Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present

International conference

Date: 28 & 29 November 2022
: Goethe-Institut, Masarykovo nábřeží 32, Prague 1
Organizer: Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences within the Strategy AV21
Partners: Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales, Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, Stiftung Sächsische Gedenkstätten Continue reading Memory of the Past and Politics of the Present

Truth and Untruth. Transmission of Memories of War

 Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop

When: 4 – 5 November 2022
Where: Prague, Czech Republic
Astrid Greve Kristensen (Sorbonne University, associated at CEFRES)
Rose Smith (Charles University & University of Groningen),
Emina Zoletic (University of Warsaw / CEFRES)

A Workshop organized by 4EUPlus with the collaboration of CEFRES.

Read the call for papers here.

Friday November 4th 2022
Location: CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1

17.30–19.00 | Roundtable discussion
Transmissions of memories of the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. Moderated by František Šístek (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University).
With historians and memory scholars:
Jelena Đureinović (University of Vienna)
Vjeran Pavlakovic (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Naum Trajanovski (University of Warsaw, Institute for Sociology)

Saturday November 5th 2022
Location: Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Smetanovo nábř. 995/6, Room 212, Prague 1

08.30–09.15 | Registration and welcome

09.15–09.50 | Keynote lecture about the war in Ukraine

Elmira Muratova, PhD (Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University)

10.00–12.00 | Panel 1
The Road to the Audience’s Heart? Theatre, Songs and Poetry

Discussant: Türkay Salim Nefes, PhD (University of Oxford)
Chair: Emina Zoletić

Alice Clabaut (Sorbonne University & Charles University)
Hammering Brecht’s Theater During the Cold War: Between Political Nostalgia and Cultural Propaganda

Nenad Milosavljević (Sorbonne University)
The Wars of the Years 1990s in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro in the Mirror of the Poetry Written in These Countries

Lubna Batool (Rawalpindi Women University)
Embedment of War Memories in Youth Through National Songs: A Multimodal Analysis of Remakes in Pakistan

Aida Čopra (Sorbonne University, University of Florence, University of Bonn)
Nothing to be done. Theatre as a Medium of Memory in Wartime Sarajevo (1992-1995)

12.00–13.00 | Lunch

13.00 – 14.30 | Panel 2
Distortion Through the Camera Lens

Discussant: Jana Jedličková, PhD (Palacký University, Olomouc)
Chair: Astrid Greve Kristensen

Maria Plichta (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis)
First as a tragedy, then as the lowest rated film on IMDb: The Kitschification of the Smolensk catastrophe in the Smoleńsk (2016) film.

Domenico Scagliusi (Sorbonne University)
Time Travel and Poetics of Reenactment: the Kitschification of WWII in Russian Post-Soviet Fantastika

Đejmi Hadrović (Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna)
Cinema as a Political Platform in Post-Yugoslavia

14.30-15.00 | Coffee Break

15.00 – 16.30 | Panel 3
In The Grip of Words: Big Actors, Propaganda and False Narratives

Discussant: Valeriya Korablyova PhD (Charles University)
Chair: Rose Smith

Anna Greszta (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis)
Performance, Masquerade and Post-Truth Sensibilities in Cultural Representations of the Russo-Ukrainian War

Heqi Sun (University of Warsaw)
Spillover effects of the Kosovo War – The US bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999

Nicholas Idris Erameh (Northwest University, South Africa)
In the Shadow of Empire: Putin’s Expansionism, Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Limitation of United Nations Security Council Veto Power

16.30 | Concluding remarks

See 4EU Plus Website

Biopolitics and Mass Gymnastics in the Modern History

Biopolitics and Mass Gymnastics in the Modern History of East Central Europe: Continuities and Discontinuities


When: From Thursday 28 April to Saturday 30 April 2022
Where: Day 1 and 2: CEFRES and online. Day 3: Czech Academy of Sciences, Národní 3, Prague 1. For more information, please contact: vojtech.pojar(@)
Language: English
Nikola Ludlová
(Central European University – CEU, Budapest and CEFRES, Prague)
Vojtěch Pojar
(CEU Budapest and CEFRES, Prague)
Lucija Balikić (CEU, Vienna)
John Paul Newman (Maynooth University, Ireland)

To assist online, please use the following link :

Meeting ID: 922 3998 7638

Passcode: 630958

See the program below.

