“The Trial. Prague, 1952”. Open debate with Ruth Zylberman

On the occasion of Ruth Zylberman’s The Trial. Prague, 1952 documentary devoted to the Slanský trial premiere, at the French Institute in Prague, CEFRES proposes an open debate on history and memory, testimony and transmission, bringing together the film director, historians and sociologists Muriel Blaive, Kateřina Čapková and Françoise Mayer, and the public.

Where: CEFRES library
When : Friday, September 27, 2022, at 10:00 am
Language: English

The discussion will be driven by
Muriel Blaive, film’s historical advisor,
Kateřina Čapková, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences and
Françoise Mayer, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier

Ruth Zylberman is a filmmaker and author.
Among her latest films:
Le dernier été (France Télévisions, Zadig Productions, 2019, 60’)
Les Enfants du 209 rue Saint-Maur, Paris Xe (2017, Arte-Zadig Productions, 110’)
Maurice Nadeau. Le chemin de la vie (2011, Arte-Zadig Productions, 52’)
Dissidents, les Artisans de la Liberté (2009, Arte-Zadig Productions, 100’)

She is also the author of La direction de l’Absent, (Christian Bourgois, 2015) and the narrative 209 rue Saint-Maur, Paris Xe, Autobiography d’un immeuble (Le Seuil/Arte Editions, 2020).