The Notion of Interdisciplinarity in The Postmodern Condition

A session led by Edita Wolf

While grand narratives constructed by the means of metaphysical philosophy legitimate the modern condition of knowledge, incredulity toward metanarratives characterizes the postmodern condition. In his seminal text, Jean-François Lyotard explores the process of de-legitimation of knowledge claims vis-à-vis the end of grand narratives and the parallel emergence of a new legitimation secured in terms of performance and efficiency in the field of knowledge production. The system of disciplines rooted in speculative discourse is thereby replaced by practice justifiable only by the principles of performance and efficiency. On the basis of Lyotard’s text a revision is needed in relation to contemporary debates on theory of interdisciplinarity, where interdisciplinarity becomes either a political exigency or a notion that should yield a deeper meaning to the present status of knowledge production. Thus interdisciplinarity seems to work as a substitute for the old philosophical notions that is detached from the actual workings of today’s science. A re-reading of The Postmodern Condition, that is of an announcement of the end of the discipline of philosophy by a philosopher, will bring us to a reflection on interdisciplinarity as a particular practice that would not necessarily entail construction of a discourse of legitimation.


Jean-François Lyotard. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Translated by Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984 [1979].
Read the book or alternatively the introduction and pp. 31-70.


“Slowing down” Modernity: Risky, Futile or Progressive?

The IMS-CEFRES seminar “Between Areas and Disciplines” will host post-doctoral researcher
Filip Vostal (CEFRES & FLÚ AV ČR)
who will present his work on
“Slowing down” Modernity: Risky, Futile or Progressive?

Photo Marc BessinHis presentation will be discussed by French sociologist Marc Bessin  (director of IRIS-EHESS, editor-in-chief of the scholarly review Temporalités).

The seminar will be held in English.

Venue:  Carolinum – Small conference room (2nd floor), Ovocný trh 3, Prague 1.

Contact:  Paul Bauer & Clara Royer

Adrian Brisku: Political Economic Thought, Empire, and Nation-State

The IMS-CEFRES seminar “Between Areas and Disciplines” will host post-doctoral researcher Adrian Brisku (FSV UK), who will present his work on Political Economic Thought, Empire, and Nation-State – The Cases of Albania, Czecho/Slovakia and Georgia, c. 1880s to 1920s.

Xavier Bougarel - copieHis presentation will be discussed by French historian Xavier Bougarel (CETOBAC-EHESS and Marc Bloch Center, Berlin).

The seminar will be held in English.

Place: Jinonice, room 1037.

Regional Security Cooperation Arrangements in Europe

The IMS-CEFRES seminar “Between Areas and Disciplines” will host
who will present his work on
“Regional Security Cooperation Arrangements in Europe: Building Europe, Strengthening Transatlantic”

The presentation will be discussed by Tomaš Weiss PhD. (IMS FSV).

The seminar will be held in English.

Beyond Occidentalism: the Politics of Belonging in EU-Turkey relations

For the first session of our monthly research seminar,
Between Disciplines and Areas

Dr. Lucia NAJŠLOVÁ (FSV UK) will present her current research on the following topic:
Beyond Occidentalism
the Politics of Belonging in EU-Turkey Relations

Venue : Faculty of Social Sciences, Rytířská 31, room 201, 22.10.2015, 5 pm

This seminar is coorganized by CEFRES and the Institute for International studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences (Charles University of Prague)

Contact: &

The digital challenge of major cultural facilities

First meeting of the cycle Produce and share knowledge in the digital era, with:

  • Odile Grandet (general director for documentary equipment of the Campus Condorcet)
  • Mélanie Leroy-Terquem (National library of France, Gallica)
  • Candice Chenu (Quai Branly Museum, communication manager).