Continue reading Biopolitics and Mass Gymnastics in the Modern History

Towards a Common History of Europe? Crossed Perspectives in the Context of the War in Ukraine

Towards a Common History of Europe?
Crossed Perspectives in the Context of the War in Ukraine

An international conference organized by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES), within the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

When: Thursday, April 14, 2022, 2:30-6 pm
Where: French Embassy in the Czech Republic, Velkopřevorské nám. 2, 118 01 Malá Strana, Prague
Language: English

To assist in person: admission on registration, subject to availability of places:

To assist online:



In his press conference on December 9, 2021, on the occasion of the presentation of the priorities of the French Presidency of the European Union in 2022, the French President Emmanuel Macron proposed to “resume (…) major work on Europe’s history.  (…),” further specifying that ” European history is not simply the sum of 27 national histories. There is a coherence, links that everyone feels, but which cannot be fully apprehended yet.” It is therefore a question of “an independent historiographical framework”, which could allow to ” build an academic framework where historians from across Europe can continue to carry out independent historical work, based on traces, evidence and controversies (…) and to forge a history and historiography of our Europe and a global history of Europe”. Continue reading Towards a Common History of Europe? Crossed Perspectives in the Context of the War in Ukraine

Is Academic Freedom a Freedom of All?

CEFRES 30th Anniversary International Conference (Part 2), Prague, 25–26 November 2021

Venue: Prague, Carolinum, Ovocný trh 3, and online on CEFRES Facebook page and on Zoom
Date: 25–26 November 2021

Academic freedom is weakened and even challenged in many countries by various political, economic and religious powers. The indifference of the population for a freedom often perceived as a caste privilege aggravates this situation. It is therefore urgent to make academic freedom a public good that concerns all members of a society.

After a first part held last May, CEFRES is organising the second part of its 30th anniversary international conference on 25–26 November 2021 in Prague, together with its CEFRES Platform partners, Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences. The conference will be held at the Carolinum of Charles University and simultaneously online.

Download the presentation of the participants here!
Thursday, 25 November 2021

4:30–6:30 pm (English)

Welcome speeches
  • Lenka Rovná, Vice-Rector of Charles University
  • Alexis Dutertre, Ambassador of France in Czech Republic (to be confirmed)
  • Ondřej Beránek, Vice-President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, responsible for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Jérôme Heurtaux, Director of CEFRES

Film Screening: Science in Exile, by Pierre-Jérôme Adjedj and Pascale Laborier, 2020 (8’).

Round-Table: Is academic freedom a freedom of all?

Moderator: Pascale Laborier, Professor at University of Nanterre, Vice-President of Paris-Lumières University

  • Jiří Přibáň, Professor at Cardiff University
  • Pierre-Jérôme Adjedj, Photographer and Video Artist
  • Dilnur Reyhan, President of European Uyghur Institute
  • Olga Golubko, Emergency Program Manager at the Education Office for the New Belarus
  • Michal Vašečka, Program Director of Bratislava Policy Institute


Friday 26 November 2021

Scholars and institutions facing powers

9:30–11:15 (English)

Moderator: Alena Marková, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

  • Gábor Egry, Director of the Institute of Political History, Budapest The silence of the lambs? Cooptation, exclusion, rewarding: Means of creating a silenced academia in Hungary
  •  Piotr Forecki, Professor at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
    History on trial. The attack on Holocaust researchers in Poland 
  • Shamil Jeppie, Associate Professor at University of Cape Town Freedom and ethics in the academy
  • Cherine Hussein, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations, Prague                                                        Resistance Movements, Scholar-Activism and the Question of Solidarity

Coffee Break

Does New Public Management challenge scientific freedom?

11:30–13:00 (English)

Moderator: Mitchell Young, Assistant Professor, Institute of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University

  • Tereza Stöckelová, Researcher at the Institute of sociology of Czech Academy of Sciences
    Why academic freedom must be challenged
  • Michael Komm, Michaela Vojtková et Lukáš Dvořáček, Věda žije!
    When scientists are not playing fair and how to deal with it
  • Frédéric Sawicki, Professor of political science, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University                                                                                              The perverse effects of the managerial turn: The French experience


How to defend and protect academic freedom?

