We are happy to announce the name of the winner of the height CEFRES Platform Award for best article in social sciences and humanities in an international peer-reviewed journal (see the call for applications here):
Kristýna KAUCKÁ (Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Akademy of Sciences) for her article:
“The Unknown Infection, or “Rožňava Disease” in Czechoslovakia in 1951’”, Contemporary European History, 2023: 1–19.
Photos Ondřej Besperát
The award ceremony took place on 28 June 2024 at the French Embassy in the presence of Mrs. Milena Králičková, Rector of Charles University, Mrs. Eva Zažímalová, President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Ambassador of France to the Czech Republic Stéphane Crouzat and Nobel Prize laureate, Jean-Marie Lehn.
Veronique Debord Lazzaro, attachée for scientific cooperation of the French Embassy to the Czech RepublicMateusz Chmurski, director of CEFRES
We are happy to announce the name of the winner of the seventh CEFRES Platform Award for best article in social sciences and humanities in an international peer-reviewed journal (see the cfa here):
Martin ŠORM (PhD at the Centre for Medieval Studies, under the tutelage of both the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University), for his article « Conflicting Popular Culture – Populism and Public History. Vlastimil Vondruška and the Instrumentalization of the Middle Ages » published in Bohemia / 2021
The seventh Derrida Social and Human Sciences Prizes rewarded:
1. Anna ALTOVÁ (Faculty of Science, Charles University) for her thesis:« Lifestyle risk factors of cancer »
2. Filip KINNERT (Faculty of Architecture, Brno University of Technology) for his thesis: « Wholeness As a Basic Assuption for Understanding of Meaning Provided by Architectural Language »
3. Lukáš NOVÁK (Palacky Olomouc University Social Health Institute/University of Groningen) for his work on the neural bases of compassion
The award ceremony took place on 22 June 2019 at the French Embassy in Czech Republic in the presence of the Ambassador Alexis Dutertre and one Nobel Prize laureate: Jean-Marie Lehn.
We are happy to announce the name of the winner of the sixth CEFRES Platform Award for best article in social sciences and humanities in an international peer-reviewed journal (see the CFA here):
Martin Tremčinský (PhD candidate at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) for his article: « Labour, control, and value: Marx meets Negri in Bitcoin mining » published in Dialectical Anthropology Vol. 46, n° 1, 2022.
The jury warmly thanks all the applicants for the outstanding quality of the scientific works they submitted.
for Best Article (published in English or in French) in Social Sciences and Humanities
Deadline for applications: April 25, 2021 (midnight) Prize Amount: 213 CZK (i.e. 9.261 CZK) Official Award Ceremony: September 30, 2021. Language of application: English
This award is included within theJacques Derrida Awardorganized by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and Mgr. Karel Janeček, PhD., MBA, which rewards thebest PhD research work in social sciences and humanities in the Czech Republic.Continue reading CFA: 2021 CEFRES Platform Award→
French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague