Covid-19: Teleworking and Management

CEFRES invites you to its international roundtable on this topic:

What does the sanitary crisis tell about the changes in corporations and work organization?

Date: Thursday, March 25th, 2021, at 5.30PM
Place: Online (Zoom, see the link below)
Language: English

Organized by:

Vincent Montenero, Ph.D. in Management, Associate Researcher CEFRES / MIAS-CVUT

With a participation of these experts:

Cristina Cazorzi, Ph.D. in Management, EMEA Dispute Manager, Whirlpool
Daniel Prokop, Ph.D. in Sociology, Head of PAQ Research
Julie Landour, Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor, Paris Dauphine
Jean-François Chanlat, PhD in Sociology, Emeritus Professor, Paris Dauphine

The emergence of the COVID-19 crisis has deeply affected corporations in terms of management and labour relations. After a period of adaptation, most companies have put up several measures that have enabled them to meet their customers’ expectations. According to many managers, this unprecedented situation has been an accelerator of different trends, such as a rapid and sudden teleworking increase. It has also been a challenge making several necessary improvements: be more agile, question the frequency of business trips, change management methods, improve newcomers’ integration, etc.

Many questions arise:

– What will remain of these changes in the functioning of the companies after the crisis is over?

– How do employees adapt to these evolutions?

– What does the crisis do in terms of team cohesion, psychosocial risks, division of the employed population, poor integration of newcomers?

To answer these questions, this roundtable will gather experts from France and the Czech Republic who will present and discuss original data and analysis on corporations and labour relations in the present and the future.

Find the event on Facebook :

Access the live conference on Zoom:


Anger in Belarus, Cross Perspectives on an Unexpected Unrest

International Seminar/Webinar

Venue: CEFRES (Na Florenci 3, Prague 1) 
Date: September 16th 2020, 5-7pm
Organizer: CEFRES
Language: English

The seminar will take place simultaneously in person and online. Due to sanitary constraints, it is necessary to register to participate in person at the following address:

It is also possible to participate online at the following address:

The seminar will also be broadcast live on our Facebook page:


Since June 2020, Belarus has been experiencing a series of popular mobilizations that threaten the authoritarian regime of Alexander Lukashenko, in power since 1994. This largely unexpected event raises important questions that will be examined during this seminar: on the genesis of this unprecedented unrest and the factors that made it possible; on the characteristics, modalities and significations of the mobilizations; on their ability to enlist or not enlist the majority of the Belarusian population, on the already perceptible effects of the protest on the relations between Belarus and Russia and on the possible role to be played by the European Union, etc. The seminar will bring together researchers and experts from different countries in order to compare their analyses and different possible scenarii.

Moderation : 

Jérôme Heurtaux, Director of CEFRES, author of Pologne 1989. Comment le communisme s’est effondré, Codex, 2019.


Ronan Hervouet, Associate Professor at Bordeaux University, author of A Taste for Oppression. A Political Ethnography of Everyday Life in Belarus, Berghahn Books, to be published in 2021.

Anaïs Marin, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Researcher at the Warsaw University (Centre de Civilisation Française et d’Études Francophones CCFEF), and Associate Fellow at the Chattam House Russia and Eurasia Program.

Alena Marková, Assistant Professor at the department of historical sociology of the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University (Prague) and Researcher on national processes in Central and Eastern Europe. Her PhD thesis focused on Belarus : ’The Belarusization Episode’ in the Process of Formation of the Belarusian Nation”.

Daniela Kolenovská, Head of the Department of Russian and East European Studies, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. She specialises in modern Russian history and foreign policy. In this context, she also deals with the anti-Soviet alternative of Belarusian national development in exile since 1917.

Detailed presentation of the speakers

Ronan Hervouet is Associate Professor at Bordeaux University and Researcher at the Centre Émile Durkheim. He previously taught economics and social sciences at the European Humanities University in Minsk from 1999 to 2001 and was the French director of the Franco-Belarusian Center of political Sciences and European Studies in Minsk from 2009 to 2012. He has previously published a book on Belarus, entitled Datcha blues. Existences ordinaires et dictature en Biélorussie (Belin, 2009). His second book on Belarus has just been published in French (Le goût des tyrans. Une ethnographie politique du quotidien en Biélorussie, Le Bord de l’eau, 2020) and will be published in English in March 2021 (A Taste for Oppression. A Political Ethnography of Everyday Life in Belarus, Berghahn Books, 2021).

Alena Marková is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Historical Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (Czech Republic). Her main research interests cover contemporary history of Eastern Europe, nationalism, nation-building, national identity, and post-socialist transformation. Dr Marková is a main grantee and a project coordinator of many Czech and international academic projects (4EU+ European Universities Alliance, GAČR, SVV CU, and others). She is an Associate Editor of The Journal of Belarusian Studies (Brill). Alena Marková’s latest book “The Road Toward Soviet Nation. Nationality Policy of Belarussization, 1924-1929” (“Šliach da savieckaj nacyji. Palityka bielarusizacyji, 1924-1929”, Minsk 2016) received the best historical monograph of the year 2016 award in Belarusian studies by the expert council of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies (Warsaw).

