In the interstices of European citizenship (1)

In the interstices of European citizenship. Intra-European migrants and national diaspora policies in the European Union. I.

The multidisciplinary research workshop is organised in partnership between the Marc Bloch Centre in Berlin and CEFRES in Prague. It aims to bring together specialists in migration, European citizenship and transnational political practices to discuss the question of the ordinary relations of intra-European migrants to the policies of diaspora implemented, according to very different modalities, by their country of origin.

Session I (15.06.2022): Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191 – Berlin

When: Wednesday 15th June, 14:30–18:00
Where: Salle Germaine TillionCentre Marc Bloch, Berlin & online on Zoom :
Language: English
Organised by:
Cédric Pellen (University of Strasbourg/Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin)                                                                                                           CEFRES, Prague

You can download the updated program here.
See the description & program below.

Continue reading In the interstices of European citizenship (1)

The EU Environmental Policy

The EU Environmental Policy under the French and Czech Presidencies of the Council of the European Union

International Workshop c
o-organized by Palacký University, Olomouc (CZ), University Clermont Auvergne, and CEFRES, under the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union

When: Friday 20th May, 9:0015:40
Where: Faculty of Law, Palacký University, Olomouc & online :
Language: English
Arthur Thevenet
(Clermont Auvergne University)
Valentin Bayeh
(Clermont Auvergne University)

See the program below.

Continue reading The EU Environmental Policy

Household, kinship, intimacy: the reconfiguration of living together

Household, kinship, intimacy: the reconfiguration of living together

Ph students’ workshop, EHESS-CEFRES, CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 3, Prague

When: May 3, 2022, 9:30 am-6:00 pm
Where: At CEFRES and online
Language: English

Coordinators: Emmanuel Desveaux (EHESS), Falk Bretschneider (coordinator of the EHESS-CEFRES cooperation), Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES), Petr Gibas (CAS)

Supervisors: Valeria Siniscalchi (EHESS, centre Norbert Elias, Marseille), Chloé Mondémé (CNRS), Michèle Baussant (CEFRES), Claire Madl (CEFRES)

The conference will be at CEFRES and simultaneously on zoom:

Meeting ID: 835 1284 8136

Passcode: 975084

See the program below.

9h30 | Welcoming and presentation of the participants (Jérôme Heurtaux, Falk Breitschneider, Valeria Siniscalchi, Emmanuel Désveaux)

9h45 | Emmanuel Désveaux, What is a house ? An anthropological point of view.

10h45 | First general discussion

11h | Coffee break

11h15 | Barbora Kyereko, Cocoa and kinship among the matrilinear Akans of Ghana

12h | Véronique Gruca, Restoring balance after disruption. The organisation and reorganisation of daily life within a household of nomadic pastoralists in rural Mongolia

13h | Lunch

14h | Tuğba Gökduman, The (De)Sacralization of the Household: On Intimate Autonomy of Young Women in Contemporary Turkey

14h45 | Astrid Greve Kristensen, The Bosom of the House: Orphans’ Homes in Post-war Literature

15h30 | Coffee Break

15h45 | Vojtěch Pojar, Between “Reducing the Rural Overpopulation” and “Boosting the Aggregate Demand”: Great Depression and the Reconfiguration of Expert Debates about Rural Families and Their Reproductive Choices in Interwar Czechoslovakia

16h30 | Second general discussion

Transcultural Europe in the Global World

Transcultural Europe Narrated: Testimonies, Interviews, Life narratives in Humanities, Social and Political Sciences


Date: Thursday, April 7th, 2022
Location: CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 1420, Praha 1
Language: English and French

  • Chiara Mengozzi, Charles University
  • Ondřej Švec, Charles University

Workshop organized by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, with the collaboration of CEFRES.

Continue reading Transcultural Europe in the Global World

Ritualization of transgressions and normativities in the European Mediterranean public space

Workshop : Ritualization of transgressions and normativities in the European Mediterranean public space

When: Monday 28 February 2022, 10:30–17:00
Where: CEFRES and online (
Languages: French and English
Convenors: Michèle Baussant (CNRS, CEFRES), Yoann Morvan (CNRS, MESPOLHIS) and Alessandro Testa (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, associated at CEFRES),

This workshop focuses on the ritualization of transgressions and ‘normativities’ in Euro-Mediterranean public spaces. It aims to adopt an anthropological approach to contemporary European religious phenomena and rituals, both as factors of cultural, symbolic, and spatial sharing and division in Euro-Mediterranean spaces. In particular, the discussions will question the processes of secularism and secularization, of “de-secularization” or “re-enchantment,” or of political and/or social maintaining of the religious. The focus will also encompass the logics of encounters, hybridizations, tensions, and transgressions between different religious actors and practices, both in the case of majority groups and those in minorities, within public spaces that are often pluralistic and pluricultural, in Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe.


10:30–12:00 – Roundtable (in French)
Ritualization of transgressions and forms of normativities in Euro-Mediterranean public spaces: anthropological approaches

  • Dionigi Albera (CNRS, IDEMEC)
  • Alessandro Testa (Charles University)
  • Yoann Morvan (CNRS, MESPOLHIS)
  • Ronan Hervouet (CEFRES / University of Bordeaux)
  • Viola Teisenhoffer (Charles University / Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)


  • Michèle Baussant (CNRS, CEFRES)
  • Jérôme Heurtaux (CEFRES / Paris Dauphine University)

14:00–15:30(in English)
Ritualization of transgressions and forms of normativities in public spaces in Central Europe

  • Martin Pehal (Charles University)
  • Viola Teisenhoffer (Charles University / Eötvös Loránd University)
  • Agata Ładykowska (Charles University / Polish Academy of Sciences)


  • Dionigi Albera (CNRS, IDEMEC)

16:00–17:00(in English)
Presentation of Alessandro Testa’s book,
Rituality and Social (Dis)Order: The Historical Anthropology of Popular Carnival in Europe (Routledge, 2020)

  • Alessandro Testa (Charles University)
  • Dionigi Albera (CNRS, IDEMEC)
  • Martin Pehal (Charles University)

Illustration: Martin Pehal

Displaced Memories & Memories of Displacement

Displaced Memories & Memories of Displacement.
Vanquished Others, Silenced Past, and the Burden of Implication in the 21st Century

An International Workshop organized by the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Strategy AV21 and CEFRES

This two-day Workshop seeks to provide a comparative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary platform to discuss many cases of how the silenced heritage of the displaced populations in Europe and beyond is being negotiated in the present day. Breaking away from the traditional nation-centred orientation, we will focus on the memories of displacement, focusing on the people who were forced to abandon their homelands and previous lives and to re-establish their lives and homes elsewhere, as well as on the displaced memories about the violent removal, both symbolic and physical, of the vanquished others from their social spaces.

Organizing committee: Michèle Baussant (CEFRES, CNRS, ICM), Maria Kokkinou (Charles University, CEFRES) and Johana Wyss (Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES).
For more information about 2020-2021 Tandem Team’s project, see here.
For more information about the Tandem programme, see here.

Date: 9th – 11th of June 2021
Venue: Villa Lanna, Prague and online, you will find the links below.
Language: English

Please find the full argument of the Conference and the list of the participants here. 


Wednesday 9th of June 2021

Link to join the webinar:
ID: 813 5797 9512

 17:00 – 17:20: Welcome remarks by CAS representatives and CEFRES representatives

17:20 – 18:30: Keynote: Legacies of Forced Displacements and the Burden of Implication in the 21st Century by Johana Wyss, CAS / CEFRES

18:30 – 20:00: Evening reception  

Thursday 10th of June 2021 – First day of the Workshop

Link to join the webinar:
ID: 860 4318 6862

8:30 – 9:00: Registration

9:00 – 9:10: Welcome by the organizers & housekeeping

9:10 – 9:20: Introduction by Michèle Baussant

9:20 – 10:50: Panel 1, Dissonant Heritages: Victims, Bystanders and Unrecognized Heroes

Talking about Jews in Poland: An interactional, ethnographic perspective, Thomas Van de Putte, University of Trento

Salonica – Thessaloniki: Holocaust survivors & memories of absence, Kateřina Králová, Charles University

Unrecognized Heroes and Conflicting Historical Heritage, Michal Pavlásek, Czech Academy of Sciences

Chair, Evelyne Ribert, IIAC, CNRS, EHESS, ICM fellow

10:50 – 11:20: Break (30 minutes)

11:20 – 12:30: Panel 2, Politics of National Identity and Vivid Memories

Newcomers in Czech Western Silesia 1945-1960: Between “old” and “new” identity, Ondřej Kolář, the Silesian Museum in Opava

Contested heritage of Istria. Between conflict nationalisation processes, identity foundations and bridges, Katja Hrobat Virloget, University of Primorska

Chair, Rose Smith, Charles University

12:30 – 13:40: Lunch Break (70 minutes)

13:40 – 15:10: Panel 3, Unmaking Belonging, Making “Internal Strangers”

Namibian Czechs – their identity and search for home, Kateřina Mildnerová, Palacký University Olomouc

Memories and relationship to otherness in contemporary Portuguese society: The case of displaced populations following the independence of African colonies, Irène Dos Santos, URMIS, CNRS, Université de Paris, ICM Fellow

“And then they all left.” Recollection of forced migration and negotiation of the past in three-generation families of Germans in the Czech Republic, Jana Nosková, Czech Academy of Sciences

Chair, Kateřina Čapková, Czech Academy of Sciences

 15:10 – 15:30: Break (20 minutes)

15:30 – 17:00: Panel 4, Memoryscapes of Displacements

Landscape and the memory of loss and absence in Germany, Austria and Czech Republic, Paul Bauer, Charles University

Contested heritage and progressive nostalgia in the urban centres of northern Istria, Neža Čebron Lipovec, University of Primorska

Saving German heritage in Central Europe: discourse, praxis, challenges. Mapping patrimonialisation efforts around Podersam/ Podbořany, Catherine Perron, CERI-Sciences Po

Chair, Anežka Brožová, Charles University

18:30 – 21:00: Evening Reception

Friday 11th of June 2021: Second Day of the Workshop

Link to join the webinar: ID: 844 4007 6725

9:00- 9:10: Opening of the second day

9:10 – 10:20: Panel 5, Sites of Memory Without “milieux de mémoire”

Returning as a minority experience? A comparison between Albanians and Jews in Greece during the first decade of the 21th century, Pierre Sintès, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, TELEMME, Aix-en-Provence, France

An absence that still matters:  Jews in Egypt and Egypt inside the Jews, Michèle Baussant, CEFRES, ISP, CNRS, ICM Fellow

Chair, Barbora Spalová, Charles University

10:20 – 10:40: Break (20 minutes)

10:40 – 11:50: Panel 6, Relating to the Past of Displacement: When “History” and Remembrance Begin with Artefacts

Displacement of the sources: The circulation of historical documents during the post-WWII decades, Máté Zombory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Greek exiles, communist legacies and heritages of waiting in the Czech Republic and Central Europe, Maria Kokkinou, CEFRES, Charles University

Chair, Filip Herza, Czech Academy of Sciences

11:50 – 12:20: Closing remarks Michèle Baussant, Maria Kokkinou, Johana Wyss

12.30 – 13:30: Farewell lunch