14:15–16:00 (French and English, with live translation)

Moderator: Jakob Vogel, Director of Marc Bloch Center, Berlin

  • Catherine Gousseff, Senior researcher at CNRS                                The exceptional welcome of the Russian academic exile in Prague (1920–1939): State policy and benefits of experiences
  • Pascale Laborier, Vice-President of Paris-Lumières University, Co-Founder of PAUSE                                                                                        Some lessons on hosting researchers in exile abroad
  •  Habib Mellakh, President of the Association tunisienne de défense des valeurs universitaires (ATDVU)                                              Challenging and defending academic freedom: The Tunisian experience
  • Béatrice Hibou, Senior researcher at CNRS – CERI-Sciences Po, Paris
    Some lessons from the support to Fariba Adelkhah, scientific prisoner in Iran

  Coffee Break

What to do? How to do?

16:30–18:00 (French and English, with live translation)

Moderator: Jérôme Heurtaux, Director of CEFRES

All Participants and, among others, Katia Boissevain, Director of IRMC (Tunis), Pierre Buhler, CAPS-MEAE, Adrien Delmas, Director of the Jacques Berque Center (Rabat), Adrien Fauve, Director of IFEAC (Bichkek), Anaïs Marin, Researcher at CCFEF, Warsaw and Special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, etc.

Download the presentation of the participants here!




Urban Movements and Local Politics in CEE countries: Recent Developments and Conceptual Ambivalences

International Workshop organized by the CEFRES, in cooperation with the Institute of Sociological Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague).

Date: 4–6 November 2021
Place: CEFRES, Prague and online (for the access, please contact: claire(@)
Language: English


Thursday, 4 November

17:30 Welcome speech

18:00 – 19:00 Keynote: Agnes Gagyi, University of Gothenburg, Housing struggles in Eastern Europe as a structural field of contention

19:00 Cocktails

Friday, 5 November

9:30 – 11:00 Housing crisis: Alternative housing and resisting actors 

Zsuzsanna Pósfai, Periféria Policy and Research Center, Potential financial mechanisms for new forms of affordable housing

Yuliya Moskvina, Ludmila Böhmova,  Charles University in Prague, Jakub Černý, University of Ostrava, Písnice as a space of resistance to privatization

Jakub Černý, University of Ostrava, Processes of (collective) resistence in the context of residential displacement in Czechia: Case study „Bedřiška”

Chair: Yoann Morvan (CNRS)

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 13:00 Urban initiatives and movements 

Alexandra Bitušíková, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Not in our town: Urban activism in Slovakia (The case of Banská Bystrica)

Justyna Kościńska, University of Warsaw, Theorizing urban movements in Pierre Bourdieu’s terms of capital and habitus

Klemen Ploštajner, University of Ljubljana, Between political and post-political: Two urban movements in Ljubljana

Chair: Ronan Hervouet (CEFRES / CNRS / Bordeaux University)

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break

14:30 – 16:00 Institutional formations in the cities: neoliberalism and beyond 

Michaela Pixová, Charles University in Prague, Governance of crises in crisis: Dialogue, cooperation and radical forms of democracy as a way of overcoming inaction

Václav Orcígr, Charles University in Prague, Recent development and planning in Prague – NGO perspective

Pavel Šuška, Slovak Academy of Sciences, From Local ideology to tactical urbanism and strategic integration: Changing place-frames within urban political landscape of post-socialist Bratislava

Svetlana Moskaleva, European University at St.Petersburg,  Institutionalization of urban planning in post-soviet Russia

Chair: Yuliya Moskvina (UK)

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break

16:30 – 17:30 Spatial practices 

Lýdia Grešáková, Zuzana Tabačková, Spolka, Spatial practices from the margins

Adela Petrovic, Greta Kukeli, Charles University in Prague, From a former industrial neighborhood to a creative-class oasis: A case study of Karlín, the inner-city neighborhood of Prague

Chair: Václav Orcígr (UK)

Saturday, 6 November

10:00 Critical urban tour at Karlín district with Jakub Nakládal (meeting at CEFRES)

For more information, see the call for papers: here.