Category Archives: Summer Universities

CFA – Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence 2018

Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence 2018

Where & When: Prague, 18-29 June 2018
: Charles University  and  Aristote University of Thessaloniki
Partners: CEFRES–French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Slavonic and East European Studies (UCL),  University of Birmingham and Humboldt University of Berlin
Priority Deadline: 28 February 2018
Deadline for applicants needing visas to the Czech Republic: 31 March 2018
Final application deadline: 30 April 2018

Nikola Karasová
Program Coordinator
Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence Institute of International Studies
Charles University, Prague 

For more details please  visit the website of the Nationalism, Religion and Violence Summer Seminar. 

The Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion and Violence is ready to launch its sixth year with a special focus on the topics of ethnic and religious diversity, migration and transformation. A key goal of the Summer Seminar is to contribute to the study of violence in a substantial way and to catalyze the growth of the study of violence as a field.
The seminar targets highly motivated students, particularly graduate students, as well as post-docs and professional activists. It is led by international researchers from universities with an excellent reputation, such as the Humboldt University of Berlin, Central European University (Budapest), the University of Birmingham, the University of Manchester, the University of Pennsylvania, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) and the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The program involves fieldwork designed in cooperation with research centers and international institutions in Prague and beyond.
Participants may receive a certificate of attendance and 8 ECTS credits for their active participation in the program once the assignments are fulfilled. Since degree requirements vary among universities, students/graduates are advised to ensure, preferably in advance, that their college or university will recognize such certification and award the suggested credits.
The peer-reviewed journal JNMLP agreed to consider the publication of a special issue including the best academic papers submitted upon completion of the Summer Seminar.


Please submit the following documents to:

  • Short curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Proof of university enrollment or graduation
  • Proof of English language sufficiency

Applications are reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis, so we encourage you to apply as early as possible. Those who apply early will receive first consideration for both admission and scholarship decisions.
All applicants will be notified of admission decisions by e-mail within two weeks after each respective deadline at the latest. For more information, please contact our staff at

Program Costs
The participation fee is 750 Euros and includes:

  • Tuition
  • Fieldwork excursions
  • Cultural and social events
  • Weekend excursion (1 full day incl. meal)
  • Reading materials
  • Refreshments during the seminar

Participants are responsible for covering the accommodation of their choice, their travel expenses and visa if necessary.

Discounts and Fellowships
Students of Charles University, the Aristote University of Thessaloniki and the University of Birmingham as well as Nationalism, Religion and Violence Summer Seminar’s alumni are all eligible for a 20% discount on the tuition fee.
A limited number of tuition fee discounts will be available for selected candidates based on their academic merit and financial needs.
A limited number of fellowships will be granted to PhD candidates/students or advanced graduate students coming from any of the following countries: Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.



CfP: Thinking Beyond Mankind: Limits, Borders and Ends of Human

17th European Summer University of the OFFRES Network

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2017
:  Prague, 5-12 July
Organizers: FF UK & CEFRES
Scientific committee: Chiara Mengozzi, Ondřej Švec and François Arnaud
Application address:
Language: French

You can also check out the OFFRES website (Organisation Francophone pour la Formation et la Recherche Européennes en Sciences humaines) Continue reading CfP: Thinking Beyond Mankind: Limits, Borders and Ends of Human