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Committee’s Composition 2020-2021

Statutory Members

  • Ondřej Beránek, Vice President in charge of Research Area III. Humanities and Social Sciences of AV ČR
  • Lenka Rovná, Vice-Rector for European Affairs of UK
  • Jérôme Heurtaux, director of CEFRES

UK Representatives

AV ČR Representatives

List of PhD Fellows

PhD Fellows Team 2020-2021 

Véronique Gruca

contact : veronique.gruca(@)

is a PhD student at Paris-Nanterre University. Her PhD dissertation, entitled: Shamanism, Death and Mining in Postsocialist Mongolia, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Nikola Ludlová

contact : nikola.ludlova(@)

is a PhD student at the Department of History of the Central European University. Her PhD dissertation, entitled: Roma as an Object of Science and State Polices. Knowledge and Citizens in the Making in Post-war Czechoslovakia, 1945–1989, contributes to CEFRES research area 2. 

Ekaterina Zheltova

contact : zheltova(@)

is a PhD student at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, under the supervision of Kateřina Králová. Her PhD dissertation, entitled: Between the Northern Epirus and Chameria: Political, cultural, and linguistic imaginaries in the Albanian-Greek borderlands, contributes to CEFRES research area 3.

Associated PhD students 2020/2021

Arthur Pérodeau

Arthur Pérodeau is a PhD student at the EHESS (Paris) and at Charles University. His dissertation focuses on
the Chronicle of the Czechs by Cosmas and its influence on practices and uses of History till the beginning of the 13th century and contributes to the CEFRES research area 3.

Honoré Banidjè

contact :

Honoré Banidjè is a PhD student in history at the Pedagogy department of Charles University in Prague. His researches focus on “The national construction in Benin (1894-1975) through the central-european prism” and aims to compare national processes in African states established after decolonial movements, specially Benin, with “successor states” in Central Europe, Czechoslovakia in particular, born after the dislocation of Central Powers

Adrien Beauduin

contact : adrien.beauduin(@)

is a PhD student at the Central European University. His thesis focuses on the ideas and members of new right-wing political parties in Czechia and Poland and contributes to the CEFRES research areas  2 and 3.

Adéla Klinerová


is a PhD student in cotutelle between the Charles University (Prague) and the École pratique des hautes études (Paris), under the supervision of Richard Biegel and Sabine Frommel. Her dissertation, entitled: Modern French Architecture in the Context of Czech and East-Central European Nineteenth-Century Architecture, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Mert Kocak

contact: mert.kocak(@)

is a PhD student at the department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of the Central European University. His PhD dissertation, entitled: Transnational Governance of Displacement, Sexuality and Gender Identity: UNHCR as the Main Actor in Creating a Legal Basis for Asylum-Seeking for LGBT Refugees in Turkey, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Lukáš Kotyk

contact: lukas.kotyk(@)

is a PhD student at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. His PhD dissertation, entitled: Nonhierarchical Model of Project Governance, contributes to the CEFRES research area 2.

Astrid Greve Kristensen

contact: astrid.grevekristensen(@)

is a PhD student at Sorbonne University, Paris, under the supervision of Clara Royer. Her dissertation is entitled Strangers in a Strange Land: Orphans of East-Central European Literature and the Turn towards the Village,  and contributes to CEFRES research area 3.

Yuliya Moskvina


is a PhD student at Charles University (Prague) under the supervision of Paul Blokker. Her dissertation in sociology, entitled: Squat, State, Society, contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Pascal Schneider

is a PhD student at Paris-Sorbonne University (Paris IV), under the supervision of Johann Chapoutot. His dissertation in contemporary History, entitled: NSDAP Member’s Sociology: the Germans Workers National-Socialist Party in the Annexed Territories of the IIIrd Reich (Alsace, Moselle, Eupen-Malmédy, Sudètes) from 1938 to 1944, contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Františka Schormová


