world.

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