Mezinárodní 4EU+ konference: Čelit zdomácnělému násilí

Mezinárodní 4EU+ konference: “Facing familiar violence”, umělecké a literární praktiky autorek ve střední Evropě 20. a 21. století.

Konference je součástí projektu “Displacements: Gendered-based Violence, Women’s Writing and Creative Practices in Modern Central and Southeastern Europe” (minigrant 4EU+).

Kdy: 9. a 10. listopadu 2023
Kde: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Praha
// Meeting ID: 833 6274 8448 / Passcode: 115655

Jazyk: francouzština a angličtina

Organizátoři: Mateusz Chmurski (CEFRES / Sorbonne Université), Eva Krásová (FF UK), Iwona Kurz (IKP WP UW), Clara Royer (Sorbonne Université).

Partneři: CEFRES (CNRS-MEAE), Eur’ORBEM (CNRS, Sorbonna ), Centrum genderových studíi a Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky (FF UK), Instytut Kultury Polskiej (WP UW).

See scientific arguments here.
See the content of the interventions here.


Čtvrtek 9. listopadu

9:30 Welcome coffee & introduction by the organizers: Mateusz Chmurski, Eva Krásová, Iwona Kurz & Clara Royer

Chair: Clara Royer (Sorbonne Université)

9:45 Juliane Prade-Weiss (Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität, Munich): Facing the Heritage of Mass Violence in Neoliberalism: On Denemarková and Jelinek.

10:45 Coffee break

Chair: Xavier Galmiche (Sorbonne Université)

11:00 Ota Konrád (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University): How to Express the Unspeakable? The Experience of Sexual Violence in the Family in Czechoslovakia and West Germany after 1945.

11:30 Ivana Taranenková (Institute of Slovak Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences): Domesticity as a Trap. Representations of Domestic Violence in Slovak literature

12:00 Hélène Camarade (Université de Bordeaux – Institut Universitaire de France): Parler des violences sexuelles en RDA. Stratégies collectives du groupe des femmes de Weimar (1986-1993)

12:30 Lunch break   

Chair: Tomáš Glanc  / Libuše Heczková

14:00 Luba Jurgenson (Faculté des Lettres, Sorbonne Université): « Violences conjugales » au Goulag

14:30 Cécile Vaissié (UFR Langues, Université Rennes 2): Oksana Shalyguina : violence artistique, violences conjugales, violences étatiques et géopolitiques, violences des silences

15:00 Erika Parotti (Scuola di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale, Università degli Studi di Milano): Dehumanization Practices: How Violence Affects Self-Identity in Diana Balyko’s Plays

15:30 Coffee break

Chair: Josef Sebek (to be confirmed)

16:00 Joanna Kubicka (Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw): Regaining Agency. Women’s Strategies of Resistance at the Beginning of the 20th Century on the Example of Maria Jadwiga Strumff’s Memoirs

16:30 Małgorzata Litwinowicz (Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw): Sea Silence. Displacement and Silence – Based on Texts by Martyna Bunda and Alvydas Šlepikas

17:00 Lola Sinoimeri (ENS Lyon – Université Paris 8 / CEFRES): Heteronormativity in a Transnational Perspective – the Cases of Four Female Writers from the Balkan Diaspora

19:00 Conference dinner

Pátek 10. listopadu

Chair: Mateusz Chmurski (Sorbonne Université / CEFRES)

10:00 Marianna Zakrzewska (Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw): Putting Domestic Violence into Symbolic Order: An Analysis of Relations between Father and Daughter in Absolutna amnezja by Izabela Filipiak.

10:30 Dominika Zajączkowska (Faculty of Polish and Classical Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University): Gender Norms as Violence against Women in Contemporary Polish Literature

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Kinga Siatkowska-Callebat (Faculté des Lettres, Sorbonne Université): Face à la violence domestique : entre Maria et Marianne (Sylwia Chutnik et Izabela Filipiak).

11:30 Diana Planida (University of Milan): Choreographing Resilience: The Role of Dance in Negotiating Trauma and Gendered Displacement Among Ukrainian Women Refugees in Poland

12:00 Lunch break

Chair: Eva Krásová  (Faculty of Arts, Charles University / CEFRES)

13:30 Jean Boutan (Eur’ORBEM, CNRS-Sorbonne Université) : « De fortes têtes parmi les petites filles modèles » : la Celínka d’Eliška Krásnohorská et le carcan du genre

14:00 Libuše Heczková (Faculty of Arts, Charles University): Helena Malířová: Journalist & Writer, the Voice of the Feminine Crime

14:30 Marcelina Obarska (University of Warsaw ): Interwar and Interwoven. The Play The Maiden’s Love by Maria Kuncewiczowa as an Example of an Artistic Intervention in Terms of Reproductive Rights, Abortion and Female Objectification

15:00 Coffee break

Chair: Iwona Kurz (Instytut Kultury Polskiej, Uniwersytet Warszawski)

15:30 Hélène Martinelli (ENS de Lyon / CEFRES) : Who actually killed “the Angel of the House”?

16:00 Zofia Jakubowicz-Prokop (Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw): Patriarchal Violence as (Un)natural Law. Violence and Nature in Zofia Nałkowska’s Novels

16:30 Hélène Camarade (U. de Bordeaux), Cécile Vaissié (U. de Rennes 2): A History of Women in Central and Eastern Europe (1945-2022). First Part: Dissidence, Subculture and Emancipation


The conference is part of the project “Displacements: Gendered-Based Violence, Women’s Writing and Creative Practices in Modern Central and Southeastern Europe” (4EU+ Alliance mini-grant). With the support of: CEFRES (French Center for Research in Humanities & Social Sciences, CNRS-MEAE), Eur’ORBEM (Cultures and Societies of Balkanic, Eastern and Central Europe, CNRS-Sorbonne Université), Center for Gender Studies, Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (CGS & ÚČLK FF UK), Institute for Polish Culture, Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw (IKP WP UW).