is a PhD student at the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, in the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague, under the supervision of Justin Quinn. Her PhD dissertation, entitled: African American Poets Abroad: Black and Red Allegiances in Early Cold War Czechoslovakia, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Tereza Sedláčková

contact : tereza.sedlackova(@)

is a PhD student at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, under Dino Numerato’s supervision. Her PhD dissertation, entitled: Multiple bodies in the context of vaccination as a medical practice, contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Jakub Střelec


is a PhD student at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, under the supervision of Rudolf Kučera. His PhD dissertation, entitled: How to Cure the War? The Development of Psychiatric Knowledge and its Impact on the Construction of Social Norms in Europe between 1945 and 1968, contributes to CEFRES research areas 1 & 2.

Florence Vychytil-Baudoux


is a PhD student at the EHESS (Paris) under the supervision of Nancy L. Green. Her dissertation in history, entitled: Between Citizenship, Ethnicity and the Politics of Exile: The Logics of Polonia‘s Political Integration in France, the United States and Canada, 1945-1980, contributes to CEFRES research area 1

New PhD Fellows at CEFRES 2021-2022

The interdisciplinary selection jury of the CEFRES mobility grants auditioned 12 candidates on June the 2nd, 2020. After deliberating, the jury have decided as follows:

Young Researcher Fellowships 

  1. Vojtech Pojar (CEU): Experts in Post-imperial Transitions: Entanglements and Diverging Trajectories of Eugenicists between the Habsburg Empire and the Nation States, 1912–1939
  2. Agnieszka Sobolewska (University of Warsaw): Entre l’autoanalyse et l’autobiographie. Pratiques quotidiennes de l’écriture des premiers psychanalystes et l’importance des documents intimes pour le développement de la théorie freudienne
  3. Nikola Ludlová (CEU): Roma as an Object of Science and State Polices. Knowledge and Citizens in the Making in Post-war Czechoslovakia, 1945–1989
  4. Véronique Gruca (Paris-Nanterre University): Chamanisme, mort et mines en Mongolie post-communiste

CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowships

  1. Jan Kremer (UK): Digital Game as a Representation of History

Associated PhD Fellows

Honoré Banidjé (UK): La construction nationale au Bénin (1894-1975), un exemple centre européen?
Adrien Beauduin (CEU): Réarticulations de genre, sexualité, race et classe dans la droite radicale populiste en Tchéquie et en Pologne
Eva Kotasková (Masaryk University): From Coal Mining Production to Wilderness Industry: Ethnography of Svalbard Archipelago
Barbora Kyereko (UK): « Cocoa is Ghana, Ghana is Cocoa »: Ethnography of Research Institut
Dusan Ljuboja (Eötvös Loránd University): The State, Nationalism and Pan-Slavism in the “Age of Metternich” (1815-1848) – The Case of the Serbs of Pest and Buda

Committee’s Composition 2018-2019

Statutory Members

  • Pavel Baran, Vice President in charge of Research Area III. Humanities and Social Sciences of AV ČR
  • Lenka Rovná, Vice-Rector for European Affairs of UK
  • Jérôme Heurtaux, director of CEFRES

UK Representatives

AV ČR Representatives

Pascal Schneider : Research & CV

NSDAP members’ sociology : the Germans’ workers national-socialist party in the annexed territories of the IIIrd Reich (Alsace, Moselle, Eupen-Malmédy, Sudètes), from 1938 to 1944.

Research area 2: Norms and Transgressions.

My research deals with the NSDAP members in the annexed territories of the IIIrd Reich. It takes place in a comparative study of four European territories and focuses on the biography of the NSDAP members. This deliberate act, because the NSDAP adhesion was not mandatory, was indeed the result of a long-process procedure, often individual, sometimes familial. The individual decisions could be opportunistic, thus, badly thought, if not unconscious, in order to get a better position. Whereas the collective adhesion, like the familial one, was rather linked with strong traditions – religious, cultural, social – submitting, at one moment, to the dominant speech.