How to build a Republic?

Date & Venue: 25 February 2020, 17h, Academic Conference Center (Husova 4a Prague 1)
Organizers:  Polish Institute in Prague, CEFRES & OIKOYMENH
Language: English (Czech translation)

Debate around the Czech translation and publication (2019) of the book Considerations on the Government of Poland of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1782).

Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Considerations on the government of Poland (1771) is the last political work of the philosopher, and the only one that had not yet been translated in Czech. It is an unique reflection on the republican regime of the Polish-Lithuanian state, which statements will be used again a few years later, during the American federalists talks on the means to create a liberal republic. 

With Polish, Czech and  French specialists of Rousseau:

  • Richard Butterwick-Pawlikowski (European Centre of Natolin, Varsovie)
  • Hana Fořtová (FLÚ AV ČR)
  • Gabrielle Radica (University of Lille)

Moderator: Jan Květina (Institute of History of the CAS)

To live on the margins of the city


On behalf of the 2020 Night of ideas and its theme: “Living the City”, CEFRES and the French Institute in Prague are organizing a roundtable on what it means to live and act in the context of the city nowadays.

Venue: CEFRES Library (Na Florenci 3, Prague 1)
Time: 3 pm
Organizers: CEFRES, French Institute in Prague
Language: English


  • Marianne Blidon, geographer, specialist in geography of sexualities and gay migrations
  • Eszter Gyorgy, sociologist, specialist in Roma minorities in Hungary
  • Yuliya Moskvina, PhD student in sociology, specialist in radical urban critique
  • Felipe K. Fernandes, PhD student in anthropology, specialist in Vietnamese migrations in the Czech Republic

Moderated by Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES Director)

Noble Elites and Promotion of the Industry in the 18th and 20th Century Europe

Preparatory Roundtable for the 23e International Congress of  Historical Sciences in Poznań 2020

Date & Venue: 31 October 2019, 13:00-17:00, CEFRES Library (Na Florenci 3, Prague 1)
Organizers: (Electro)technic History Laboratory (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ČVUT, Prague), CEFRES, Association of Historians of the Czech Republic, Association for Economic and Social History of the Czech Republic, Université Bordeaux Montaigne & École polytechnique, Paris
Language: French

I. Opening
  • Mathieu Wellhoff, Attaché of Scientific and University Cooperation (French Embassy, Czech Republic)
  • Jiří Kocian, Director of the Association of Historians of the Czech Republic & Deputy Director of the National Committee of Historical Sciences
  • Mme Marcela Efmertová, Director of the Association for Economic and Social History of the Czech Republic

II. Roundtable

  • Prof. Michel Figeac (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) : Noblesse et innovation économique au siècle des Lumières
  • Prof. Éric Godelier (École polytechnique de Paris) : Comment traiter de la nationalité en histoire des entreprises : quelques pistes de réflexion
  • Prof. Milan Hlavačka (Institut d’histoire de l’Académie tchèque des sciences, Prague) : Les Ringhoffer, une famille d’entrepreneurs anoblis (en anglais)
  • Prof. Marcela Efmertová (Université polytechnique de Prague) : František Křižík – membre de la Chambre haute du Parlement (Panská sněmovna), et l’électrification des Pays tchèques

 III. Discussion


This Preparatory Roundtable for the 23rd International Congress of  Historical Sciences in Poznań 2020 continues on Friday 1st of November 2019, from 10:00am, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Prague (room 80). See the full program (in French): Electrification and computer sciences in Czechoslovakia.

Who is afraid of Gender Studies?

Roundtable discussion with professors and young researchers in humanities and social sciences open to public

In the frame of the Night of Ideas 2019 (Nuit des idées) entitled “Facing the Present: Being or Not Being Feminist Today?” the French Institute in Prague and CEFRES are organizing a roundtable on the contemporary issues of feminism.

Venue: CEFRES Library (Na Florenci 3, Prague 1)
Time: 2-4pm
Organizers: Felipe Fernandes (PhD student at EHESS and associated PhD student at CEFRES) and Olga Slowik (PhD student at the Charles University and associated PhD student at CEFRES)
Language: English

Roundtable: Who is afraid of Gender Studies?

The already complex situation of gender studies in Central Europe has gotten even more complicated by the recent political changes, which consequences are the most visible in Poland and Hungary. On the other hand, the situation of this field in the Western world, including France, its academic recognition are often idealized by scholars from Czechia, Poland and Hungary. Is this really the case? What is the current place of gender studies in different countries? What are the challenges, obstacles, and controversies that they are facing nowadays?


  • Réjane Sénac (France)
  • Blanka Knotková-Čapková (Czech Republic)
  • Anikó Gregor (Hungary)

Moderated by Olga Slowik and Felipe Fernandes