“Belarus: The Suspended Revolution”

Round table discussion about Ronan Hervouet‘s book: The Suspended Revolution. Belarusians against the authoritarian state, published by Éditions Plein Jour.

Date and location: April 28th, 4:30pm at CEFRES and online  (contact cefres[@]cefres.cz for the Zoom link)
Organizers:  CEFRES and Courrier d’Europe centrale
Language: French

While Belarus has been frozen for twenty-five years under the influence of an authoritarian regime ruled with an iron fist by Alexander Lukashenko, there is hope for a change as the 2020 presidential election approaches. Since August and the following months, the citizens rose en masse. They denounce the large-scale electoral fraud and demand the departure of the dictator. The struggle is intense, the period, revolutionary. The whole state and police structure is shaking. But the movement comes to an end because of a fierce and extensive repression. Hundreds of thousands of people flee abroad.

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