This study is a sociography with an interdisciplinary approach (sociology, psychology, anthropology and history), which focuses on the practices and social facts, in this case, those of engagement, and even those of marginality of involvement. Thus, it also deals with the management of this transgression, which is the involvement of inhabitants from those annexed territories, alongside German National Socialists, as an integration in the new order established at the local, regional and European level. The scale change let us see if those social practices are the same or different in those four different annexed territories of the IIIrd Reich between 1938 and 1944.


Education and diplomas

Since 2017: Member of the Trinational Doctoral College (Paris, Saarbrücken, Luxembourg) : The International History by Interdisciplinarity. European and Franco-German Perspectives at the XXth Century.

Since 2016: PhD studies in Contemporary History, at Paris-Sorbonne University / Universität des Saarlandes (Paris IV), ED 2 SIRICE (UMR 8138), under the supervision of Johann Chapoutot.

2013-2014: 2nd year of MA in Germanic worlds history, Strasbourg University. Topic of dissertation : Saverne 1940-1944 : Germanisation et Nazification d’une ville d’arrondissement durant l’annexion allemande.

2013: Certification in History of Art.

2012: 1st year of MA in History and Civilization in Europe, Strasbourg University.

2012: BA in History of Art, Strasbourg University.

2010: BA in Archeology, Strasbourg University.

2010: Certificate of History and Geography in German language, and certificate of Alsatian language.

2001: Teaching diploma in History and Geography.

Stays abroad

2019: Invitations by Prof. Dr. Michael Wildt at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and from Prof. Dr. Dietmar Hüser at the Universität of Saarlandes.

2017: Seminar at Weimar in Germany about « Gedenkstättenpädagogische Erkundungen – Konzepte und Methoden zur Erschliessung von Orten zur NS-Geschichte ».

2016-2017: Attachment to the March Bloch Center of Berlin.

2010: Internship about Shoah in Israëm at Beith Lohamei Haghetot et at Yad Vashem.

2007: Pestalozzi internship at the European Council in Calw, Germany, about « Europa im Geschichtunterricht ».


Since 2020 : Teacher of Historical geography in Haguenau (France Alsace).

2017 – 2020 : Teacher of Historical geography in the  XVth arrondissement of Paris.

Since 2017: History and Geography Teacher in the XVth arrondissement of Paris.

2015-2016: German teacher at Alpadia Language Schools in Berlin.

1998-2015: History and Geography teacher at the Yechiva of the Srasbourg Eschel Center.

2013-2015: Teacher of History and Geography, of “Euro-German” class, of facultative option of History of Arts, of Alsatian language and of Regional Alsatian Culture and Language at the Institution of Christian Doctrine in Strasbourg.

1998-2013: Teacher of History and Geography and of Regional Alsatian Culture and Language at the Episcopal College of Zillisheim (1998-2001), and then at the Seminar of the Youngs from Walbourg (2001-2008), and finally at the Institution of the Christian Doctrine in Strasbourg (2008-2013).

Grants and awards

2017: Mobility grant for researches led under the frame of the Doctoral Franco-German College “L’histoire internationale par l’interdisciplinarité. Perspectives franco-allemandes et européennes au XXe siècle”.

2015: Nomination for the grade « Chevalier dans l’ordre des palmes académiques ».

2007: Bronze medal of Youth and Sports for 20 years of involvement in dance and animations.


  • Alsatian: Mother tongue.
  • French: Mother tongue.
  • German: C1 level.
  • English: Intermediate level.

Other activities

Since 2021: Associated member of the research center  Mobilités, Migrations, Recomposition des espaces, under the responsibility of Nikola Tietze, co-organizers Johara Berriane, Lucie Lamy and Paula Seidel

Since June 2019: Project Manger of GIRAFIFFD (Groupe interdisciplinaire de Recherche Allemagne – France / Interdisziplinäre Forschungsgemeinschaft Frankreich – Deutschland)

Since 2018: Member of GIRAFIFFD (Groupe interdisciplinaire de Recherche Allemagne – France / Interdisziplinäre Forschungsgemeinschaft Frankreich – Deutschland)

Since 2018: Member of the Scientific Council -Memorial Monument to the Second World War victims from Alsace and Moselle.

