War in Ukraine and exile

The scientific workshop “War in Ukraine and exile” will bring together European researchers to present the preliminary results of their interviews and observations conducted after 24 February 2022 among exiles from three countries: Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. The presentations of papers will address the following themes: trajectories of exiles (mobilised networks, successive displacements), exile experiences (emotions, intimacy), forms of politicisation (ordinary and institutional), interactions between different exiled communities, relations between exiles and host societies/states, relations with relatives left at home, representations and imaginaries associated with the war and its consequences. The workshop is organised in the framework of the BIELEXIL research project. The latter is financed by the flash grant dedicated to Ukraine from the French Collaborative Institute on Migration (Institut Convergences Migrations, ICM).

Date: Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th of May 2023
Location: CEFRES library & online (send an email to cefres[@]cefres.cz to get the link)
Organizers: CEFRES (CNRS-MEAE) in partnership with :
CED (Centre Émile Durkheim) (CNRS-Université de Bordeaux)
CERCEC  (Centre d’études russes, caucasiennes, est-européennes et centre-asiatiques) (CNRS-EHESS)
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme
GDR Connaissance de l’Europe médiane (CNRS)
Institut Convergences Migrations (soutien financier de l’Institut Convergences MIGRATIONS porté par le CNRS, portant la référence ANR-17-CONV-0001)
ISP (Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique) (CNRS-Université Paris Nanterre-ENS Paris Saclay)
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation – Programme PARCECO, France
University of Tartu
: English
Convenors: Ronan Hervouet, Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina, Tatyana Shukan

Click here to read the abstracts of presentations and the biographies of participants and discussants.



9:00 : Registration
9:30 : Opening remarks : Mateusz Chmurski, Director of CEFRES
9:45 : General introduction : Ronan Hervouet, Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina, Tatyana Shukan

Panel 1a “Exile politics”

  • Hervé AMIOT (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) : “How does Ukrainian exodus reshape Ukrainian diaspora in France?”
  • Magdalena LESINSKA (University of Warsaw), Marta JAROSZEWICZ (University of Warsaw), Kseniya HOMEL (University of Warsaw) : “Belarusian political diaspora after 24.02.2022: between democratisation and stateness”

Discussion by Alena MARKOVA (Charles University, Prague)

11:00-11:20 : Coffee break

11:20-12:30 : Panel 1b “Exile politics”

  • Ekaterina PIERSON-LYZHINA (Université libre de Bruxelles/CEFRES) : “Party politics promotion and recognition of the opposition-in-exile. Influence on the alliance-building of the opposition in exile”
  • Andrey MAKARYCHEV (University of Tartu) : “New Russian Immigrants in Estonia: Between Exile and Opposition”

Discussion by Aliaksei KAZHARSKI (Charles University, Prague)

12:30-14:00 : Lunch

14:00-15:10 : Panel 2  “Legacies of the past” 

  • Olga BRONNIKOVA (Université Grenoble Alpes) : “’Wherever they go, Russians will always find a reason to feel discriminated’”
  • Catherine GOUSSEFF (CERCEC/CNRS) : “When history is reversed : the reception of Ukrainians in Poland in the light of the past”

Discussion by Thomas CHOPARD (EHESS /Charles University, Prague)

15:10-15:30 : Coffee break

15:30-17:15 : Panel 3 “Solidarities”

  • Perrine POUPIN (AAU, CNRS) : “Poland’s Solidarity movement with Ukraine. Findings from a Field Trip in Gdansk in November 2022”
  • Agnieszka FIHEL (Ined/ICMigrations) and Kseniya HOMEL (University of Warsaw) : “Belarusian and Ukrainian diaspora engagement in France and Poland: between cooperation and competition”
  • Françoise DAUCÉ (EHESS) and Anne LE HUÉROU (Université de Nanterre) : “Accompanying Ukrainian refugees on the road to exile (Russia, Estonia, Latvia)”

Discussion by Ioulia SHUKAN (Université de Nanterre)



8:45 : Opening of the second day of the workshop

9:00-10:10 : Panel 4 “Trajectories of academics”

  • Dorota DAKOWSKA (Sciences Po Aix): “Fleeing the bombs and under pressure. Ukrainian academics in exile”
  • Pascale LABORIER (Université de Nanterre), Ioan SUHOV (Dublin City University), Pierre LECERF (Université Rennes 2 / CEFRES): “A collective deep map representation tool to produce knowledge on intellectual exile”

Discussion by Daniela KOLENOVSKA (Charles University, Prague)

10:10-10:30 : Coffee break

10:30-12:15 : Panel 5 ”Living the exile”

  • Tatyana SHUKAN (Université libre de Bruxelles/CEFRES) : “(Re)living the exile: Belarusian exiles in the face of  the war in Ukraine”
  • Bella OSTROMOOUKHOVA (Sorbonne Université), Timur ATNASHEV (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès/Pause program), Anna ZAYTSEVA (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès) : “Russian wartime emigration: places and milieus of an archipelago?”
  • Ronan HERVOUET (Université de Bordeaux/ CEFRES) : “The war in Ukraine and the impossible return of Belarusian exiles”

Discussion by Michèle Baussant (CEFRES, CNRS/ICMigrations)

12:15-12:30 : Closing remarks