Since 2016: Member of UMR 8138 SIRICE (Sorbonne – Identité, relations internationales et civilisation de l´Europe)

Since 2016: Attachment to the Marc Bloch center in Berlin and association with the working groups “Individual, society and culture in the National Socialist era” from 2016 to 2018, under the supervision of Klaus-Peter Sick, and “Choice under constraint” under the direction by Sonia Combe. 

Since 2007: Member of the Administration Council of the Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Saverne et des Environs (SHASE).

Since 2000: Member of the Pedagogical Commission of the Alsace-Lorraine Memorial.

Since 1996: Vice-President et founder President (1989-1996) of the the Association d’Histoire militaire Le Fantassin de Saverne and initiator of various exhibitions.

2018-2020: Associate member of the state research center, État, normes et conflits politiques, under the supervision of Guillaume Mouralis and Andrea Kretschmann.

2016-2017: Representative of Phd students at the Marc Bloch Center in Berlin (participation in lab councils, representation and mediation function, office management, etc.)

2016-2017: Participation in research seminars on the history of National Socialism of Prof. Dr. Michael Wildt at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin (summer semester 2016, winter and summer semesters 2017).

2008-2015: Responsible for the scholar exchange between the Rathenow Gymnasium, Germany, and the Strasbourg Christian Doctrine Institution, France.

1994-2015: Commissioner of four great exhibitions about the First and the Second World Wars, and of smaller ones.

2008-2014: Initiator and responsible of the project about the duty of memory with some study trip in Auschwitz (2008-2014), Brussels and Amsterdam (2010), Dresden, Theresienstadt, Lidice and Prague (2011), Nuremberg and Salzbourg (2012), Belfort and Clerval (2013), Treblinka, Warsaw and Krakow (2014) with the help of the Foundation for Shoah Memory.

2004-2009: Initiator and responsible of the Resistance and Deportation National Contest at the Seminar of the Youngs form Walbourg (5 laureates) and at the Christian Doctrine Institution.

Publications and collaborations


« Du confinement de la rédaction à l’isolement sanitaire : deux doctorants séparés par la Covid-19 », N°6 (2021) – « Recherches, histoire et coronavirus », Numéro spécial d’Enquêtes, revue de l’école doctorale « Histoire moderne et contemporaine » (ED 188)
Link to article

“L’étude sociologique des membres du NSDAP dans les territoires annexés au IIIe Reich de 1938 à 1944 (Alsace, Moselle, Eupen-Malmédy, Sudètes). Exemple d’une prosopographie à l’échelle européenne”, acts from the study day of PhD students from the Ecole doctorale d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (ED 188) “Construire et maintenir un réseau. Biographie et prosopographie : individus et groupes sociaux en histoire”, Lettres Sorbonne Université.
Link to article


Francia-Recensio 2021/3
Patrick Neuhaus, Die Arno Breker-Ausstellung in der Orangerie Paris 1942. Auswärtige Kulturpolitik, Kunst und Kollaboration im besetzten Frankreich, Berlin (Neuhaus Verlag) 2018, 161 S., 49 Abb., ISBN 978-3-937294-08-7, EUR 28,00.
Link to article

Francia-Recensio 2020 2 ISSN :
Luise Stein, Grenzlandschicksale. Unternehmen evakuieren in Deutschland und Frankreich 1939/1940, Berlin, Boston (De Gruyter Oldenbourg) 2018, VIII – 396 S., 20 Abb., 6 Tab. (Schriftenreihe zur Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 31), ISBN 978 – 3 – 11–058898 – 9,
Link to article 

Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, sur le thème « Sources, archives », numéro 2/2019
Albert Speer, Journal de Spandau. Les confessions d’un pilier du IIIe Reich, trad. De M. Brottier et D. Auclères, Paris, Pluriel, [1975] 2018, 632 p.
Annales, Histoire, Sciences sociales, 74e année, n° 3/4, juillet-août 2019, Archives.
Link to article

Francia-Recensio 2018 2 ISSN: 2425-3510
Dirk Thomaschke, Abseits der Geschichte. Nationalsozialismus und Zweiter Weltkrieg in Ortschroniken, Göttingen, 356 S.
PDF format

Research Value

Filed of research at Sorbonne Université: PhD students from Faculté des Lettres Sorbonne Université introduce with pictures their field of research.
See more


Les années 40 ou la vie quotidienne sous des régimes d’exception, exhibition catalogue for the temporary exhibition, presented at La Maison du Kochersberg à Truchtersheim in 2005, designed and constructed by Henri-Pascal Jung, Albert Lorentz, Louis Ludes, Lise Pommois and Pascal Schneider.


PhD Fellows Team 2018-2019

Pavel Baloun

is a PhD student at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Humanities, under the supervision of Pavel Himl. His PhD dissertation entitled “The Gypsy Scourge!” The Creation and Implementation of Anti-Gypsy Measures in Interwar Czechoslovakia and After, 1918-1942, contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Martin Pjecha

is a PhD student at the Central European University (Budapest) under the supervision of Matthias Riedl. His dissertation is entitled Discourses of Violence within the Hussite Movement, and contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Florence Vychytil-Baudoux

is a PhD student at the EHESS (Paris) under the supervision of Nancy L. Green. Her dissertation in history is entitled Between Citizenship, Ethnicity and the Politics of Exile: The Logics of Polonia‘s Political Integration in France, the United States and Canada, 1945-1980 and contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Julien Wacquez

is a PhD student at the EHESS (Paris) under the supervision of Jean-Louis Fabiani. His dissertation in sociology is entitled The Grammar of Likelihood: The Attachement to Reality of Sci-Fi Practitioners, and contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Associated PhD students 2018-2019

Mihai-Dan Cîrjan

is a PhD student at the Central European University in Budapest under the supervision of Balázs Trencsényi. His PhD dissertation in comparative history on Indebtedness and Credit Relations in Times of Crisis: Reinventing the State by Governing Economic Life in Post-liberal Romania (1929-1944) contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Felipe Kaiser Fernandes

is a PhD student at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris, affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Institute of Anthropology of the Contemporary (IIAC), under the guidance of Sophie Wahnich. His dissertation entitled Popular Market Spaces: Migrant Women in Informal Work. A Multi-Site Ethnography, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Adéla Klinerová

is a PhD student in cotutelle between the Charles University (Prague) and the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), under the supervision of Richard Biegel and Sabine Frommel. Her dissertation is entitled Modern French Architecture in the Context of Czech and East-Central European Nineteenth-Century Architecture, contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Yuliya Moskvina

is a PhD student at Charles University (Prague) under the supervision of Paul Blokker. Her dissertation in sociology is entitled Squat, State, Society, and contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Raluca Muresan

is a PhD student at the Sorbonne-Universités, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, under the guidance of Jean-Yves Andrieux. Her dissertation is entitled Culture, Urban Society, and Representation of Territories. The Architecture of Public Theaters in the Eastern Lands of the Habsburg Monarchy (1770-1812) and contributes to CEFRES research area 1.

Olga Słowik

is a PhD student at Faculty of Arts, Charles University, under the supervision of Libuše Heczková. Her dissertation is entitled Food, Gender, Identity, and their Entanglements in Contemporary Czech Prose and contributes to CEFRES research area 2.

Ekaterina Zheltova

is a PhD student at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, under the supervision of Kateřina Králová. Her dissertation is entitled National belonging, transnational localities and ideologies of language: Discursive practices at the Greek-Albanian borderlands and contributes to CEFRES research area 3.